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Tea Party Candidates for President
Since I have basically lost all hope in the established parties and I place a lot of weight on political integrity, I think I am gonna vote Tea Party.

Who are candidates I should look at? Do not worry, I will research each candidate on my own, so I am not asking for you to tell me who to vote for, just who are candidates, and why do you like them?
Governor Rick Perry ® Texas. LET'S GO!:flame:
TheRealThing Wrote:Governor Rick Perry ® Texas. LET'S GO!:flame:
Not a bad thought there RT, also possibly Chris Christie.
Bob Seger Wrote:Not a bad thought there RT, also possibly Chris Christie.

Who is this?
LWC Wrote:Who is this?
Christie is the current governor of New Jersey. He is a great public speaker who has taken on the public unions in NJ - especially the teachers' union - to slash NJ's state budgets. Christie is probably not conservative enough in other areas for the Tea Parties to support him in Republican primaries but, IMO, he would generate widespread support among Republicans and independents if he got the GOP nomination. He would be Obama's worst nightmare in a debate. His no teleprompter, shoot from the hip, in your face speaking style would be a quite a contrast to Obama's canned, repetitive stump speeches read from dueling teleprompters.

I would pay to see Christie debate Obama on the annual federal deficits and the national debt. It would be a brutal beat down.

Whether you agree or disagree with Chris Christie, when he finishes talking, he leaves no doubt on where he stands on an issue.
IMO, Tea Party favorites for president include:

Current candidates:

Rick Perry
Michelle Bachman
Herman Cain
Rick Santorum

Potential but currently undeclared candidates:

South Carolina Senator Jim Demint (Says he is not interested in running but when he speaks, Tea Partiers coast to coast listen. He, along with Bachman and Palin are probably the top Tea Party spokepersons in the country today.)

Florida Senator Marco Rubio (Along with Congressman Alan West, Rubio is one of the best public speakers in the GOP. Like West, Rubio is relatively inexperienced on the national scene but he is widely considered one of the top potential 2012 VP candidates in the party. It is very likely that he will be somebody's running mate on the GOP ticket.)

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (has declined to run)

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (may run and will probably be top Tea Party pick if she does)

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (Once considered a top potential GOP candidate, one bad Saturday speech in response to one of President Obama's weekly address really damaged his standing.)

Florida Congressman Col. Alan West (Very popular with Tea Partiers but vote for debt ceiling increase did not help his standing with them. He may be the most effective public speaker of any current Republican elected representative but he is serving his first term in Congress. He has a very bright political future, IMO.)

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (Has declined to run. He is a good friend of Haley Barbour's and when Barbour declined not to run, many people assumed that he would be supporting a run by Daniels. Gov. Daniels is among the smartest elected officials in the country, IMO. He would make a great president and he has an impressive resume and solid credentials as a fiscal conservative.)
I don't know how on earth Rick Santorum could be a tea party candidate. His voting record and list of 'accomplishments' would rival that of Ted Kennedy, in terms of increased spending and size of government.
real_change Wrote:I don't know how on earth Rick Santorum could be a tea party candidate. His voting record and list of 'accomplishments' would rival that of Ted Kennedy, in terms of increased spending and size of government.
No Republican's voting record voting record would rival Ted Kennedy's - none - not even Hal Rogers'.

Much of what little support Santorum has is among religiously conservative Tea Partiers. Including him in my list is not an endorsement but he is not looked at by Tea Party members with the same disdain that they have toward Romney and Huntsman.
Pretty simple here...whoever is running against Barack will get my vote.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No Republican's voting record voting record would rival Ted Kennedy's - none - not even Hal Rogers'.

Much of what little support Santorum has is among religiously conservative Tea Partiers. Including him in my list is not an endorsement but he is not looked at by Tea Party members with the same disdain that they have toward Romney and Huntsman.

Let me clarify:

I realize it wasn't an endorsment, and in fact, your previous post was entirely accurate. Santorum is a tea party guy. I was just questioning the tea party on their values, and not your own. :-)

I may have overstated Santorum's liberalism just a 'tad'. But the fact is, Santorum is simply big government neo conservative who happens to be a radical social conservative.

His voting record on spending is disgraceful.
Medicare Part D
Bush Tax Cuts
All of the GOP's crazy budgets

Get this, he even voted to allow exceptions for rape and incest in regards to abortion.. yet pretends he's the leading advocate to ban it. He's a fraud. he had my fooled for years. No more.
real_change Wrote:Let me clarify:

I realize it wasn't an endorsment, and in fact, your previous post was entirely accurate. Santorum is a tea party guy. I was just questioning the tea party on their values, and not your own. :-)

I may have overstated Santorum's liberalism just a 'tad'. But the fact is, Santorum is simply big government neo conservative who happens to be a radical social conservative.

His voting record on spending is disgraceful.
Medicare Part D
Bush Tax Cuts
All of the GOP's crazy budgets

Get this, he even voted to allow exceptions for rape and incest in regards to abortion.. yet pretends he's the leading advocate to ban it. He's a fraud. he had my fooled for years. No more.
If you look at spending under Bush, you will find that it spun out of control after Democrats regained control of the House. Republicans spent too much but spending exploded under the Democrats. I agree with you on NCLB (a Teddy/Bush bill) an the Medicare increase.

However, taxpayers are seriously overtaxed and budget deficits are spending problems, not revenue shortfalls. Unless Santorum voted against the Bush tax cuts, I don't find his position disgraceful at all. Tax receipts increased under Bush until the housing bubble burst in 2008.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you look at spending under Bush, you will find that it spun out of control after Democrats regained control of the House. Republicans spent too much but spending exploded under the Democrats. I agree with you on NCLB (a Teddy/Bush bill) an the Medicare increase.

However, taxpayers are seriously overtaxed and budget deficits are spending problems, not revenue shortfalls. Unless Santorum voted against the Bush tax cuts, I don't find his position disgraceful at all. Tax receipts increased under Bush until the housing bubble burst in 2008.

Hoot, thank you for post, i ALWAYS enjoy reading them. Few people on here present the facts like you do. You remind me much of my pick for the GOP nomination, former speaker of the House, Dr. Newt Gingrich. He clearly won last nights debate, according to most polls, pundits, bloggers, and even democratic strategists. Substance matters. Charisma, looks, intelligence, background, endorsements, fundraising, etc, they all matter... but SUBSTANCE.... what your posts typically consist of, and Newt's speeches always do..... thats what matters. And i firmly believe as Reagan, that the american people, when presented the true and unbiased facts will ultimately do 2 things.... 1)make the right choice on the matters that afffect their lives, and 2) pick the right people to lead this nation in the direction they want it to go in.

Hoot, I'm not for sure where you stand on all the issues. But I'm proud to walk by your side as we march towards the city upon a hill that I believe the Christ, the same god that all presidents have acknowledged, the same GOD that all states acknowledge within the first 50 words of their constitutions, the same GOD that the free people of northern, central, and southern iraq aknowledge as their own, the same GOD that blesses Isreal with superior power and our financial support...... the same god that will judge iran, its leaders, and its powers that wish they were, and want to be..... is the same god that i love.... that i suspsect you love.....and i know that the apoostles, the martyrs, the believers.... in the past HAVE, STILL DO, ALWAYS WILL! when ronald reagan talked about the 'city upon a hill', most think he was talking about john winthrop...... but what was he talking about?

i believe it was in combination of the following 3 things:
1) a literal, shining city that would be a bastion for freedom... or perhaps a modern day statue of liberty.
2)reagan thought that through his policies, and a relection if it were granted by god......that he could/would balance the budget.he didn't, nor did he come close. and the clostest that clinton and company came to me... was failure!!!

Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you look at spending under Bush, you will find that it spun out of control after Democrats regained control of the House. Republicans spent too much but spending exploded under the Democrats. I agree with you on NCLB (a Teddy/Bush bill) an the Medicare increase.

However, taxpayers are seriously overtaxed and budget deficits are spending problems, not revenue shortfalls. Unless Santorum voted against the Bush tax cuts, I don't find his position disgraceful at all. Tax receipts increased under Bush until the housing bubble burst in 2008.

real_change Wrote:dude... "high five*... i needed dick tonight..... my conditions? thanks for asking lol. ummmm WAYY smaller than me..... no condoms... and at least one set of hiv/aids. tomorrow..... retire. with e7 pay.

And people wonder why I miss the word filter :eyeroll:
LWC Wrote:And people wonder why I miss the word filter :eyeroll:

wtf, i didn't post that! lol. how is that there? under my name??? wow...

fix it, please!
real_change Wrote:wtf, i didn't post that! lol. how is that there? under my name??? wow...

fix it, please!

I was getting ready to ask you if you drank a gallon of thunderbird between posts. LOL
TheRealThing Wrote:I was getting ready to ask you if you drank a gallon of thunderbird between posts. LOL

it says i was up at 440am this morning posting. ummmm.... someone has either hacked my account, or there's a glitch somewhere. lol

im about to change passwords and request monitoring of my ip from the mods. thanks for the concern though... :-) and no, i don't drink ANYMORE lol
After Michelle Bachmann's win at the Iowa Straw Poll, is she now a Top 3 candidate?

Also, what does it say for Rick Perry that he had so many votes as a write-in before he even declared his candidacy?
TheRealThing Wrote:Governor Rick Perry ® Texas. LET'S GO!:flame:

You are probably a happy camper for sure after today.
LWC Wrote:After Michelle Bachmann's win at the Iowa Straw Poll, is she now a Top 3 candidate?

Also, what does it say for Rick Perry that he had so many votes as a write-in before he even declared his candidacy?
Bachmann is an Iowan by birth and grew up in the state if she didn't do well she had no chance not that she has much of a chance anyway

The following should be concerned with their poor showing
Rick Santorum -spent a ton of money in Iowa yet finished a distant 4th and Mitt Romney - was beaten by Herman Cain

Newt Gingrich , Jon Huntsman , Thaddeus McCotter - all finished well below Romney. Time is running out for these three as the money dries up they'll start to drop
LWC Wrote:You are probably a happy camper for sure after today.

2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Governor Perry is that rare example of a man who knowing the truth, is willing to brave the scorn (and you know it's coming) of the main stream media and a host of critics that will crawl out of the woodwork to claw at him for his stand for Christ. The fact that he is willing to publically proclaim by example and, to organize and lead in The Day of Prayer event in Houston, Texas, sets him apart from the rest. Added to that notable distinction is a great record of leadership and public service as the longest serving governor of any state in his time.

I hope and pray that the day will come when I and my family (this will be my son's very first time to vote and, it so happens to be in the presidential election of 2012) will have the privilege of stepping into that voting booth in November of 2012 and vote for Perry.
nky Wrote:Bachmann is an Iowan by birth and grew up in the state if she didn't do well she had no chance not that she has much of a chance anyway

The following should be concerned with their poor showing
Rick Santorum -spent a ton of money in Iowa yet finished a distant 4th and Mitt Romney - was beaten by Herman Cain

Newt Gingrich , Jon Huntsman , Thaddeus McCotter - all finished well below Romney. Time is running out for these three as the money dries up they'll start to drop

Agree. Bachmann is an excellent legislator and I hope she gets to serve for a long time but, I can't see her as president.
TheRealThing Wrote:2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Governor Perry is that rare example of a man who knowing the truth, is willing to brave the scorn (and you know it's coming) of the main stream media and a host of critics that will crawl out of the woodwork to claw at him for his stand for Christ. The fact that he is willing to publically proclaim by example and, to organize and lead in The Day of Prayer event in Houston, Texas, sets him apart from the rest. Added to that notable distinction is a great record of leadership and public service as the longest serving governor of any state in his time.

I hope and pray that the day will come when I and my family (this will be my son's very first time to vote and, it so happens to be in the presidential election of 2012) will have the privilege of stepping into that voting booth in November of 2012 and vote for Perry.
I just love when people bring religion into politics. :biggrin: Using a fairytale book to promote certain politicians.
TheRealVille Wrote:I just love when people bring religion into politics. :biggrin: Using a fairytale book to promote certain politicians.

And I think it's dishwater weak of you to come on here and try to deny His existence when I know He has revealed Himself to every man. That includes you.
TheRealThing Wrote:And I think it's dishwater weak of you to come on here and try to deny His existence when I know He has revealed Himself to every man. That includes you.
Show me proof where he has revealed himself to me. Real proof, not that "just look around at the trees" type of stuff. The proof leans more toward my stance than yours.
TheRealVille Wrote:Show me proof where he has revealed himself to me. Real proof, not that "just look around at the trees" type of stuff. The proof leans more toward my stance than yours.

How about the fact that you actually "live and breathe" ? That ought to be proof enough for any human that walks the earth.
TheRealThing Wrote:And I think it's dishwater weak of you to come on here and try to deny His existence when I know He has revealed Himself to every man. That includes you.

Hey RealThing, wonder if he'll still be so bold on that day when "Every knee shall bow, and every tounge shall confess" ?

I doubt it.
Bob Seger Wrote:How about the fact that you actually " live and breathe" ?
That's your proof? :biggrin: Could the fact that you live and breathe be contributed to evolution and the environment you live in?
Bob Seger Wrote:Wonder if he'll still be so bold on that day when "Every knee shall bow, and every tounge shall confess" ?

I doubt it.
That's just from your book. What if that book is a fairy tale? Your emotional tactics don't work with me. I guess when you and I cease to exist, neither one will be able to prove anything. I won't be able to prove to you that you were wrong, and vice versa.
TheRealVille Wrote:Show me proof where he has revealed himself to me. Real proof, not that "just look around at the trees" type of stuff. The proof leans more toward my stance than yours.

TheRealThing Wrote:And I think it's dishwater weak of you to come on here and try to deny His existence when I know He has revealed Himself to every man. That includes you.

Uh oh! :popcorn:

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