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Clark County Vinny Zollo shatters backboard
Zollo was named to the All Tourney team and also awarded the Mr. Hustle Award.

From J. Demling of the CJ:

[INDENT]Vinny Zollo shatters backboard

Posted on January 1, 2011 by jdemling

Clark County senior Vinny Zollo, a Western Kentucky University signee, shattered a backboard on Friday at the Beach Ball Classic in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
In the first quarter of a consolation game against Wheeler (Ga.), Zollo went up for a dunk that was contested by a Wheeler defender. As he attempted to throw down the dunk, the glass shattered but stayed largely in place.
The Myrtle Beach Sun News reported the tournament was delayed an hour an a half.
"These rims are so loose anyway," Zollo told the newspaper. "They’re meant so that kind of thing won’t happen. It’s kind of a one-in-a-million thing."
The photo is from the Myrtle Beach Sun News.
That is pretty cool. How big of a boy is Zollo?
haha zollo shatters the backboard that has a break-away rim. awesome stuff vinny
Tailback44 Wrote:That is pretty cool. How big of a boy is Zollo?

He is 6'9 about 225. Senior at GRC.
Gold Charger Wrote:He is 6'9 about 225. Senior at GRC.

Pretty good size for a kid his age. I hope this isn't taking the wrong way. Is he black or white?
Tailback44 Wrote:Pretty good size for a kid his age. I hope this isn't taking the wrong way. Is he black or white?

he's white
I thought the days of shattered boards ended with Shaq. That is amazing.
Vinny Zollo will do very well at WKU, and the hilltoppers have a very good class coming in.
The Iceboxx Wrote:Vinny Zollo will do very well at WKU, and the hilltoppers have a very good class coming in.

I agree, WKU is a great fit for Vinny. Neigle Snipes who plays for Wheeler of Georgia has also comitted to WKU. Wheeler and GRC played each other in the Consolation Championship game. He also is a great player for WKU.
You can watch it on youtube.

All that and it didn't even go in. Wonder if he had to pay for a new backboard?
Looks like WKU has a very tough young man coming their way!!
[quote=Blue-N-Gold]All that and it didn't even go in. Wonder if he had to pay for a new backboard?[/QUOTE]

Wow, nice.
It looks like he just hit the ball too hard against the backboard.
I don't even know if he touched the rim.
^ You watch the video? If so give me a link.
Ballers Wrote:^ You watch the video? If so give me a link.

See post 10
Jarons Wrote:See post 10

Can't watch Youtube @ work, thus that is why I was hoping Zaga had a diff. link.. But thank you for your consideration Smile
Heres a link to the Winchester newspaper story. It looks like he got clobbered on the way up.
zaga_fan Wrote:It looks like he just hit the ball too hard against the backboard.
I don't even know if he touched the rim.

Vinny grabbed the rim right after the ball got punched out.
Ballers Wrote:^ You watch the video? If so give me a link.

I checked it out really quick right before I came in this morning.
So I'm assuming he didn't finish the dunk?
suberec Wrote:Heres a link to the Winchester newspaper story. It looks like he got clobbered on the way up.

He was and no foul was called. When play resumed, they had a jump ball.

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