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Estill County 73 - Breathitt County 66 (OT) (14th Region - 1st RD)
Estill was Down 16 Entering the 4th Quarter To Come Back And Win In OT.

Estill's Cade Berryman hits 2 Clutch Free Throws With 1.2 Seconds in Regulation To Force OT.
A lot of heart shown by Bentleys club tonight. I left mid way through the 3rd and it was 46-30. Great comeback, Congrats Estill.
Congrats to Bentley and the Neers for staying with it and fnally playing like they are capable of. Good luck on Monday against Knott.
I had to work tonight and I got home in time to hear the last few seconds of OT! This must have been a pretty intense game to watch with estil coming back from a 16 point deficit in the 4th quarter and take the lead by as much as 8 points in OT!

What was the turning point in this game?

Congrats Estill County!! Represent the 56th District well!
^ Trevor Jones (An 8th Grader and Head Football Coach Mike Jones' Son) Was The One Who Helped Estill Come Back. Esitll Outscored Breathitt 27-11 in the 4th
Estill Co. 73
Breathitt Co. 66 (OT)

Estill Co.5 15 10 27 16 73

Beathitt Co.
10 22 14 11 9 66

14th Region at Hazard

Estill Co. (18-13) -- Roberts 13, Berryman 13, Muncie 7, Morris 15, Doty 8, Jenkins 4, Jones 13.

Breathitt Co. (11-18) -- Bellamy 5, Hensley 7, Hays 1, Noble 11, Cox 14, Hamilton 22, Fraley 6.

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Estill Co. 5 15 10 27 16 73

Breathitt Co. 10 22 14 11 9 66

14th Region at Hazard

Estill Co. (18-13) -- Roberts 13, Berryman 13, Muncie 7, Morris 15, Doty 8, Jenkins 4, Jones 13.

Breathitt Co. (11-18) -- Bellamy 5, Hensley 7, Hays 1, Noble 11, Cox 14, Hamilton 22, Fraley 6.

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Oops, I think we posted at the sametime! Congrats to Trevor Jones, nice to see an underclassman(8th Grader) stepping up!
congrats to EC
Wonders why anyone would leave a ballgame.....that's why they play 4 quarters!! And EC has had a number of OT games. Glad they won this one hope this gets them going for at least 2 more!!!!
can't believe breathitt gave this one away. estill might play hard, but that's about it. not a very talented team, knott should steam roll em.
neverguesswhoiam Wrote:can't believe breathitt gave this one away. estill might play hard, but that's about it. not a very talented team, knott should steam roll em.

you all won't steam roll, you may beat us monday but it you all won't steam roll. how do you get that we're not talented? looks to me like we got talent cause if we didn't, then we would be 0-30. If we would have beat the teams that just barley beat us, we would be 27-4 and one of the best teams in Region
Estill looked like they didn't know how to score in the first half....
that was a different story in the 4th lol
Congrats to the Engineers!
I think BC had 12 turnovers in the 4th.
The Engineers Are Getting Escorted Back Home (Like They Do When A District Championship is Won) Tonight From The Powell County Line Smile
Doty was a big help in this comeback too, he didnt do anything offensive in the first 3 quarters, had 8 big points in the 4th/OT.
The Fraley kid ate him alive on the boards in the first half though. He couldn't Score at all.
can you say j bentley
Like most I had written them off early but Estill continued to play hard and it payed off. Congrats to Estill on a great comeback!
WOW!!! What a finish!!! This was the best game of the tournament so far. I think the Breathitt fans started pointing at the scoreboard just a little too early. Seems like a lot of people had given up on Estill in this one but they didn't give up and that's what counts. Congrats to Jon Bentley and the Engineers!
Blue-N-Gold Wrote:WOW!!! What a finish!!! This was the best game of the tournament so far. I think the Breathitt fans started pointing at the scoreboard just a little too early. Seems like a lot of people had given up on Estill in this one but they didn't give up and that's what counts. Congrats to Jon Bentley and the Engineers!

BNG, did you get any pics of this game?
Strikeout King Wrote:BNG, did you get any pics of this game?

No. I dropped my camera during the Hazard game and now it won't come on or even light up. Sorry.
Blue-N-Gold Wrote:No. I dropped my camera during the Hazard game and now it won't come on or even light up. Sorry.

its cool man, surely some from Estill got pics.
neverguesswhoiam Wrote:can't believe breathitt gave this one away. estill might play hard, but that's about it. not a very talented team, knott should steam roll em.

Im glad you feel that way tell all your players not to worry Estill has no talent cant play a lick if i was Knott i would not even warn up just show up and it's a win i might no t even dress my startes save them for Tue,night. Estill is just a step sister in this great 14th Reg. Knott just believe ever thing people it's going to be a cake walk.
Strikeout King, where you at this game? This is the first time this season I have seen Estill play and let me tell you.. Those kids have heart.. Most electrifying game I have seen in a while... Much props to Estill Co. on a BIG come back.. The game was crazy.. I can't believe that little guy clutched those free throws at the end.. He had to have both or else Estill didn't stand a chance of going to the next round.. I figured big #1 when I seen him in warm-ups would provide more than he did. Either way, great win for Estill.. and in the 4th quarter it was the #21 (billy goat) show..

This isn't the 1st time I've watched them play but it is the first time I've watched them under Jon Bentley. The only reason I remember watching them before is how their bands plays the sound of a train when they hit the floor.
In Stirkeout King's defense... This Estill team is VERY talented... What I didn't understand is how they where down 16 to Breathitt.. I was in shock after watching both teams warm up.. I figured Estill by 20, but Breathitt could not miss... I'm assuming both teams started showing their true colors in the 4th IMO. Estill had plenty that could tare the rim off, Breathitt had one.. To the victor goes the spoils... Can't wait to see you all play Knott!
nice win for the 'neers...look for them to makes some noise against knott.
Glad to see one of Bentley's old Assistant Coaches from Bell Co. wearing the stripes in this one, I'm sure they had a lot of catching up to do. Wink
Congrats Estill! Good luck on Monday!

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