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Allen Central Coaching situation
Is Mark Martin coming back as Coach?
Everyone says no. They tried to get the Rowan co coach(thacker) I think he said no. Now they are going to get the Allen central middle coach brad short
allen central rebels Wrote:Everyone says no. They tried to get the Rowan co coach(thacker) I think he said no. Now they are going to get the Allen central middle coach brad short

I know Brad personally and I consider him a friend but he is not on the short list of potential coaches. Principal Begley wants Kevin Spurlock to return to AC. I'm not saying he is the best hire or that Brad is a bad hire but that is the truth based on my knowledge of the situation.
Has the job been posted?
Just saying what I heard
World B Free Wrote:Has the job been posted?

Sometiems it seems that this jobs dont get posted. I don't know the exact rules concerning notification/posting but I'm confident that Kevin Spurlock is the main target.
From what I hear, Coach Short is on the short list and may just be the one who is hired. I think it would be a good hire because I do feel that he would be a coach that all the kids would play for and he has produced competitive teams with less talent. I know it is middle school but I think middle school basketball equates more to high school than any other sports. Just my two cents worth.
Also, if you go to the KDE website the only jobs open for Allen Central are in business and writing. It was my understanding from a really good source that if a coach wanting the position was not qualified to teach those areas then they were out of luck. It has been that way since the job opened.
What was the name of the Coach they had when they had some nice teams in the 90's.
Johnny Martin

Can't believe they are looking at Mr.Short from the middle school he can't even win there has no control over his kids.. oh well AC for you,,
I think Coach Short would be a good choice.
allen central rebels Wrote:Everyone says no. They tried to get the Rowan co coach(thacker) I think he said no. Now they are going to get the Allen central middle coach brad short

To bad Thacker wasn't interested in returning to his old school.
Theres no use making a big deal out of this because who knows if coach Short will even be hired but I can't believe that someone would say he can't even win at the middle school. They won like 20 games last year. The last few years they've not been as strong as in the past but i have followed their program for the last several years and they have never had a bad team. When they had the Crowder boys I never remember them losing. I think it was this years senior class coming up that was very successful as well. If you can make any arguement, he doesn't have the experience at the next level but I think what AC needs right now are players coming out to play. The kids love him and he has been working the program forever. I say give the guy a chance and lets see what happens. No matter who it is, they are going to have a very tough road because several of the players are no longer playing and many of the other talented ones have also left to play ball at other schools in the district. This is another big reason I think he would be a good fit because they need all of the kids walking the halls that can play to come back out and play.
pay now Wrote:Theres no use making a big deal out of this because who knows if coach Short will even be hired but I can't believe that someone would say he can't even win at the middle school. They won like 20 games last year. The last few years they've not been as strong as in the past but i have followed their program for the last several years and they have never had a bad team. When they had the Crowder boys I never remember them losing. I think it was this years senior class coming up that was very successful as well. If you can make any arguement, he doesn't have the experience at the next level but I think what AC needs right now are players coming out to play. The kids love him and he has been working the program forever. I say give the guy a chance and lets see what happens. No matter who it is, they are going to have a very tough road because several of the players are no longer playing and many of the other talented ones have also left to play ball at other schools in the district. This is another big reason I think he would be a good fit because they need all of the kids walking the halls that can play to come back out and play.
Totally Agree!!!! Coach Short will turn the program back into a winner, just give him a chance and AC will reap the rewards!
Coach martin is a good honest man I know him personally I dont see him going anywhere anytime soon Yea coach short is a good person but Mark the Shark Martin is the best coach for AC
I think kevin had his chance to come back and did not
coach martin is the man for the job
I though that Mark Martin was a good Coach for AC
Coach martin is a good honest man I know him personally I dont see him going anywhere anytime soon Yea coach short is a good person but Mark the Shark Martin is the best coach for AC I think kevin had his chance to come back and did not coach martin is the man for the job
Coach martin is a good honest man I know him personally I dont see him going anywhere anytime soon Yea coach short is a good person but Mark the Shark Martin is the best coach for AC I think kevin had his chance to come back and did notcoach martin is the man for the job
Coach martin is a good honest man I know him personally I dont see him going anywhere anytime soon Yea coach short is a good person but Mark the Shark Martin is the best coach for AC I think kevin had his chance to come back and did notcoach martin is the man for the job
Mark is a good man and i would even vote him in as vice president if he decided to run
Mark should get coach of the year
We get it... you're a Martin fan. No use in posting the same message 5 times.
reggie41630 Wrote:Coach martin is a good honest man I know him personally I dont see him going anywhere anytime soon Yea coach short is a good person but Mark the Shark Martin is the best coach for AC I think kevin had his chance to come back and did not coach martin is the man for the job

Well, Mark Martin is not coming back as the coach next season.
he must not know martin that good lol anybody who calls his players fat cats and names and stuff like that dont need to be coaching he is a good practice coach but hes not much of a game coach and the seasons prove that lol
Brad Short is the best fit for the school
Hey never graduate
Mark Is the best man for the job
So, reggie...who do you think should get the job?
Brad has done a good job within the system of developing a good middle school team (who are in high school now) so let him coach them while they are in high school. I know high school is a different level, but from the looks of the previous seasons, there is no were to go, but up!
This post is not to cut on anyone but the stats dont lie.
Mark Martin at Allen Central career.
07-08(Girls)- 8-18
08-09(Boys)- 1-19 Had three returning staters from 21-9 season the year before. Ran two off.
09-10(Boys)- 6-19
10-11(Boys)- 8-19 Run off leading scorer, who went to Besty Lane.

Brad Short

No High School experience at all. But a solid Middle School Coach.

After reviewing this they should go out of the county and find someone. Brad should be the assistant coach and be the next one in line to coach at Allen Central. From the looks of this they need an expierenced coach who has been through tough situations.
I heard that jack pack wanted the job if they got rid of him at p-burg i dont know if he would be a good pick or not but me personally i think they need to get somebody young and firey who can get the numbers out

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