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Betsy Layne Passing Tourney
I think the games went well at the start. Missed the tournament though. It's amazing how many athletes are in the mountains. Pool Play winner's was Sheldon Clark and Prestonsburg. With Middlesboro declining to play in the tournament. I was told the title game of the tournament was Harlan vs Sheldon Clark. With Harlan prevailing at the end.
Sheldon Clark went 8-1 losing on the last play from what I told
CardinalAlum Wrote:Sheldon Clark went 8-1 losing on the last play from what I told

I had heard the same; however, I heard that SC had a couple of their better players out in the last game, one was KP. I also heard that BJ Jarrell, KP Skyles, and Tyler O'Connor looked mighty good.
tebow Wrote:I think the games went well at the start. Missed the tournament though. It's amazing how many athletes are in the mountains. Pool Play winner's was Sheldon Clark and Prestonsburg. With Middlesboro declining to play in the tournament. I was told the title game of the tournament was Harlan vs Sheldon Clark. With Harlan prevailing at the end.

I wonder why Middlesboro drove all the way over there just to back out of the tournament? Ive heard that Roark didn't have his best day. But surely that's not enough to cause them to back out. I also heard that when it came to the tournament,especially in the last few games,it got really physical with some trash talk going on. That's competing at a high emotional level,but,I thought that was what it is all about. Nobody wants to lose. But to just opt out doesn't sound like a Randy Frazier coached team to me. Something else must have went on. That's a long way to go just to quit before you ever really get started.JMHO.
The Contrarian Wrote:I had heard the same; however, I heard that SC had a couple of their better players out in the last game, one was KP. I also heard that BJ Jarrell, KP Skyles, and Tyler O'Connor looked mighty good.

Not trying to start trouble or anything,but SC might have tried to get someone in the game with a little more height to guard Harlan's WR's they are both 6'3" and can get up high to make catches. I've heard that their height gave them an advantage in most of the games they played. The players I talked to say that KP was the most athletic kid there and did play well. They were impressed with his speed.
It seemed like every player that was outspoken was their teams best player. I did think KP was a dandy, but they were also some dandy players from other teams.

Middlesboro didnt do tourney, they wanted to get home. They played in the UPike tourney the day before.

I really like to see Sheldon Clark match up with Prestonsburg. With pool play they didnt get to play P-burg.
From what I was told that in the championship game there was five seconds left and Harlan was on the five yard line and threw a pass that wa caught two yards of the endzone but the one official called it a touchdown because he said he was tired and wanted to go home.
Jed Clampett Wrote:From what I was told that in the championship game there was five seconds left and Harlan was on the five yard line and threw a pass that wa caught two yards of the endzone but the one official called it a touchdown because he said he was tired and wanted to go home.

And you believe that? Well, I'll tell you what I heard. SC was talking smack and got their feelings hurt by a single A team that's been picked to not make it out of their region.
Dragonsdad Wrote:And you believe that? Well, I'll tell you what I heard. SC was talking smack and got their feelings hurt by a single A team that's been picked to not make it out of their region.

Ok I can clear this one up for you, since I was the only one that was filming the games. Harlan had the ball on the 5 yd line and time was running down they ran a quick out to the week side and the receiver caught the ball and stretched it over the goal line as he was being touched, from the film angle it looked good, it was a bang bang play and time was out on the clock. It was a very good showing for the Dragons in a 7 on 7.
Mountain pride 10 Wrote:Ok I can clear this one up for you, since I was the only one that was filming the games. Harlan had the ball on the 5 yd line and time was running down they ran a quick out to the week side and the receiver caught the ball and stretched it over the goal line as he was being touched, from the film angle it looked good, it was a bang bang play and time was out on the clock. It was a very good showing for the Dragons in a 7 on 7.

Black cat I was really impressed we the boys from P-burg, they were very athletic and had real good team speed. They for sure deserve the high expectations that have been mentioned on this and other sites.
Prestonsburg is the real deal. When I'm not following the Dragons I will be rooting for P-burg. My son said he thought you all had a lot of class not to mention a team full of athletes. Good luck this season to the Blackcats.
Mountain pride 10 Wrote:Black cat I was really impressed we the boys from P-burg, they were very athletic and had real good team speed. They for sure deserve the high expectations that have been mentioned on this and other sites.

I wouldnt blow smoke up your butt LOL. Alot of people think because you root for a certain team your biased on your predictions & expectations, which most are, but i try to give unbiased opinions even on my team.
Yes, they are fast at practically every position.
Dragonsdad Wrote:Prestonsburg is the real deal. When I'm not following the Dragons I will be rooting for P-burg. My son said he thought you all had a lot of class not to mention a team full of athletes. Good luck this season to the Blackcats.


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