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Biggest bench press!
You guys accuse a 16 year old boy of doing steroids and expect him not to defend himself or be pissed?

Come on...I don't know the kid or any of you, but it pains me to see people verbally abusing a kids name or rep on a "faceless" site. I love the fact the site provides anonymity, but sometimes the freedom it provides is abused.

Andrew, keep on lifting hard and forget the naysayers, but don't expect those who never venture into a gym to say anything positive about what you do. Those numbers are impressive, steroids or not. I've known and seen people make comparable lifts and they all were accused of the same thing, one in particular never even had a protein shake. Laugh when you hear them, smile when you see them, and let it motivate you for the next couple of years.
Andrew, Andrew, Andrew I dont care if your the strongest prick in Kentucky. I didnt know you had this kind of attitude. I am in shock. Maybe this really isnt Andrew King, probably someone else. Andrew is more laid back like Mikey from Orange County Choppers. Do me a favor SUPERMAN and put the football pads on for your school. Are you good at MMA or Toughman competitions? The way you talk, you must be. Do you talk like that to Warren Browning up at Powerhouse??? I doubt it. I am finally glad you have gained some intestinal fortitude son. Glad you found a Sport your good at. And Brad might as well be Darth Vader now. You are his apprentice huh??? Hahahahaha.
First of all Im not one of richard sapcuts boys. Richard Sapcut takes steroids just like anyone else in the gym and then runs around like he dont. Spreading his media propaganda. Sum might be OTC ones but they are still steroids they just require a extra pass through the liver to activate. Second of all what the **** do i have to do with Andrew bench pressing 500? And the darkside is a great quote kinda makes it easy to know who you are. Why do u care who takes steroids or not? Are u a cop or did u just used to be? Steroids are as common as vitamins but actually send less people to the hospital. But get your crap straight and dont associate me with Richard Sapcut I havnt lifted with him in almost a year. And nice comment on do u talk to Warren Browning like that. Is all i know is me and king must really make u jealous for u too be so concerned with us. This makes serveral post that u have made references to me and the darkside on a couple diff sites. Your words are weak just like ur lifts in the gym. King is as natural as they come and is a genetic freak. But i do appreciate all the talkn u do lets me know that what i do really gets under your skin!
Wildcats11 Wrote:Easy pal, I think you might be experiencing a roid rage..:Thumbs:

roid rage isnt real......go look at the facts and quit going on what you have heard. It only causes aggression in 1 out of 4 people. And roid rage is guys that are retarded and agressive to begin with. Its not the steroids. Ive seen supposed roid rage off of OTC supplements lol. grow up lol
haha im darth vader lol. My lifts arent even any good anymore lol. How am i darth vader? My strongest lifts is when i was using two OTC supplements and that was it. I cant help u just cant hang with us. King and I work hard for the lifts we have and the records we broke. Ive been tested after meets and what u got to say about that?
click "heavy breathing" click Johnny Ringo I am your father Smile
well y don't u come up to powerhouse sometime and ill show u how a grown man talks to another grown man. Instead of u picking on a 16yr old boy that has already accomplished more than u EVER will!!! Ill show u how dark darthVader really is since im on the darkside! Because i can assure u I do power lift and also am skilled in MMA and i dont care one bit to give u a FREE demonstration. U think ur tough talkn to a 16 yr old kid like that? You sound pathetic lol
Thats a big lift. I'd say forget football and focus on powerlifting, maybe world's strongest man stuff.

I do not buy the 5.1 forty though. A coach may have told you that, but he is lying. People do not understand how fast that really is. I'd guess 99% of NFL offensive linemen can't run 5.1. And you may be strong, but you are not an NFL lineman I'd guess.

Heck, MOST of the TIGHT ENDS at the combine this year could not run 5.1!!!
Brad, you little UMPALUMPA. I'll be down at Powerhouse at 8:00 Friday night. You and Andrew come on down. And I never said anything about Warren Browning. He's a BAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDD MAN! I havent worked out hard in 2 years and I can still beat you guys in any lift.

And Check your PM.
I do wish I could run with you two studs!
And I will take you up on the FREE MMA demonstrations. I hope you are very trained at that my friend.
Although I guess it is interesting to say you are strong, this is yet another "mine's (chose word) bigger - faster - stronger than yours is" thread.

Fact: the kid who supposedly lifted among the most reps at the NUC combines last year in the southeast ended up walking on at a college which did not win a game last year and does not offer scholarships. He got a high # of reps because of short arms and a barrel chest. Much was made of his strength and reps. Not a rap on him, just an example of why sheer strength is such a false predictor of success on the field.

If you bench 275 - 300 - you are fine in high school and are still able to work on the oft-neglected areas of speed and agility. If you go the next level, odds are you will be red shirted and beefed up anyway. It is easier to increase strength than speed.
This is the reason we have to keep it clean on this site because kids can and will get on here to defend theirselves when there names are brought up.

To Andrew congrats on your lifting abilities and i say stick with that. Both you and i know SL football is nothing to get excited about and you should work at your goals. However, i wouldnt worry about getting on this site again. They will chew you up and spit you out on here especially when youre using youre real name because while everyone knows who you are they have no clue and you have no clue who youre even arguing with.
Good Luck
I know kids that bench 235 as a freshman
Football4life123 Wrote:I know kids that bench 235 as a freshman

I was getting 225 as a frosh and didn't work out anywhere near as much as I should have.
Do you guys have any idea how expensive true HGH is? A roid head at my local gym said your looking at $10k+ Now i dont know King's financial situation but i doubt any kid could possibly pay out that much for anything. Justin Garrett who just graduated at Letcher Central was getting 385 as a sophomore and shattered his wrist and had surgery or we would be looking at another 500lb bench presser. All he was on was hard work and protein after he lifted. It is very possible for this guy to be at 500lb bench without anything illegal.This is whats wrong with todays society anytime somebody accomplished something through hard work they cheated or did something terribly wrong and gets that accomplishment stripped of them. Is there people who cheat? Of course, but I do know that this young mans feat is very possible. Congrats and keep lifting and every idiot on here will be looking at videos of you wishing they could do what you do
Two Kids from Western Hills----(Both are Juniors I think) Wilkins and Loman are benching well over 300, with Wilkins weighing around 240- benching 355 and Loman weighing around 290- benching 345, both look like they have been students of the weight room, proper training and technique seems to have alot do with it IMO, after seeing them in Lineman challenges
Robbie Jones 2011 Grad incoming fresh at KCU set a new Bench Press record at Murray High School this year with a record press of 435 lbs also at last years Schumans Combine he pressed 185 lbs 33 Reps and 225 lbs 25 at a (2010)
Football4life123 Wrote:I know kids that bench 235 as a freshman

Those were the
roots rod Wrote:KP Skyles , yes it is, and have never heard of him in any powerlifting meets, although from reports on here, he would do well. 500lb. deadlift, 475lb squat, 300lb. clean, and 400lb bench, impressive from a kid that weighs 185lbs. Curious if he would place in a meet?

The last meet I did the 198lb winner did 450lbs on the bench, 545 on the squat, and deadlifted 635lbs. He did this to the standard of USPF. Below parallel on the squat, paused bench press (no arch), and not hitching on the deadlift. Football lifts aren't usually done to powerlifting standards. King has some phenomenal strength but would not hit that bench press in NASA, USPF, or SPF meets. KP would do great in the powerlifting meets with some tweaking. When you go from a touch and go to a compitition bench you can expect a drop of any where from 45-60lbs depending on your form when you first start. I have seen the squats drop by 100lbs when going from football to powerlifting.
I won't say these lifts are not true but I would dare say there is something going on.Roids come to mind.
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:I won't say these lifts are not true but I would dare say there is something going on.Roids come to mind.

Are you referring to my post? Its not always roids. I think its amusing that some people automatically asume steroids just for the simple fact that they could not do it. I am quite a bit older but I still compete in powerlifting and am drug tested. I have recored a 480lb. bench, 585lbs squat and a 585lb deadlift in compitition at 220lbs. I have never touched a drug. I also havn't had a value meal, french fries or a regular pop in over a decade. Just because someone works hard and makes gains does not mean steroids. The summer of my 8th grade year i was already 215lbs and I benched pressed 225lbs. But i worked as a kid. I bailed hay, packed center blocks, and helped load up timber.
Matman Wrote:Are you referring to my post? Its not always roids. I think its amusing that some people automatically asume steroids just for the simple fact that they could not do it. I am quite a bit older but I still compete in powerlifting and am drug tested. I have recored a 480lb. bench, 585lbs squat and a 585lb deadlift in compitition at 220lbs. I have never touched a drug. I also havn't had a value meal, french fries or a regular pop in over a decade. Just because someone works hard and makes gains does not mean steroids. The summer of my 8th grade year i was already 215lbs and I benched pressed 225lbs. But i worked as a kid. I bailed hay, packed center blocks, and helped load up timber.

Great post MATMAN. I know you know KP, and he gets the roid comments all the time , but like you , he doesn't eat at mc'ds nor does he drink pop, and he works out all the time,for about 6 years, and true he is a football lifter not a powerlifter. He is dedicated and sacrifises alot to be where he is and I know you did :rockon:too!
Matman Wrote:Are you referring to my post? Its not always roids. I think its amusing that some people automatically asume steroids just for the simple fact that they could not do it. I am quite a bit older but I still compete in powerlifting and am drug tested. I have recored a 480lb. bench, 585lbs squat and a 585lb deadlift in compitition at 220lbs. I have never touched a drug. I also havn't had a value meal, french fries or a regular pop in over a decade. Just because someone works hard and makes gains does not mean steroids. The summer of my 8th grade year i was already 215lbs and I benched pressed 225lbs. But i worked as a kid. I bailed hay, packed center blocks, and helped load up timber.
NO, I was not direction my post at any one person. In all the time I have been around guys that lift I have only known one guy to hit 450 and not be taking any thing. I won't say it does not happen but I do not think it happens as much as some says it does.
Im not commenting on the King kid as I dont know him but I can comment on clean power lifters. I retired from corrections. I worked in several prisons over my career. I have personally seen a 560lb bench, no suit of course and the guy was under 300 pounds. Another inmate did 330lb's 25 times. He was a beast.
Now before you say "thats all they do" thats not the case. These inmates were mandated to have an 8 hour a day job. Plenty of drugs come thru prisons but typically steriods aint one of them. They did consume about 8000 calories a day and worked out for years though..
that (roids) is the answer for this day and age, all or anyone who does things above normal, must be cheating, on something or is telling a falsehood. For the kids sake I hope he is not, but I do wish him well, and remember you put your self above the pack , then people are going to look for ways to bring you down, misery loves company, jut keep on your goals , let people talk, and soon they will find another topic, again for your sake be safe , lift safe and treat your body well, it is the only one you got..............
No Regrets1 Wrote:Do you guys have any idea how expensive true HGH is? A roid head at my local gym said your looking at $10k+ Now i dont know King's financial situation but i doubt any kid could possibly pay out that much for anything. Justin Garrett who just graduated at Letcher Central was getting 385 as a sophomore and shattered his wrist and had surgery or we would be looking at another 500lb bench presser. All he was on was hard work and protein after he lifted. It is very possible for this guy to be at 500lb bench without anything illegal.This is whats wrong with todays society anytime somebody accomplished something through hard work they cheated or did something terribly wrong and gets that accomplishment stripped of them. Is there people who cheat? Of course, but I do know that this young mans feat is very possible. Congrats and keep lifting and every idiot on here will be looking at videos of you wishing they could do what you do

385 as a sophomore is good. but i hit 500 as a sophomore. sure you could have seen 500 out of him senior year, maybe. but, your looking at a low or mid 600 number from me next year. i wont say what my max is exactly right now, because i want to surprise everyone. but lets say 500 is going up for small rep numbers right now.
64east Wrote:Two Kids from Western Hills----(Both are Juniors I think) Wilkins and Loman are benching well over 300, with Wilkins weighing around 240- benching 355 and Loman weighing around 290- benching 345, both look like they have been students of the weight room, proper training and technique seems to have alot do with it IMO, after seeing them in Lineman challenges

i destroyed the WHHS strongman as a freshman.. lol
surgery this year
wait tell junior year, im 100+ pounds stronger on most lifts now then i was.
No Regrets1 Wrote:Do you guys have any idea how expensive true HGH is? A roid head at my local gym said your looking at $10k+ Now i dont know King's financial situation but i doubt any kid could possibly pay out that much for anything. Justin Garrett who just graduated at Letcher Central was getting 385 as a sophomore and shattered his wrist and had surgery or we would be looking at another 500lb bench presser. All he was on was hard work and protein after he lifted. It is very possible for this guy to be at 500lb bench without anything illegal.This is whats wrong with todays society anytime somebody accomplished something through hard work they cheated or did something terribly wrong and gets that accomplishment stripped of them. Is there people who cheat? Of course, but I do know that this young mans feat is very possible. Congrats and keep lifting and every idiot on here will be looking at videos of you wishing they could do what you do

and about HGH. your looking at around 450 per month right now. i keep tabs on things like that. i dont use steroids, i want to get to a 650 bench before i do anything Smile
Johnny_Ringo Wrote:Andrew, Andrew, Andrew I dont care if your the strongest prick in Kentucky. I didnt know you had this kind of attitude. I am in shock. Maybe this really isnt Andrew King, probably someone else. Andrew is more laid back like Mikey from Orange County Choppers. Do me a favor SUPERMAN and put the football pads on for your school. Are you good at MMA or Toughman competitions? The way you talk, you must be. Do you talk like that to Warren Browning up at Powerhouse??? I doubt it. I am finally glad you have gained some intestinal fortitude son. Glad you found a Sport your good at. And Brad might as well be Darth Vader now. You are his apprentice huh??? Hahahahaha.

mr. ringo, you hide behind a fake name and talk out of your ass hole. i am a laid back person, but when people get on here talking about me, saying things that are not true. and i get mad, then im the bad guy? im just sticking up for myself. under my own name, which is more then you can say for yourself. maybe your mad im stronger then you, maybe you cant stand the fact you can go to a powerlifting in more then one state and say my name or flash a picture of me and people know me and nobody knows who you are? idk what your deal is. but theres only 2 or 3 people im even the least bit scared of, and they dont hide behind fake names and try and bring people down. so sure, come to london kentucky powerhouse and ill fight you. i really dont even care. your going to see 600 bench numbers within a year. so having said that, **** you.
Andrew King, my name is CLINTON STACY! Remember me? I won your little powerlifting meet in London about 3 years ago. I remember you getting about 225 or 235 that day. As for me thinking you are on steriods, YES I DO think you are on something. Dont really care if you are or not. You are a strong kid. I dont fight with little kids anyway, I was just trying to get you fired up. Guess it worked. If you are really mad and want to beat me up, you can find me at East Main Fitness, Monday-Sunday. Hours are different each day depending on my work schedule. Good luck to you, hopefully I'll be able to bench 500 by the time I reach 30. Your my hero.

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