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South Floyd Vball Players!!
"littlej" Wrote:spiker-chick can not play! She always wants to hold herself back and makes bad decissions, affarid of making someone mad. Shes a chiken and need to become more of an individual before she becomes the player she can be. :lol:
Umm lil mr.J I believe I can play and alot of people would agree and I know exactly why u said that and it has nothing to do with how I play thank u very much! :?
yes it does effect how you play whenever you believe in yourself a little more you will see your game grow to where it needs to be. self convidenc is a big key in how a player plays and you have the potential to play at the next level but everything is tied together ( work ethic, want to, personal belief, off the court problems , self convidence). You can play but have t owork extra hard to play at the next level.
Lil J, I understand where ur coming from in certain ways, and this year hopefully I can shock everyone that gets to see me play, Ill be working extra hard and playing to the best of my ability. :wink:
biggest thing is self-convidence in your jumping ability and not turn sideways but i think your coaches have a solution for that.
DTfan Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:13 pm Post subject:


South_21...the only new girl I've seen at is Tasha Osborne so maybe that's who this mysterious "wicked" server is...

***I have see this girl play and she doesn't have that good of a serve. She isn't all that good of a player either.
Lil J what kinda solutions do u have in store?....I heard a lot of new people signed up for volleyball this year at SF
they where 29 girls sign-up to go to camp but that is a big number since everyone knows people sign-up but never come out or last about two days once conditioning starts. but i have heard that the two coachs are going to get soome foot work drills from a college coach along with a new jumping machine that will help increase your jumping and that should help you be higher at the net making it less likely to turn your waist.
The anonymous "they".
I hope us girls can pull it together this year and do better than last years seniors. It'll be hard but I have faith in the team. I'm up in ready to get started. I'm ready to get to get to work.
The seniors this year will do just as good, if not better, the girls are gonna start asap on conditioning themselves to be number one in the upcoming season Smile
I don't think this years team will do as good as last years team. They haven't got the heart as last years team did. They all aren't commited to coming in the gym and getting their self in shape.
Clone.. i have to disagree ..this years team has just as much if not more heart than last years team. there are alot of talented girls that are gonna be on the court this year, and we intend to make it a good season.
I have to say that South Floyd's volleyball team was awsome this year. Last year when Sabrine and them seniors played I never heard anything about them, but this year I hear alot about the volleyball team and I am very proud of girls. Good Luck Next Season!
I believe SF will do good next year. They have a good program going on over there and have a couple key players coming back. Amber Tackett was good last year and will be back as a junior next.
SF is still no match for AC! AC beat them 3 times this year once at SF which was a awesome game:Clap: i never knew VB could be so intense:argue: ! and then they rolled over them easily at AC. then once again in the finals of the district tourney.

SF will never be a match for AC!

:champ: AC District and Confrince Champs
Well yea your rite ac did beat SF but if it wasnt for the ***RUDE AC FANS*** south floyd wouldnt have been so tore up in the games..i mean ok i played last year for south floyd..Alen Centrals fans spit and yelled at us while we were playin..and if thats not good enough idk wat is..i know alot of people from ac and at the games they would try to aggervate me and scream my name n say things to me while i was tryin to play...but what i do remember is when we beat ac in one match and the girls was lookin at their fans sayin be louder and scream more things!...i thought that was funny..but i think south floyd can take ac whenever and wherever they wanna play at..but we all kno they will bring their fans to cheer sf players down...but i guess thats what their good for
"raidervolley" Wrote:Well yea your rite ac did beat SF but if it wasnt for the ***RUDE AC FANS*** south floyd wouldnt have been so tore up in the games..i mean ok i played last year for south floyd..Alen Centrals fans spit and yelled at us while we were playin..and if thats not good enough idk wat is..i know alot of people from ac and at the games they would try to aggervate me and scream my name n say things to me while i was tryin to play...but what i do remember is when we beat ac in one match and the girls was lookin at their fans sayin be louder and scream more things!...i thought that was funny..but i think south floyd can take ac whenever and wherever they wanna play at..but we all kno they will bring their fans to cheer sf players down...but i guess thats what their good for

Good point. In the stands some people focus more on trying to make the other team play bad instead of encouraging their team. This is not a good thing.
I agree Ace
yeah i agree AC and BL have the rudest fan in any ****ning school ive ever seen they dont know when to stop running their mouths and they use the most despicable behavior ive ever seen in my life. rlly spitting on a bunch of girls they ought to be ashamed of their selves but even if it takes suspension of every south floyd fan we should never let the other teams push ours around or treat them inhumainly hell this yr if they spit im a whip it out and **** all over their shoes see how they like them hopw crazy the people from hi hat can get bet they stop then and i know i used curse words in this post and im sorry but i wont change it because its exactly what they deserve! LEts Go SouthFLoyd!!!!!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH
Talk Is Cheap
While you get on here and talk about what you are gonna do
AC is getting in the weight room
playing clubvolleyball
and polishing a championship trophy.
while you sit around a play and do nothing to get ready for next season.
and exactly how do u know what the other teams and players are doing to get ready preparing for the next season begins when the last game is over.My ? is how do u know that the other teams arent doing anything?
"Old Gravey legs" Wrote:Talk Is Cheap
While you get on here and talk about what you are gonna do
AC is getting in the weight room
playing clubvolleyball
and polishing a championship trophy.
while you sit around a play and do nothing to get ready for next season.

yeah how do u kno?????????????????????
I Agree Ac Fans R Rude But If That Is Wat It Take I Guess Us Raider Need 2 Get Us Some To!!!!!!!!!!!
well i sorta disagree cause their fans were like so rude and i would rather not have any fans at all then to have disrespectful ones...i mean yea it would prob help the team out a whole lot...but i would rather win fair and not win cause our fans....(like ac did)...but dont get me wrong ac did have a really good team but it was the fans that got to everyone and caused the other team to lose focus
I heard that south floyd was going to get a 6 foot girl out of somerset is that true for the upcoming year. :Thumbs:
I have heard this as well, i am sure that it will put a smile on the SF coaching staff.
:Thumbs: Yea really i cant wait to see how this girl plays...i've heard by alot of different people that she is supose to be really cant wait to play with her!
"kybass88" Wrote:I heard that south floyd was going to get a 6 foot girl out of somerset is that true for the upcoming year. :Thumbs:

Really do you know what type player she is?
You Know My Name Says It All. I Have Been Around The Block A Few Times, And I Have Seen A Lot Of Sports. I Know That The Quickest Way To Go From A Winner To A Loser Is To Bask In All The Past Glory That You Have Attained ( Read All Your Press Climpings From The Previous Year And All The Superlatives That People Have Written About You ) While The Other Teams Are Quitely Busting Their Rears Getting Ready For The UpComming Season. I Have Already Heard About And Seen Posts About Other Teams Gettng Ready For Next Season ( Working In Weight Room, Playing Club VolleyBall) But Nothing About The South Floyd VolleyBall Team Except What " Great" Players Are Comming Back For The Raiders. Seems Like They Are Content Telling Everyone How Good They Are Going To Be, Instead Of Working And Improving Themselves. Pity...I Thought That Coach Smallwood, Little, And Turner Had Finally Turned That Program Around Over There. Tooo Baaad. :Skull03: :giveup:
:wtf1: Ok First Of All Smallwood,little, And Turner Are Awesome Coaches And They Will Make The Girls Start Liftin Weights W/e They Think Its Times To Start And What Do U Mean By (i Thought They Have Finally Turned The Program Around Over There)....dude South Floyds Vball Team From Last Year Might Not Have Been #1 But I Kno Those Girls Gave Every Team A Great Game To Play And That Every Single Girl Busted Their Butts To Get As Far As They Did...and When It Comes Down To It...they Will Be Ready To Take On Any Team From Any Where....(and Maybe Ppl Talk About Sf Hummmmmm Because They Think Their Gonna B Good Next Year) So Dont Worry About Sf Players...they Will Be More Then Ready When The Season Starts...:Thumbs:

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