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a lot of people were praising the direction of the program under Coach Baioni
They better rethink that this guy is a joke he really believes in his 7th and 8th graders .How can you cut better 9th and 10 graders to make room for your favorite 7th and 8th graders o well you won't be around long by the way I have no dog in this fight but I have coached a lot of kids that you cut for lesser players keep dreaming that those 7th and 8th graders are your future you will not be there to see it!:HitWall:
mrb5150 Wrote:a lot of people were praising the direction of the program under Coach Baioni
They better rethink that this guy is a joke he really believes in his 7th and 8th graders .How can you cut better 9th and 10 graders to make room for your favorite 7th and 8th graders o well you won't be around long by the way I have no dog in this fight but I have coached a lot of kids that you cut for lesser players keep dreaming that those 7th and 8th graders are your future you will not be there to see it!:HitWall:

Not sure about the #s but there weren't too many 9th or 10th graders cut from the frosh or JV teams (maybe 5 total). I think the N.Ky BB community should withhold judgment and cut Coach Baioni some slack.
I know Jeremy personally and coach against him. He did exactly what we did and I am positive that your impression of better does not match the coaches. We did the same thing and cutting Frosh & Sophs because the talent in the 8th level was as good or better. I hear it all the time about how unfair it is to cut a Frosh and add an 8th grader. Trust me, your boss is going to get rid of the older worker if he has a younger one with the same skill set. The opportunity for growth and improvement is obviously better for a younger player who matches up with an older player.
I get what he's trying to do he's trying to get his group of young player to stick with baseball only get them while thier in the 7th and 8th grade feed them your coolaid and they will only play baseball and not football thats never
going too happen at Highlands he will soon find that out his record will speak for itself.The kids he has cut in the past were good ball players to but after they got cut they never tryout again so his thinking is like Mike Brown the 10 year plan I guess I wish the kids that play for him the best but I think the best kids re not playing because of him o well time will tell?As can see I'm not a fan of his.
Bluebirds are not the Tigers anybody that knows Jeremy knows he's trying to be like BW. So what is he going to do next year when all his good 8th graders are going to play football and leave him high and dry I know start the process over until the School lets him resign.Maybe he can get a job over at BW HA HA.
Wow Newport how's the plan working Jeremy .
mrb5150 Wrote:Bluebirds are not the Tigers anybody that knows Jeremy knows he's trying to be like BW. So what is he going to do next year when all his good 8th graders are going to play football and leave him high and dry I know start the process over until the School lets him resign.Maybe he can get a job over at BW HA HA.

Well, then your rant has answered itself and seems pointless. HHS will NEVER have a baseball program, because ALL of the Baseball players are only going to play football. You are going off on not keeping the older kids. Obviously they must not be talented either. So, lose with 8th graders, or lose with Sophomores - in either case they are going to LOSE! Right??????????????????
No not always just under Coach Baioni he doesn't understand how things work at Football HIGHLANDS the football players need a spring break it's that simple let them go and you would have a good team your not going to win many games when half your program is 7th and 8th graders football rules up at Highlands so you better work with the players not against them you know if you go to spring break don;t try out what a joke 5 days out of the season to lose your whole season is just stupid. As I said he won't be there for long. when the job came open a lot of people thought he could do better with the program not make it laughable have you seen them play? most of his players came from 2 teams that he is Buddy's with the coach's Northern Kentucky Wildcats and FT. Thomas bulldogs need I say more I WISH THE KIDS THE BEST I have coached against most of them but the best Baseball players are still walking the hall because of Baioni!
Wow another blow out.
I still can't believe there is a high school that is willing to can baseball for a week so students can go on spring break. It is no secret that Highlands is a football school. If there would ever be a fall break at Highlands, would Dale allow his senior football players go off for a week on break and put everything on hold for them. That doesn't even deserve an answer. Why is there a problem when a baseball coach asks for the same commitment from his baseball players, that Dale demands from his football players. From this outsider, it looks as though your baseball coach doesn't deserve the same respect as what is demanded from your football coach. If he were given the same support and respect as his football coaching piers, maybe the baseball program there would become a state contender year in and year out as well.
A week he gave up the whole season as I said he might be a good fit over BW
not at Highlands it so bad they don't even talk about it on that other site you know the site where its all Highlands.
mrb5150 Wrote:A week he gave up the whole season as I said he might be a good fit over BW
not at Highlands it so bad they don't even talk about it on that other site you know the site where its all Highlands.
Like I said, a double standard. I do however notice you did not comment on whether or not Dale would allow the same thing to happen with his football team in the fall. That being the seniors take a week off in the fall to go on a trip to where ever. It is apparent that the dedication to baseball is not there. Until there is a change in the mind set at the Fort, baseball will never even have a chance to be an every year contender. As well, if this is an acceptable practice. Why have I never seen another school having this sort of problem. I am still a little puzzled about "the football players need a spring break". You can dress it up and paint any color you want. It is simply just a case of, lack of dedication and respect for the game of baseball and to the coach that wants to change that. Sounds to me like baseball at Highlands, for the most part, is just something to do in the spring to kill a little time. No matter how successful this coach is or isn't. I admire him for sticking to his guns and demanding from his baseball players the same dedication and respect, that the football coach demands of the football players.
mrb5150 Wrote:A week he gave up the whole season as I said he might be a good fit over BW
not at Highlands it so bad they don't even talk about it on that other site you know the site where its all Highlands.

To address your comment of "another site". I would love to know where there is another site, where in the baseball thread it is all Highlands. The things I read else where, have had these same discussions. Just that no one there that shares your point of view on the matter. I as well have to assume that the "all Highlands" comment was geared towards football. Do you think that a very high level of dedication and respect for football at Highlands would have anything to do with that? I love high school football, but I have an overwhelming passion for the game of game baseball. If you are a Highlands fan, you have to feel the same way, except, at Highlands, football is the passion sport.
Yes it was geared toward football sorry about that.I just can't believe you can have a good high school Baseball team when hafe of the kids in your program is 7th and 8th graders this is were Jeramey is going wrong you need upper class kids on the team and I don't want to hear that these 7th and 8th graders were better than 9th and 10th and **** even the 11th graders
it's Jeremy's job to get these upper class men to want to play and put the best players on the field this is not what he is doing he thinks he is going to keep these young players together all the way through high school you don't have that kind of time you get paid to win and put a good team on the field this is not knot hole as I said work with the kids that play football not against them and don't cut better 9th and 10th graders for 7th and 8th graders as I said this is not knot hole you can not go with the buddy system here you get paid to do a job if you don;t do your job what happens to you you get the Axe right.
mrb5150 Wrote:Yes it was geared toward football sorry about that.I just can't believe you can have a good high school Baseball team when hafe of the kids in your program is 7th and 8th graders this is were Jeramey is going wrong you need upper class kids on the team and I don't want to hear that these 7th and 8th graders were better than 9th and 10th and **** even the 11th graders
it's Jeremy's job to get these upper class men to want to play and put the best players on the field this is not what he is doing he thinks he is going to keep these young players together all the way through high school you don't have that kind of time you get paid to win and put a good team on the field this is not knot hole as I said work with the kids that play football not against them and don't cut better 9th and 10th graders for 7th and 8th graders as I said this is not knot hole you can not go with the buddy system here you get paid to do a job if you don;t do your job what happens to you you get the Axe right.

So you need upper-class kids who are no good on your team? If they were good, they would be on the team!
upper class kids that are no good I will not put names of kids on here but if you think the 7th and 8th graders where better than the ones he cut I don;t think so as I said his record will speak for it self and I'm not going to go there about the kids he told not to tryout if they would not be in town for spring break and for some that had to tryout for 3 weeks and some that showed up 2 weeks after tryout have started and made the team as I said the buddy system you get paid to win and put the best players on the field he is not doing none of that as you said you are friends with this guy and you like the way he is doing things thats your choice by the way every other high school couch likes it to they like to beat up on the Birds if Dale don't get Reid of him soon that tells you the school cares less about Baseball and thats a shame.
Another lose.
Why complain on here? Take your concerns to Dale!
mrb5150 Wrote:upper class kids that are no good I will not put names of kids on here but if you think the 7th and 8th graders where better than the ones he cut I don;t think so as I said his record will speak for it self and I'm not going to go there about the kids he told not to tryout if they would not be in town for spring break and for some that had to tryout for 3 weeks and some that showed up 2 weeks after tryout have started and made the team as I said the buddy system you get paid to win and put the best players on the field he is not doing none of that as you said you are friends with this guy and you like the way he is doing things thats your choice by the way every other high school couch likes it to they like to beat up on the Birds if Dale don't get Reid of him soon that tells you the school cares less about Baseball and thats a shame.

Maybe you should call or write the school athletic board with your concerns. It's easy to continuously bash a coach under a ficticous name on a blog site. Is there really a need to post over and over "another lose". Call Coach B. on the phone. For all of the time he spends on baseball, he makes about 50 cents a hour. There's a quote that hangs in a college locker room, "Class, it just isn't something you do between the hours of 9 and 5!
MRB5150 is a one man complaining machine. I think he believes that if he complains enough he will eventually get a following. I don't know of a baseball coach anywhere that would allow his baseball players go on Spring Break. More than that, I don't know any dedicated baseball players that would go on Spring Break.
Stardust Wrote:Why complain on here? Take your concerns to Dale!

I'm not complaining just telling it like it is and I are ready did.
dd734 Wrote:MRB5150 is a one man complaining machine. I think he believes that if he complains enough he will eventually get a following. I don't know of a baseball coach anywhere that would allow his baseball players go on Spring Break. More than that, I don't know any dedicated baseball players that would go on Spring Break.

Know I just like to hear from coach B friends on here getting Rivals some new members.almost time for Football
mrb5150 Wrote:Know I just like to hear from coach B friends on here getting Rivals some new members.almost time for Football

I wouldn't know the man if he came to my front door right now. I guess I saw him at the game when we played them, but I could not pick him out of a line up. I don't really care if Highlands does well in baseball or if they don't. I do however know that you need to have dedicated coaches and players to win, as in any sport. Not we'll show up when it's ok for us, the players.
I see your point and agree but this is Highlands and football will always rule so want I'm saying is he needs to work with the football players because he needs some of them to win trust me there are alot of real good Baseball players up at Highlands that play Football . and for all the 7th and 8th graders thats just stupid.
mrb5150 Wrote:I see your point and agree but this is Highlands and football will always rule so want I'm saying is he needs to work with the football players because he needs some of them to win trust me there are alot of real good Baseball players up at Highlands that play Football . and for all the 7th and 8th graders thats just stupid.
I believe his is willing to work with the football players, just not with guys that insist on going on spring break and still want to play baseball. Simple as that. He is trying to get them into the mind set that if they want to play baseball and compete, wait until school ball is over. Then go on all the breaks you want, like all other baseball players that play baseball for every other school. All of our guys are going on spring break in the middle of June. They don't want to miss baseball. You seem to have the mind set of, let the football players do as they please. Because we are football players, and we do what we want and have to answer to no one but Coach Mueller. When you change sports you change coaches, and are expected to adhere to that coaches rules. Dale would not allow it, and your baseball coach isn't going to allow it either. :dontthink Hats off to him.
The old coach allowed it and had good teams and won games coach B is going to try and do it his way but his way is going to cost him his baseball coaching job lets face it you have to win and look at his record since he has been there not to good. Let say you were the AD how much time would you give this man to show you the program is going in the right direction? He has missed out on alot of good talent the last 2 years because the kids do not like him this is from what I hear.
mrb5150 Wrote:The old coach allowed it and had good teams and won games coach B is going to try and do it his way but his way is going to cost him his baseball coaching job lets face it you have to win and look at his record since he has been there not to good. Let say you were the AD how much time would you give this man to show you the program is going in the right direction? He has missed out on alot of good talent the last 2 years because the kids do not like him this is from what I hear.

His AD should have his back. No one likes change, even if it's for the good. I guarantee if he had D1 baseball talent players they would be there and would not have to be told to be there. They would not even think about missing a full week of baseball for a trip that can be taken any time of the year. It has been fun jousting with you over this. You will never change the way you think and neither will I. Football is not the only sport that requires dedication and respect to excel............ :igiveup:
mrb5150 Wrote:The old coach allowed it and had good teams and won games coach B is going to try and do it his way but his way is going to cost him his baseball coaching job lets face it you have to win and look at his record since he has been there not to good. Let say you were the AD how much time would you give this man to show you the program is going in the right direction? He has missed out on alot of good talent the last 2 years because the kids do not like him this is from what I hear.

Who did you hear from that the kids don't like Coach JB? It is ridiculous if you are a member of a community and bash a coach. If you have a dog in the fight, i.e. your kid got cut, take it to the AD at Highlands. FYI, kids like JB and his coaching staff. You obviously have never attended a game or seen the atmosphere in the dugout. Bottom line, JB made a rule that if you play baseball, you don't go on spring break. Some real good athletes that would have made the team, but wanted to go on spring break, made their decison. Sure they would rather have done both, play baseball and go on spring break, but like it or not, the rule is the rule. Unlike you, those that went on spring break attend baeball games and back their fellow HHS friends. They want to see their classmates win. They take the high road. Again, instead of complaining, use your resources in a positive way. Call the AD or call the coach. What are you getting out of bashing a coach on a blog site?
So what your saying is the best kids are playing? Yes I have seen them play looks like a knot hole team. I wish the kids the best always have but Highlands will never have a good team under B . so what you all are saying is give this man all the time in the world to turn this program around ? How long is to long ? how many loses will it take? I'm glade we have few new members on here that like Highlands Baseball . this is the best site for high school sports you can say whats on your mind without getting banned like that other site .I'm sure he's a nice guy but to me he's not a good high school varsity coach maybe a good JV coach or Freshman .No I have no dog in this fight but know a lot of the kids that play and they deserve better.
tristatereporter Wrote:Who did you hear from that the kids don't like Coach JB? It is ridiculous if you are a member of a community and bash a coach. If you have a dog in the fight, i.e. your kid got cut, take it to the AD at Highlands. FYI, kids like JB and his coaching staff. You obviously have never attended a game or seen the atmosphere in the dugout. Bottom line, JB made a rule that if you play baseball, you don't go on spring break. Some real good athletes that would have made the team, but wanted to go on spring break, made their decison. Sure they would rather have done both, play baseball and go on spring break, but like it or not, the rule is the rule. Unlike you, those that went on spring break attend baeball games and back their fellow HHS friends. They want to see their classmates win. They take the high road. Again, instead of complaining, use your resources in a positive way. Call the AD or call the coach. What are you getting out of bashing a coach on a blog site?

AMEN - Great post!:Thumbs:

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