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US air strikes on Libya
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Whats going on is less than something that didnt exist? What??

Yeah whatever. I knew you wouldn't own up to it.
Bob Seger Wrote:Why would we care? Frankly, I'm tired of worrying what anybody, ESPECIALLY, the Arab world thinks. They will still hate and want to kill us regardless. Besides, that would give Obama just one more thing to apologize for, wouldn't it? He could vacation in Iran next week when he gets back from Brazil and make that a priority. Do you see Russia or China apologizing for anything they do? They could care less what we think of them.

I agree, I've never liked Pres Obama, and definitely disagree with most of his politics. I think we should go back to not messing with anyone unless it directly affects us.
vundy33 Wrote:I agree, I've never liked Pres Obama, and definitely disagree with most of his politics. I think we should go back to not messing with anyone unless it directly affects us.


What say we end it on that?
Bob Seger Wrote:Yeah whatever. I knew you wouldn't own up to it.

Own up to what? That you think that we had sufficient evidence and reason to go to iraq? While in a war with Afghanistan.
Bob Seger Wrote:Surely you didn't mean to write that. When ever has his word ever meant anything?

How did Iraq start anyways? ....... Enforcing No fly zones? Tomahawk Missles?

Sound familar?

Your hate for Pres Obama is blinding you man...this isn't Iraq, nothing like it. If the U.S. does send any troops in besides SOF, I'll eat crow. But I don't believe that will happen.
Bob Seger Wrote::Thumbs:

What say we end it on that?

End what? I want to hear others' opinions on what they think is going to happen next.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Own up to what? That you think that we had sufficient evidence and reason to go to iraq? While in a war with Afghanistan.

Didn't matter what I thought. Evidently everyone in the House and the Senate thought there was reason. Perhaps they should have just called Wildcat and got a true expert opinion j/k
Bob Seger Wrote:Didn't matter what I thought. Evidently everyone in the House and the Senate did. Perhaps they should have just called Wildcat and got an expert opinion

Obviously i knew just as much as them about what was going on over there.
vundy33 Wrote:End what? I want to hear others' opinions on what they think is going to happen next.

That's fine, you carry on. I'm tired and calling it a day.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Obviously i knew just as much as them about what was going on over there.

Naw, it was all Bush's fault!!!
Bob Seger Wrote:Didn't matter what I thought. Evidently everyone in the House and the Senate thought there was reason. Perhaps they should have just called Wildcat and got a true expert opinion j/k

Yeah, I hate to hear people blame Bush for the war, when pretty much everyone thought he had WMD's. Bad intel and Saddam saying he had them over and over is to blame.
Bob Seger Wrote:Naw, it was all Bush's fault!!!

It Was Obamas Fault!
vundy33 Wrote:Yeah, I hate to hear people blame Bush for the war, when pretty much everyone thought he had WMD's. Bad intel and Saddam saying he had them over and over is to blame.

Not complying with UN inspectors and shooting at UN planes controlling the No Fly Zone certainly added fuel to the fire.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:It Was Obamas Fault!

For once you're right. This one certainly is.
Bob Seger Wrote:This one certainly is.

Unlike Iraq there is broad international support for this one.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Unlike Iraq there is broad international support for this one.

Yeah, if everyone else jumps off a cliff.........................:yawn:
vundy33 Wrote:Your hate for Pres Obama is blinding you man...this isn't Iraq, nothing like it. If the U.S. does send any troops in besides SOF, I'll eat crow. But I don't believe that will happen.
This one has a world defiant Lunatic terrorist sponsoring Muslim dictator, that kills his own people as the main charactor.

Lets see we have no fly zones and are launching mass tomahawk cruise missles as a prelude.

You're right, this one's different.
Bob Seger Wrote:This one has a world defiant Lunatic terrorist sponsoring Muslim dictator, that kills his own people as the main charactor.

Lets see we have no fly zones and are launching mass tomahawk cruise missles as a prelude.

You're right, this one's different.

lol, it is! We're not liberating anyone, not looking for any WMD's, and not trying to capture or kill Gadhafi! What's so hard to understand about that? Why be so negative? Do you want another Iraq or something?
Bob, if you're referring to Iraq of the 90's, then yes, I do agree, and hopefully it doesn't turn into that, it lasted quite a while. If it does though, again, I think the U.K. and France will be the main players.

I assumed it was the Iraq of this decade you were referring to since it was brought up a bit earlier.
FYI- (because some of you are politically Blinded by history)

From the End of Persian Gulf War in 1991- March of 2003 Iraq roughly 55 UN resolutions beginning with a "no fly zones" and includes varies resolutions on Oil for food programs and economic sanctions, and weapon inspections

Resolution 1441 stated that Iraq was in material breach of the ceasefire terms presented under the terms of Resolution 687. Iraq's breaches related not only to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), but also the known construction of prohibited types of missiles, the purchase and import of prohibited armaments, and the continuing refusal of Iraq to compensate Kuwait
On November 8, 2002, the Security Council passed Resolution 1441 by a unanimous 15-0 vote; Russia, China, France, and Arab countries such as Syria voted in favor, giving Resolution 1441 wider support than even the 1990 Gulf War resolution.
This Resolution ultimately lead to the Iraq War
now for Libya:
resolution 1973 (2011) by a vote of 10 in favour to none against, with 5 abstentions (Brazil, China, Germany, India, Russian Federation), the Council authorized Member States, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, to take all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack in the country, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory — requesting them to immediately inform the Secretary-General of such measures.</SPAN>
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You should know, I fully support our operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. My objection to American involvement in Libya is based on the fact that I cannot see where our national interests will be served. This just seems like a political calculation on Obama's part. A war that he can call his own and a war that we can easily win. Since we deposed Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi has not posed much of a threat compared to several other world leaders.

If Obama is doing this for purely humanitarian reasons, then why has he not intervened in Darfur, where thousands have died and/or became rape victims?

If helping the rebels overthrow Gaddafi, then why did Obama not make that decision a few weeks ago when rebels seemed to have the upper hand? Why did Obama sit on his hands and wait for the UN to act while Gaddafi regrouped and went on a killing spree?

If we are able to turn the tide in what is a Libyan civil war, what makes us think that those who take over will be any improvement over Gaddafi? The most organized among the rebels are likely to be affiliated with Al Qaeda, so chances are the next Libyan leader would be as bad or even worse than Gaddafi.]

Finally, why is Obama on yet another vacation with his family, playing soccer in Brazil, instead of acting presidential during time of war?

Well, I agree with you on Libya. Afghanistan, I can understand because that was the base home for the Taliban(sp). Iraq, I have hard feelings over due to loss of a close friend, so I will choose not to comment on that, out of respect for him.

I again do not think it is our place to be the world's police dog, I think we should close down all bases around the world. Cut our military budget, with a long list of other items. Secure our boarders, and dare anyone to attack.

I want to be perfectly clear, I do not believe inour nation, nation building, let others do what they will. I think if we are at war, we turn the nation into a pile of dirt, then we blow up the dirt. Sound harsh, well don't mess with us. Period.

I do believe though as personal choice that I will send aid to other countries that face natural disasters and so forth. I will send mission folks to convert to Christianity. However, the government should make that an individual choice. Not take the money of the people.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Obviously i knew just as much as them about what was going on over there.
You probably know more than Obama.
I voted for Bush and when we first went into Iraq, I thought that was the right thing to do. However, hindsight is 20/20 and I think that is one war we shouldn't have gotten in. Now for all the Bush bashers who have let him have it over the years for going into Iraq, how in the world can we justify bombing Libya? This will lead to ground forces. If there is no plan, then why do it in the first place? If we had no business sticking our noses into Iraq, then we have no business sticking our noses into Libya. As for our alllies, where were all of them when we went into Iraq? If my memory serves me correctly, just about every country was ready to crucify us for our involvement with Iraq. As an earlier post said, France only wants us when it is to their benefit. Does anyone remember everyone calling french fries "freedom fries"? Where was France when we needed them. We need to let all those rock throwing, stick waving countries kill each other out and be done with it.
Shady Grady Wrote:I voted for Bush and when we first went into Iraq, I thought that was the right thing to do. However, hindsight is 20/20 and I think that is one war we shouldn't have gotten in. Now for all the Bush bashers who have let him have it over the years for going into Iraq, how in the world can we justify bombing Libya? This will lead to ground forces. If there is no plan, then why do it in the first place? If we had no business sticking our noses into Iraq, then we have no business sticking our noses into Libya. As for our alllies, where were all of them when we went into Iraq? If my memory serves me correctly, just about every country was ready to crucify us for our involvement with Iraq. As an earlier post said, France only wants us when it is to their benefit. Does anyone remember everyone calling french fries "freedom fries"? Where was France when we needed them. We need to let all those rock throwing, stick waving countries kill each other out and be done with it.
We don't agree often, but I am 100% with you here. I also voted for Bush, and regretted it, mainly because of Iraq.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Unlike Iraq there is broad international support for this one.
Wrong again.

Quote:Fact: Bush Had 2 Times More Coalition Partners in Iraq Than Obama Has in Libya

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F-15 crashed in Libya. Both pilots ejected, one was picked up by an Osprey, an aircraft with rotors that can land vertically, the other was picked up by rebels until coalition forces could pick him up. Apparently it was an equipment malfunction.
“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation,” Obama told the Boston Globe in 2007.
From what i've heard, Gadhafi is probably in a bunker in the southern part of the country. I am really starting to get the feeling that he wants to draw us, meaning the U.S., into Libya, on the ground. Even though I think that won't happen and it will be the Brits and/or French, it pisses me off.

Why can't the U.N. just grow a pair and kill this guy? I highly doubt that the Libyan military will carry on the fight. They'll either just stop fighting and start thinking about getting their country back together, or they'll go crazy because their leader is dead.

This is ridiculous. We have enough to worry about already. Even though it's AFRICOM, an entirely different command than Afghanistan, it's still taking resources away. You guys seen where the 26th MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) is on standy-by in the Mediterranean? Guess where they were before this went Helmand Province, Afghanistan, trying to end the 10-year war we already have going.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Wrong again.


I posted that before this was released.

But it seems there are more countries that agreed with the iraq stupidity then obamas sudden urge to be a world super cop.
We will continue to support the efforts to protect the Libyan people, but we will not be leading them," Obama said in El Salvador, where he was about to wrap up a three-country visit to Latin America.
"We came in up front fairly heavily, fairly substantially, at considerable risk to our military personnel," he added. "And when this transition (to allies) takes place, it is not going to be our planes that are maintaining the no fly zone. It is not going to be our ships that are necessarily involved in enforcing the arms embargo. That is precisely what the other coalition partners are going to do."
Obama spoke hours after the pilots of a U.S. F-15E Strike Eagle ejected safely when their plane experienced mechanical problems and crashed in a wheat field about 25 miles east of Benghazi in an area controlled by anti-Gadhafi forces.
One pilot was greeted with hugs from locals. A steady stream of locals walked through the wheat fields and gathered around the crash site, at times bringing their children, and photographing the wreckage. Some carried a free Libya flag. Many spoke of their gratitude for U.S. intervention and were fascinated by the wreckage. At the sight of a Westerner, some spoke the little English they knew, offering thanks. A few carried away pieces of the wreckage.

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