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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog"
Bob Seger Wrote:Well no, personally I didn't see any humor to it, but I was just curious as to what your angle was here.
Don't you find it odd that large numbers of animals are dying around the world in less than a weeks time?
One thing that is confusing me in this thread is the thief in the night verse, and the signs of the rapture. A thief doesn't leave clues for when he's going to strike, he just does. It just seems to me that if their was to be an invasion of Isreal, along with say some natural disaters, that it would be pretty easy to give an estimated time frame of the rapture. I don't know, those two things just seem like a contradiction to me.
First, I would like to explain that the second coming of Christ will be at the end of the Tribulation Period. The rapture will occur around seven years before the second coming of Christ. Grant Jeffrey explained this on his show. I personally didn't realize this until Grant Jeffrey taught me.

This can be pretty tough to understand. Do you guys understand? The rapture will occur before the Tribulation Period. The second coming of Christ will occur after the Tribulation Period. Usually when they're talking about "the end of days", the bible is talking about the second coming of Christ, not the rapture. The rapture will be around seven years sooner.

nky Wrote:Don't you find it odd that large numbers of animals are dying around the world in less than a weeks time?

I thought I heard a really good explanation for the large numbers of animals dying around the world. I heard that the magnetic field of the Earth is slightly changing, which can possibly create problems for the birds and fish when they migrate. Therefore, I'm guessing they died because they went the wrong direction (because of the changing magnetic field) and died of exhaustion.

By the way, I think it's normal for the magnetic field of the Earth to change every now and then. Although, I thought I heard that it might get more frequent and worse over time, possibly because of the use of electronics.

Scott Hall Wrote:One thing that is confusing me in this thread is the thief in the night verse, and the signs of the rapture. A thief doesn't leave clues for when he's going to strike, he just does. It just seems to me that if their was to be an invasion of Isreal, along with say some natural disaters, that it would be pretty easy to give an estimated time frame of the rapture. I don't know, those two things just seem like a contradiction to me.

Here's Matthew 24:43-44:

"43) But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44) Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."

Jesus coming back will be like a thief in the night. No one will accurately say what day, month, and even year when Jesus will come back. However, the Bible gives us prophecies that hint to us that the rapture and second coming of Christ is near. That's why in Matthew 24:43, Jesus says that if you knew the event was going to eventually happen, then you would watch for it. The reason for this is that God is allowing us, with bible prophecies, to hint to us that the rapture and second coming of Christ might be soon. What we have to do is watch for it.
The reason why bible prophecies are significant are because it's a specific prediction from about 2,000 years ago becoming fulfilled. How could a person living 2,000 years ago accurately predict a specific event that took place just recently? It could just be a coincidence, but what does it mean when there are two, three, or more predictions that were fulfilled? If there were multiple predictions that were fulfilled, then you have to assume that this isn't from coincidence. Therefore, if the people of the Old Testament of the Bible is predicting multiple future events, then their source (the God of the bible) must exist. Not only that, but also if they said anything about the "end of days", then it can be assumed that we could be near the rapture and second coming of Christ.

I recently have made a list of Bible prophecies. Keep in mind that all these Bible prophecies that I'm only listing have been fulfilled recently. In this list, I first have the Bible prophecy. In parenthesis ( ), I have the Bible verse where the Bible predicts this event. In brackets [ ], I have a website or notes for a source that the Bible prophecy has been fulfilled. For some of these Bible prophecies, there are bullets for extra information. By the way, before I give this list, I want to tell you to look all this information up. PLEASE, don't trust me at all on this. Look at the Bible verses yourself, the sources and notes I've provided, and any sources that you might want to look up yourself. If there's something that you don't like, that's fine. Feel free to post any comments in this thread. And I also have to say that a lot of credit goes to Grant Jeffrey in writing The Signature of God because I sometimes took direct words from his book and pasted them here. Here's the list:

  1. The Rebirth of Israel (Matthew 24:32-35, Jeremiah 30:3, Isaiah 66:8, Ezekiel 36:24, Ezekiel 36:28, and Ezekiel 37:21) [fulfilled here]
  2. Predictions About the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Psalm 83:2-8) [fulfilled here]
    -> a) You might want to check Psalm 83:2-8. I'm not sure if Psalm 83:2-8 is talking about the nation of Israel remade in 1948 AD or about the nation of Israel before it was destroyed in 722 BC.
  3. The Miraculous Restoration of the Hebrew Language (Zephaniah 3:9a) [fulfilled here]
  4. The Return of Ethiopian Jews to Israel (Zephaniah 3:10, Isaiah 43:6) [fulfilled here]
  5. The Astonishing Fertility of Israel (Isaiah 27:6, Ezekiel 36:28-30) [fulfilled here]
  6. The Gospel Will Be Preached in All the World (Matthew 24:14) [fulfilled here and read the following bullets for information]
    -> a) I couldn’t really find a specific website for this, although I have found something. The link that I provided above is a link about Chistianity. In this webpage, it states this about Christian history: “Becoming common to all of Europe in the Middle Ages, it expanded throughout the world during the Age of Exploration. Christianity has thus become the world's largest religion.” I’m not really sure if this is solid proof, though. I encourage you to decide for yourself if this bible prophecy has been fulfilled or not… And in the future, I hopefully will find something about this and post it here.
  7. Dramatic Increase in Knowledge and Travel (Daniel 12:4) [read following bullet for information]
    -> a) I would guess that I don’t need a source for this. We all know that humanity has gained a lot of knowledge in the past 150 years with the invention of the phone, television, radio, cars, steamboats, planes, computers, the internet, etc. And with some of those inventions (faster-moving boats, planes, cars), we can now travel in less time and in longer distances than in the past.
  8. Preparations for the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-18) [fulfilled: here, read the first paragraph of the subtitle “Security concerns”, the subtitle “Government Control”, and the fourth paragraph of the subtitle “Human implants”]
    -> a) Revelation 13:16-18 states that during the Tribulation Period (after the rapture), there will be a time when no one can buy or sell without the mark of the Antichrist. Back then when this was predicted, it most likely sounded idiotic to say something like that. Back then, they obviously didn’t have the technology to do anything like that. However, we have the technology today to create a global economic system (proof for this can be found in the link above).
    -> b) The bible prophecy about the mark of the beast being made will occur after the rapture. I just wanted to show that this technology is available to the world right now, and this technology can be used at any moment to create the mark of the beast.
  9. Worldwide Mass Communications (Revelation 11:3-12) [fulfilled: CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, etc.]
    -> a) Here’s what John the disciple prophesied in Revelation 11:3-12 -> During the Tribulation Period the Antichrist will kill two of God’s witnesses who will stop the rain from falling for three and a half years. The prophet declared that people around the world will see the deaths of the two witnesses and will observe their bodies lying unburied in Jerusalem for three and a half days. The whole world will hold a party, exchanging gifts in their relief that their tormentors are dead. Then the human population will watch, astonished, as God resurrects His two witnesses to heaven.
    -> b) The question about this bible prophecy concerning the two witnesses is, how could the entire world see these two witnesses dead? And then, how could the entire world watch as God resurrects the two witnesses to heaven? This couldn’t be possible back when John lived, so it probably was ridiculous to predict something like this. However, we have television today that can update us on worldwide events. We even have live television today to where people would be able to watch the two witnesses go to heaven during the actual time it’s taking place.
    -> c) The bible prophecy for the two witnesses won’t take place until after the rapture. However, I want to point out that we do have the ability today to watch events that happen around the world, which allows this bible prophecy to be fulfilled. This means that the bible prophecy concerning the two witnesses could be fulfilled at anytime.
    -> d) I've just read the bible verse for this. I'm not sure if it predicts that the entire world will see the two witnesses dead and will watch them go to heaven, so I encourage you to definitely decide for yourself... In other words, this Bible prophecy might not be predicting what I said it was predicting. I'll make sure to look more at this.

The point I'm trying to prove is, how could people from 2,000 years ago predict these specific events from happening? Unless, God exists and he told them what to write down. Since God knows the future, he would know what to write down.

Also, if you've noticed, some of these Bible prophecies say that they will be fulfilled during the end times. This is why I really think that the rapture may happen soon, or maybe at least in our lifetime. Just remember to financially live as if the rapture will never happen, but live for Christ as if he's coming soon!
^I know the above post has a lot to read and look up, but I encourage all of you to read it. I definitely encourage all of you to look all of that information up yourself also. It's the reason why I like to learn about Bible prophecy and also why I think the rapture and second coming of Christ could be soon.

By the way, about why Glenn Beck thinks our country might be going into economic trouble this year, I've found a video that I thought you might be interested in. I think it's about the decline of our country's currency that he focuses on. If you're interested, here's the video:

[YOUTUBE="Glenn Beck talking about U.S. economy"]<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Also, here's a website about this also:
I definitely don't want to bother anyone with this, but I would like to make one last post here (unless someone asks a question or something like that). I'm not at all trying to get anyone to post here or anything like that. It's just that if this list is what I think it is, then it's very important. I'm begging you guys to at least look at this list along with the sources I've put here and any other sources you would like to check. Again, you definitely don't have to post. I'm not really expecting any of you to post here. But please see whether or not these bible prophecies have came true. I try to tell people about this, but it seems like they don't understand or aren't interested about it. Please, look at these bible prophecies.

  1. The Rebirth of Israel (Matthew 24:32-35, Jeremiah 30:3, Isaiah 66:8, Ezekiel 36:24, Ezekiel 36:28, and Ezekiel 37:21) [fulfilled here]
  2. The Miraculous Restoration of the Hebrew Language (Zephaniah 3:9a) [fulfilled here]
  3. The Return of Ethiopian Jews to Israel (Zephaniah 3:10, Isaiah 43:6) [fulfilled here]
  4. The Astonishing Fertility of Israel (Isaiah 27:6, Ezekiel 36:28-30) [fulfilled here]
  5. The Gospel Will Be Preached in All the World (Matthew 24:14) [fulfilled here and read the following bullets for information]
    -> a) I couldn’t really find a specific website for this, although I have found something. The link that I provided above is a link about Chistianity. In this webpage, it states this about Christian history: “Becoming common to all of Europe in the Middle Ages, it expanded throughout the world during the Age of Exploration. Christianity has thus become the world's largest religion.” I’m not really sure if this is solid proof, though. I encourage you to decide for yourself if this bible prophecy has been fulfilled or not… And in the future, I hopefully will find something about this and post it here.
  6. Dramatic Increase in Knowledge and Travel (Daniel 12:4) [read following bullet for information]
    -> a) I would guess that I don’t need a source for this. We all know that humanity has gained a lot of knowledge in the past 150 years with the invention of the phone, television, radio, cars, steamboats, planes, computers, the internet, etc. And with some of those inventions (faster-moving boats, planes, cars), we can now travel in less time and in longer distances than in the past.
  7. Preparations for the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-18) [fulfilled: here, read the first paragraph of the subtitle “Security concerns”, the subtitle “Government Control”, and the fourth paragraph of the subtitle “Human implants”]
    -> a) Revelation 13:16-18 states that during the Tribulation Period (after the rapture), there will be a time when no one can buy or sell without the mark of the Antichrist. Back then when this was predicted, it most likely sounded idiotic to say something like that. Back then, they obviously didn’t have the technology to do anything like that. However, we have the technology today to create a global economic system (proof for this can be found in the link above).
    -> b) The bible prophecy about the mark of the beast being made will occur after the rapture. I just wanted to show that this technology is available to the world right now, and this technology can be used at any moment to create the mark of the beast.
Its not something anyone wants to sit down and think about, and honestly not really something anyone wants to come to terms with as actually being "close". I mean if you really sit down and think about it, its kind of scary. But you hit the nail on the head. Amen to you brother! Nice post.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:^I know the above post has a lot to read and look up, but I encourage all of you to read it. I definitely encourage all of you to look all of that information up yourself also. It's the reason why I like to learn about Bible prophecy and also why I think the rapture and second coming of Christ could be soon.

By the way, about why Glenn Beck thinks our country might be going into economic trouble this year, I've found a video that I thought you might be interested in. I think it's about the decline of our country's currency that he focuses on. If you're interested, here's the video:

[YOUTUBE="Glenn Beck talking about U.S. economy"]<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Also, here's a website about this also:

The Bible speaks of this as well
CandyKane Wrote:Its not something anyone wants to sit down and think about, and honestly not really something anyone wants to come to terms with as actually being "close". I mean if you really sit down and think about it, its kind of scary. But you hit the nail on the head. Amen to you brother! Nice post.


I know you guys are probably tired of me posting in this thread, but I really quickly wanted to post something. Have you guys seen the protests and riots from around the world? I think there have been or currently are protests or riots in Tunisia, Jordan, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, and Albania in the past year. Is this a coincidence for all of this to happen? For those bible prophecies to have been fulfilled in around the past 100 years and for the world today to be in the chaos it's in (which the bible says the Tribulation Period will be the worst time ever in history), is all of this just coincidence? Again, I'm not sure if the rapture will happen soon or 1,000 years from now, but look at the proof! Please, make sure you're ready.

By the way, Glenn Beck said that this year, our country will go into chaos just like these other countries. He's even said a few times that it will be worse than the Great Depression. If this does happen, remember not to join the protesters or riots! Instead, come together as a community and help each other out. It's important to remember that violence is never the answer. I know this sounds odd and you guys can call me crazy, but please remember this if our country does get into trouble.
I hope you guys don't mind if I post some more information about the rapture in this thread. I've recently watched a Glenn Beck show where he talked about the 12th Imam. It's very interesting to learn about the 12th Imam. I encourage you to watch this following video. It links the 12th Imam to the Tribulation Period of the Bible.

I don't want this video to be anything political. Therefore, I'm asking you to please only watch these following parts that I recommend you to watch. Don't get me wrong, please feel free to watch all of this video if you want to. But please don't make this into anything about republicans or democrats. I want this discussion to just be about bible prophecy. Here are the parts of this video that I ask you to watch:

0:00 - 3:10
12:10 - 39:55 <-- This is the most important.

[YOUTUBE="The Twelfth Imam"]<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
To be organized, I wanted to put all of this information together in one post. Here's all the information:


1. List of Bible Prophecies:

First, I would like to talk about six bible prophecies that I've recently found. These bible prophecies are predictions from the bible and have recently been fulfilled. I've put links to the bible verses and put links that show these bible predictions have came true.

  1. The Rebirth of Israel (Matthew 24:32-35, Jeremiah 30:3, Isaiah 66:8, Ezekiel 36:24, Ezekiel 36:28, and Ezekiel 37:21) [fulfilled here]
  2. The Miraculous Restoration of the Hebrew Language (Zephaniah 3:9a) [fulfilled here]
  3. The Return of Ethiopian Jews to Israel (Zephaniah 3:10, Isaiah 43:6) [fulfilled here]
  4. The Astonishing Fertility of Israel (Isaiah 27:6, Ezekiel 36:28-30) [fulfilled here]
  5. The Gospel Will Be Preached in All the World (Matthew 24:14) [fulfilled here and read the following bullets for information]
    -> a) I couldn’t really find a specific website for this, although I have found something. The link that I provided above is a link about Chistianity. In this webpage, it states this about Christian history: “Becoming common to all of Europe in the Middle Ages, it expanded throughout the world during the Age of Exploration. Christianity has thus become the world's largest religion.” I’m not really sure if this is solid proof, though. I encourage you to decide for yourself if this bible prophecy has been fulfilled or not… And in the future, I hopefully will find something about this and post it here.
  6. Dramatic Increase in Knowledge and Travel (Daniel 12:4) [read following bullet for information]
    -> a) I would guess that I don’t need a source for this. We all know that humanity has gained a lot of knowledge in the past 150 years with the invention of the phone, television, radio, cars, steamboats, planes, computers, the internet, etc. And with some of those inventions (faster-moving boats, planes, cars), we can now travel in less time and in longer distances than in the past.


2. A Bible Prophecy concerning Global Government:

Both Grant Jeffrey and Glenn Beck have been claiming that there are people who are trying to create a global government. When considering whether or not this is the truth, we first have to see if there are people who are really trying to create a world government.

According to a book I have called "Shadow Government" by Grant Jeffrey, there are people today who are working to create a global government. Jeffrey also mentions an organization on his TV-show. The organization that he points out is the Club of Rome. The Club of Rome wrote a book called "The First Global Revolution" that encourages a one-world government. I've read a little bit. Here's the link to the book if you're interested:

Another thing to point out is what Glenn Beck has been saying. In the past few months, I've been watching Glenn Beck's show, but not for anything political. It's because he claims that there is a group of global elites who want global government, and he has provided proof on his show. Here are the three shows where he provided quite a bit of proof:

Day 1: Glenn Beck and George Soros
Day 2: Glenn Beck and George Soros
Day 3: Glenn Beck and George Soros

Glenn Beck has continued on his show to explain that there are people who want a one-world government.

If you've looked this information up, you know that there are people who would like a one-world government. The entire reason why I became interested in whether or not there was a group of people trying to create a one-world government is because the bible talks about a one-world government during the Tribulation Period. If a one-world government is being made today, it's very possible that the rapture could be soon. And this is why I've became very interested in bible prophecy in the past few months.


3. Global Economic Collapse

I wanted to mention this because it's linked with the one-world government bible prophecy above. It all starts with the collapse of the United States economy. It involves the national debt of our country. Here's a video that might help:

[YOUTUBE="Glenn Beck talking about U.S. economy"]<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Also, here's a website about this also:

We live in a world today that involves where countries are dependent on each other to buy their goods. Such as, China is dependent on us to buy their goods. If we had an economic collapse, China would have economic trouble. Afterward, China couldn't buy as much and therefore other countries that needed China to buy their goods would also begin to economically collapse. In the end, the entire global economic system will have collapsed. It's similar to dominoes. Once the United States has an economic collapse, everyone else will as well.

The main reason why I've been finding out whether or not there will be a global economic collapse is because this would be an opportunity to create a one-world government. If everyone around the globe was in economic turmoil, it could be proposed that a leader or group of people to fix and manage the economy of the world. In other words, a global government would be proposed. Something to mention is how much chaos there would be in a global economic collapse. Do you guys see how I'm linking this with the Tribulation Period? Here's how I think all this links together:

Global economic collapse --> Worldwide chaos --> Tribulation Period / One-world government


4. The 12th Imam

I also wanted to mention the 12th Imam from Islam. The following video involves Glenn Beck explaining the 12th Imam. I don't want this video to be anything political. Therefore, I'm asking you to please only watch these following parts that I recommend you to watch. Here are the parts of this video that I ask you to watch:

0:00 - 3:10
12:10 - 39:55 <-- This is the most important.

[YOUTUBE="The Twelfth Imam"]<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
You're making vague connections that historically has happen many times. Watch out for the doom and gloomers- They'll connect the dots and the sheep will see what they want.
Just as a group of people did before 1865:
"Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel. " (1 Peter 2:18)

"Slaves, obey your human masters in everything; don't work only while being watched, in order to please men, but work wholeheartedly, fearing the Lord." (Colassians 3:22)
The end is near. I thank God for my salvation and try to guide as many as I can toward God's truth. It's sort of a scary concept for me to fathom but I rest assured in the fact that I will go to heaven.
Every year there is people claiming the end is near.
Luke 12:39-40 (NIV) "But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."

In this video, Glenn Beck talks about new alliances. One of the alliances I want to point out is between Turkey, Iran, and Russia. Glenn Beck thinks this could be the alliance for the battle of Gog and Magog.

Glenn Beck said that the battle of Gog and Magog is from the book of Revelation, but I'm pretty sure it isn't. I think it's from Ezekiel 38-39.
What I'm about to post, please don't let this effect your decision on whether or not we're about to enter an economic collapse. Also, please don't let this effect your preparation for an economic collapse.

I asked all of you to remember the prediction that I made. I also asked all of you to please read my posts about the rapture if my prediction came true. Here's my prediction:

Deathstar 80 Wrote:I would like for all of you to remember something for me, if you don't mind. I would like to predict that this year, our country will experience a bad economic collapse which will also greatly effect the world's economy. When this happens, please look at the posts that I made about bible prophecy. Again, please remember my prediction so that if it does happen this year (and it will, because I've done the research myself and I know what Glenn Beck has been talking about), then know that the rapture very much could be near.

I also added to my prediction that there will be unrest and, most likely, violent protests.

Here's the thread where I made that prediction:

The reason why I'm posting this is that I hope that you now trust me enough that you'll look at why I think the rapture could soon occur. The purpose of why I'm trying to explain that the rapture might occur soon is that I'm hoping that it will encourage some of you to give your life to Christ before it's too late. And for those of you who are already saved, I'm hoping that this information will encourage you to talk to others about Christ before it's too late.

And I want to make this clear that I'm not telling anyone to sell their house, quit their job, etc. As a matter of fact, I greatly discourage that. I can never predict when the rapture will occur, and I definitely could be wrong about this. Therefore, please don't sell your house, quite your job, or anything like that. Please continue to plan for the future as if the rapture isn't going to happen, because it might not.

We've discussed here on whether or not there's going to be an economic collapse. I have argued that there will be. But please don't take my word for it. Please research this issue for yourself. It's the only way that you can know the truth 100%. As I'm sure that many of you know, I've argued that we're about to enter an economic collapse. Here's the thread that I made my case for this discussion.

Since this post is too lengthy, I had to post two times. Sorry if this causes inconvenience.
Here's the rest of my post:

The question that comes to everyone's mind about whether or not the rapture is about to occur is, "Why now? What makes this time different than the times of the past?"

These are great questions that must be answered by those who say the rapture could happen soon.

Here's my points of why I personally think this time is unique and that the rapture could happen soon:

1. A List of Bible Prophecies Fulfilled in our Generation

I would like to first point out a lit of bible prophecies that have been fulfilled since the 1940's. Here are the bible prophecies:

1) The Rebirth of Israel (Matthew 24:32-35, Jeremiah 30:3, Isaiah 66:8, Ezekiel 36:24, Ezekiel 36:28, and Ezekiel 37:21) [fulfilled:]
2) The Return of Ethiopian Jews to Israel (Zephaniah 3:10, Isaiah 43:6) [fulfilled:]
3) The Astonishing Fertility of Israel (Isaiah 27:6, Ezekiel 36:28-30) [fulfilled:]
4) The Miraculous Restoration of the Hebrew Language (Zephaniah 3:9a) [fulfilled:]
5) The Gospel Will Be Preached in All the World (Matthew 24:14) [fulfilled:]
6) The Arab-Israeli Conflict Predicted (Psalm 83:2-8) [fulfilled:]

If you look at Matthew 24:32-35, it talks about a fig tree. Grant Jeffrey (a person who is known to be a bible prophecy expert) thinks that the fig tree represents Israel. Here's a link that explains why he thinks that. If the fig tree does represent Israel, then this is very significant. In Matthew 24, Jesus talks about the end-times. In Matthew 24:32-35, Jesus says that the generation that sees all of these things that he talks about will not pass away until all of these signs are fulfilled. Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24:33 that the end-times are near when these signs occur.

According to Grant Jeffrey, the fig tree in Matthew 24 represents Israel. Grant Jeffrey claims that since Israel was made into a nation on May 14, 1948, the generation that saw that occur is the generation that will experience the rapture. But he hasn't set an exact date, though. All he has said is that the generation that saw Israel become a nation will be the generation to experience the rapture.

I have no idea if Grant Jeffrey is correct or not. I encourage all of you to please do your own research on this.


2. A Bible Prophecy Concerning Global Government

Another point I would like to mention is whether or not a global government is trying to be made today.

I first learned about this when Grant Jeffrey advertised his book Shadow Government. The book looks and sounds like a conspiracy theory. However, I later watched four of Glenn Beck's shows that made me wonder if I should look into it more. The November 8, 2010 show (, , ) was the first show that I watched of Glenn Beck. The next three shows are the shows where he explains how George Soros, along with others, are trying to make a one-world government. Here are the shows:

November 9, 2010 Show:

November 10, 2010 Show:

November 11, 2010 Show:

One last thing to mention in this section is that Grant Jeffrey pointed out a book The First Global Revolution. This book was written by the Club of Rome who, according to Grant Jeffrey, has definitely been promoting a one-world government idea. Here's a link to the book:

I've read only the introduction to that book. But from what I've read, it states that a new world order is going to occur soon and is unavoidable. Just like the industrial revolution, this new world order will change everyone's lives.

The bible predicts that the Antichrist will control the world with a one-world government. If it's true that a one-world government is attempting to be made today, this would be very significant in pointing out whether or not the rapture is about to occur.


4. The Twelfth Imam

For my last point, I would like to mention something about the Twelfth Imam. To my understanding, the Twelfth Imam is known to be the "Islamic Messiah". I'm not clearly sure who the Twelfth Imam is, but I've noticed something very interesting in the past few months. It seems that there happens to be multiple similarities between the Twelfth Imam from the Hadith (an Islamic book that some Islamists follow) and the Antichrist from the bible. These similarities include that both: (1) kill Jews and Christians, (2) rules for seven years, (3) creates peace with Israel and then breaks the peace treaty, (4) rules the world and sets his global seat at the temple mount, (5) kills or beheads non-believers, (6) creates a "mark of the beast", and (7) ends with Jesus returning.

After knowing that, I then want to show you a video:

According to the video above, the leaders of Iran believe the Mahdi (which is pretty much another name for the Twelfth Imam) is currently living with us on Earth.


Again, I would like to remind everyone that I have no idea when the rapture is going to occur. I hope this encourages you to get ready for the rapture. However, please also prepare for your financial future as if the rapture isn't going to occur.
Sorry, I forgot to post something else. Here's a video from Glenn Beck that some of you might be interested in watching. I personally have only watched half of it so far, but I'm going to try to watch the rest of it when I'm able to.

As I say over and over again, please don't let any of this information determine your political stance. I never want this thread to be about politics. Here's the video:

Could a moderator help me post the video here? I'm not sure if you'd be able to or not, though. It's not a Youtube video. I've been having a lot of trouble lately with trying to post videos. I've provided the url, but please replace the url with the video if you don't mind. Thank you. Smile
Deathstar 80 Wrote:Sorry, I forgot to post something else. Here's a video from Glenn Beck that some of you might be interested in watching. I personally have only watched half of it so far, but I'm going to try to watch the rest of it when I'm able to.

As I say over and over again, please don't let any of this information determine your political stance. I never want this thread to be about politics. Here's the video:

Could a moderator help me post the video here? I'm not sure if you'd be able to or not, though. It's not a Youtube video. I've been having a lot of trouble lately with trying to post videos. I've provided the url, but please replace the url with the video if you don't mind. Thank you. Smile
If you don't want this thread to be about politics, not posting Glenn Beck videos would be a good place to start.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you don't want this thread to be about politics, not posting Glenn Beck videos would be a good place to start.

I'm sorry if I offended you with any of Glenn Beck's videos. I definitely don't want this thread to be about politics.

The only reason why I use Glenn Beck as a reference is because it's very convenient for me to show one of his videos. He has talked in the past about things concerning with bible prophecy, such as a group of people wanting a one-world government. Glenn Beck also helps his audience by tying everything together. Such as, he doesn't just say "The Federal Reserve is printing more money" and then "Our currency is being devalued." Instead, he says "The Federal Reserve is printing more money, which is causing our currency to be devalued." He helps his audience tie information together. And it's also because of this convenience as well why I like to use his videos.

I know it's tough for many of you to watch one of Glenn Beck's videos without focusing on politics, but please watch those videos in my post above. I think those videos have some important information concerning bible prophecy.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I'm sorry if I offended you with any of Glenn Beck's videos. I definitely don't want this thread to be about politics.

The only reason why I use Glenn Beck as a reference is because it's very convenient for me to show one of his videos. He has talked in the past about things concerning with bible prophecy, such as a group of people wanting a one-world government. Glenn Beck also helps his audience by tying everything together. Such as, he doesn't just say "The Federal Reserve is printing more money" and then "Our currency is being devalued." Instead, he says "The Federal Reserve is printing more money, which is causing our currency to be devalued." He helps his audience tie information together. And it's also because of this convenience as well why I like to use his videos.

I know it's tough for many of you to watch one of Glenn Beck's videos without focusing on politics, but please watch those videos in my post above. I think those videos have some important information concerning bible prophecy.
You didn't offend me. Beck is just very political.
TheRealVille, I've been thinking about your posts above, and I've realized that I should've mentioned something earlier.

Just to make everything clear, Glenn Beck's show is greatly biased. He praises republican politics on his show, along with almost all of the Fox News Shows. Again, the only reason why I started watching his show and why I posted links to his show were because they were involved with bible prophecy.

Please filter any bias that you might receive from Glenn Beck when watching these videos from these links. Just to warn everyone, he can hide his political bias very well. Don't take Glenn Beck's words or anyone else's words on any political issues, but do your own research in order to find the truth so that you can stand for the truth.

I mentioned this in my earlier posts, but I really should've emphasized it more.
I would like to explain a little better of why I use bible prophecy to prove whether or not God exists. I completely understand if you don't want to read this post, but I think I might've found an easier way to explain bible prophecy a little better.

Please research all of this information yourself. I've provided links to where I received the information.

If you look at Ezekiel 36:28, you'll notice that there's a bible prophecy. This bible prophecy predicts that Israel will be remade into a nation again. This prediction was made by Ezekiel, who was born in 622 BC. Israel was conquered around 722 BC. Therefore, Ezekiel was born after ancient Israel was conquered. Therefore, when Ezekiel predicted that Israel was going to be made into a nation, he was referring to a time in the future where Israel would come back as a nation again. This bible prediction was fulfilled in 1948. Keep in mind that this bible prediction alone can't prove God's existence. From what I understand, there have been many nations that have been destroyed and came back as a nation again. Something else to keep in mind is that this bible prediction could've been fulfilled because of luck, which in my opinion is perfectly understandable to say.

However, if you look at Ezekiel 36:29-30, you'll notice another bible prediction. This bible prediction is linked with the previous bible prediction of Ezekiel 36:28. Therefore, Ezekiel 36:28-30 altogether predicts that not only will the nation Israel be made again, but also it will have a great agriculture. If you look at Israel today, you'll notice that Israel has a great agriculture. Therefore, both of these bible predictions have been fulfilled.

I imagine the chances of having these two linked bible predictions being fulfilled by luck is very small. Therefore, it's safe to assume that either Ezekiel became very lucky with his prediction or he was truly told by God what he should predict for the future. If God told Ezekiel what to predict, then God obviously must exist.

As I've posted above in earlier posts, there are more bible prophecies that I can list.


Many people like to use science and philosophy in order to prove whether or not God exists. However, I would like to point out something about science and philosophy:

As a percentage, how much knowledge do humans have compared to all of the knowledge in existence? Being very generous, let's say that humans understand 3% of all the knowledge in existence. Now that you know this, what are the chances that the 97% that we don't know will prove God's existence? If you flip that around, what are the chances that the 97% that we don't know disprove God's existence? We can't be completely sure about these questions because we don't know what knowledge we're missing. Therefore, both science and philosophy is a bad way to prove whether or not God exists because both science and philosophy are based on human knowledge. And human knowledge is very limited. Anyone could make a crazy statement, and tomorrow a scientific or philosophical breakthrough might prove them to be correct (Galileo Galilei, Albert Einstein).

About bible prophecy, it isn't determined on human knowledge. Instead, it's based on historical facts that are completely unchangeable. If we are able to find bible prophecies that aren't vague or unclear (such as Ezekiel 36:28-30), then we can determine whether or not God exists.

You commonly hear people saying, "If God shows me a sign, I'll believe." That's what bible prophecies are. They're signs from God that point to the fact that he must exist. And if you don't think he exists, then you have to ask the question, "How did the two bible predictions of Ezekiel 36:28-30 come true?"

Whether you agree with me or not, thank you for reading my post. I'm not expecting anyone to post in this thread. And I'm not going to be like I was in the past and constantly post here, begging everyone to please read my post. :biggrin:
I've found two videos that some of you might be interested in watching:

Part 1:

Part 2:
Here's an interesting link that some of you might be interested in reading:
For awhile, I've been trying to tell people how bible prophecy shows that God exists. But there are still only a few people who are listening to me. If you disagree with me that bible prophecies prove God's existence, I would really appreciate it if you sent me a pm. I was just curious why people think bible prophecies don't show that God exists.

And I promise I won't try to start an argument or anything like that. I'll only reply to your pm if you ask me to.

Thanks. Smile
I'm currently watching Perry Stone's show. He's another person who talks about bible prophecy. Right now, he's talking about how there's a group of global elites who are trying to control America. This is exactly what Grant Jeffrey and Glenn Beck have been saying.

Here are the shows about bible prophecy that I like to watch:

Fridays on TBN:

8:30 pm - 9:00 pm --> Hal Lindsey Report (with Hal Lindsey)
9:00 pm - 9:30 pm --> Bible Prophecies Revealed (with Grant Jeffrey)
9:30 pm - 10:00 pm --> Manna Fest (with Perry Stone)
I've found a very surprising video. Before I show this first video, I would like to warn everyone to please not trust the news network RussiaToday. The reason why I say this is that I'm providing a link below that's from RussiaToday, and they talk about some pretty disturbing stuff. After seeing this, I highly distrust RussiaToday. This following video involves an interview with actress and comedian Roseanne Barr.

Before reading any further, I want to let everyone know that this information might be disturbing for some. For example, they talk about decapitating people. And for a side note, these people aren't joking. You can find out yourself with the link that I provide below.

Here are the comments that I want to emphasize:

Quote:Roseanne Barr: "It’s part of ‑‑ the part of my platform is that the guilty must be punished and that we can no longer, you know, let our children see their guilty leaders getting away with murder because it teaches children that, you know, they don’t have to have any morals and as long as they have guns and are bullies that they’ll win and I don’t think that’s a good message. I do say that I am for the return of the guillotine and that is for the worst of worst of the guilty.”

Keiser: "You're singing to the choir on this show. We've been advocating the guillotine for years now."

Roseanne Barr: "Oh, well fantastic. We think alike in many ways..."

Quote:Roseanne Barr: “I first would allow the guilty bankers to pay ‑‑ you know, the ability to pay back anything over 100 million personal wealth because I believe that a maximum wage of $100 million and if they are unable to live on that amount, then they should, you know, go to the reeducation camps and if that doesn’t happen, then be beheaded,”

Quote:Roseanne Barr: “I receive e‑mails and messages and letters from all over the world, especially Israel and Turkey and even Iran, everywhere. I see it all, and I just encourage everybody. Get together as fast as you can. Stop all that lefty factioning stuff that leftist men love to do. Women, come together, and it’s ours and we’ll take it and we’ll fix it.”

The part I want to show you starts from the 13:44 minute-mark. Here's the link:

I would like to greatly emphasize when Roseanne Barr says, "Stop all that lefty factioning stuff..." during a discussion about a global movement. I would also like to greatly emphasize when Keiser says, "... Basically, they are part of this global - what some call, or I call - the global insurrection against banker occupation..." If you've been listening to Glenn Beck, this makes perfect sense. Glenn Beck has been claiming that socialists, communists, and radical Islamists are uniting globally to destroy the Western way of life.

Here's a link that involves Glenn Beck talking about this. Again, please don't determine whether your support republicans or democrats based on this information. That's not what this information is for. Here's the link:

Roseanne Barr advocates reeducation camps, beheadings of capitalists in America
I've found another interesting video:

I think that was one of the stories that Grant Jeffrey mentioned in his book that the mass media didn't cover. When I first learned about that story, I was greatly surprised.

EDIT: I've found another video that some of you might be interested in watching. Smile

EDIT 2: Wow, I've found another good video. Smile

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