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matt dunked it in a game against Knot County
Brad Lowe from pike central has been throwing it down lately
Mathew Little from Mud Creek?
McCarty from JC is prob the best i have seen in the 15th
One reason I think that players dont really try to dunk that much around here is because if they miss, they are afraid they will get laughed at. I look at it like this, if you can dunk in layups, or dunk when you are shooting by yourself, you should try it in a game. One of two things will happen, either you will make it or miss it, same as every other shot that is taken. If a player tries to dunk, and misses, at least he had the nerve to try it. That isnt a reason to laugh at them for attempting it.
Matt little is not afraid...but if you are guarding him you better watch out or you will get POSTERIZED
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:One reason I think that players dont really try to dunk that much around here is because if they miss, they are afraid they will get laughed at. I look at it like this, if you can dunk in layups, or dunk when you are shooting by yourself, you should try it in a game. One of two things will happen, either you will make it or miss it, same as every other shot that is taken. If a player tries to dunk, and misses, at least he had the nerve to try it. That isnt a reason to laugh at them for attempting it.

I agree it will make the games more exciting. However a lay up is a def. two points, in a close game go with the lay up unless you can dunk on a consistent basis.
"ACE" Wrote:I agree it will make the games more exciting. However a lay up is a def. two points, in a close game go with the lay up unless you can dunk on a consistent basis.
I agree. I love seeing dunks in games.
If you think you can make a dunk in a close game, I think you should try it. In almost every game, someone misses a shot up under the goal or a layup when they shoot them. So what is the difference?
A dunk gets the fans way more excited than a lay up.
Yeah I saw Brad Lowe throw down a few in warm up's the other night. I also saw them giving him alley oops as well.
yeah...i seen it too...the kid can really get up
So what exactly is your position on this "ACE"? Do you think they should try to dunk or not? One post, you say go for the layup, it is a sure two. The next post, you say the dunks gets the fans and players excited.
Ok, has anyone dunked in a game this year yet? If not, then I guess the first one who does it in a game is the best untill we have someone to compair it to....I know I have not heard of anyone dunking in a game to date.
Hey, P-burg has a few that can throw down. Lewis Barnette throws a few down every warm-up and Trevor Patton goes crazy with those two handed dunks of his but of course, he's 6' 6''. He finally comes back from suspension tomorrow against Shelby Valley and he'll be playin JV as well. They also have Tyler Mullins who get a few down every time but they have another kid who threw down at Allen Central for the Blackcats during warm-ups and he busted the friggin rim! I don't know anything about him except that he's about 6'4'' or 6'5'' and his number is 44, thats it. I wanna know who that guy is cause he came out of nowhere on me and that usually doesn't happen.
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:Ok, has anyone dunked in a game this year yet? If not, then I guess the first one who does it in a game is the best untill we have someone to compair it to....I know I have not heard of anyone dunking in a game to date.

I agree
If you dont have the nerve to dunk in a game then you might as well not be able to dunk period. Who cares who can dunk in warm ups? I would love for our region to have more dunks in games but i dont see it happening.
"Get Down, Get Down, UHH!!" Wrote:Hey, P-burg has a few that can throw down. Lewis Barnette throws a few down every warm-up and Trevor Patton goes crazy with those two handed dunks of his but of course, he's 6' 6''. He finally comes back from suspension tomorrow against Shelby Valley and he'll be playin JV as well. They also have Tyler Mullins who get a few down every time but they have another kid who threw down at Allen Central for the Blackcats during warm-ups and he busted the friggin rim! I don't know anything about him except that he's about 6'4'' or 6'5'' and his number is 44, thats it. I wanna know who that guy is cause he came out of nowhere on me and that usually doesn't happen.

Glad to hear that Patton takes the hardwood tomorrow, I have heard he is really a great kid. I saw those two handed dunks at AC in the panarama, it was awesome. Cant wait to see this kid as a senior next year. I also saw him at AC vs Pburg game and man his arms look really pumped. He is still slim, but I see him bulking up.
McCarty. IMO once he gets back into the swing of things he'll be able to dunk it again. If he continues to work hard and improve then he'll still be the best dunker in the region. And no he hasn't dunked it this year because he hasn't really been able to play due to his injury, but he did last year.
Considerind the fact not many can dunk I'll have to go with McCarty
i was watchin joe tiller the other night in warm up and he was dunking pretty good off lobs from their center brandon caudill
shawn johnson dunks with ease:theman:
Until someone else throws it down in a game, McCarty is the only one.
Which game did McCarty dunk in?
SF...last year i seen him dunk on a fast break...i went nuts...i never expected it
I gotta ask this, can McCarty or anyone else in the region stand flat footed and just jump up and dunk without taking a step or dribble?
McCarty is the only 1
Ummm, McCarty isnt the only one who can anymore....
Trevor Patton can stand under the goal, no dribble, jump up and 2 handed dunk it.

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