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What's up?
I was thinking this last night. That you hadn't been on in a while.
Where have you been?
Good to have you back partner!
Welcome back!
The site is booming, now that all the old cool people are back there is never a dull moment. Always people on and people to talk and joke and the site is just doing so much better. I LOVE IT!...........................HA NExt JOKE>

Missed you Aslan, We Need to play some Call Of Duty sometime, Although i done have a guy on my friends list named aslan.
Welcome Back Man
New with me? Well, Im a month fatter. A month slower. A month grouchier. A month meaner. A month of "nobody can talk to you because your always right"..A month where my Pirates are still O-for-August. A month of doctors telling me my blood pressure's too high, my heart rate is too fast, and I shouldnt stop taking my meds for my Borderline Personality Disorder. A month where I found out I have sugar. A month of losing. Just epic, unadulterated, unparalleled losing.
I'm glad to be back. A month away from BGR feels like an eternity. I honestly missed all of y'all. Well besides benchwarmer Big Grin. My laptop charger refused to do its job, so I had to get another one.
Wildcatk23, you da man. Xbox live = T12iNiTy. Hit me up.
Hoss, that's probably the most epic post I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Needs to be recorded in the BGR hall of fame.
What's new with me? Been watching Scrubs and Cheers. Just delightful sitcoms, I love netflix. Also been listening to a lot of Johnny Cash. Took may way to long to start listening to his classics. Shame on me. May he rest in peace.
I could feel something in the universe wasnt right so your absence drew me back to BGR lol.

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