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Who Will Win The 54th?
Who Will Win The 54th?? Leslie being the pre-season favorite, pcc beatin them and hazard,Buckhorn is play great basketball(4-1) and hazard with a good team they got
Although Hazard has started the season a little bumpy, when Senior phenoms Durrell Olinger and Chucky O'steen return HHS is going to be unstoppable! Hazard not only wins district but regional as well...HHS pack your bags because your going to RUPP!!!
Anybody......right now the 54th district has a combined record of 12-6, which is an excellent start. Perry is on a 4 game win streak and Buckhorn is off to their strongest start in years. The dawgs are ready for anything with their full team back and though off to a rocky beginning, Leslie Co will have a saying in March. We're in for an excellent year as the 54th will be the most open and interesting district in the state.
"moses_guthrie" Wrote:Although Hazard has started the season a little bumpy, when Senior phenoms Durrell Olinger and Chucky O'steen return HHS is going to be unstoppable! Hazard not only wins district but regional as well...HHS pack your bags because your going to RUPP!!!

pcc...even if hhs does get there players back al holland will have his team ready and will win the 54th
Its really a toss up between hazard and Leslie
Perry Central
With the additions of Chucky O'Steen and Durrell Olinger, Hazard will be a huge threat in the 54th. If PCC only beat Hazard by 2 when HHS shot around 35% from the field without Chucky and Durrell, HHS should win big in the games to come.
Hazard all the way.

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