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D3 Final
Williamsburg Vs Raceland:redboxer:
Should be fun to watch.
After watching both teams yesterday I'll have to say in my completely and totally biased
opinion that Williamsburg will win today.
Forgive my ignorance with middle school. I have seen many middle school threads lately about a tournament. Is this a state tourney? Are Raceland and Williamsburg playing for the state championship? Why are they playing on back to back days? Any info will be appreciated.
That being said, I am a Raceland grad. I hope they return to Raceland as champions!! I love seeing Raceland do well in anything.
Jarons Wrote:Forgive my ignorance with middle school. I have seen many middle school threads lately about a tournament. Is this a state tourney? Are Raceland and Williamsburg playing for the state championship? Why are they playing on back to back days? Any info will be appreciated.
That being said, I am a Raceland grad. I hope they return to Raceland as champions!! I love seeing Raceland do well in anything.

This is a state championship tournament, yes. It's divided up into 3 divisions based on the size of the school. Division 3 is the smallest, Division 2 next biggest, and Division 1 the biggest. My only guess on the back to back days would be just for time's sake. I know many of our footnall players play basketball and we've not had any basketball practices because of football. Hope this helps.

With that said, I think MY Jackets are gonna come out on top today!! Ohhhhh J-A-C-K-E-T-S!!!!!
jacketspost10 Wrote:This is a state championship tournament, yes. It's divided up into 3 divisions based on the size of the school. Division 3 is the smallest, Division 2 next biggest, and Division 1 the biggest. My only guess on the back to back days would be just for time's sake. I know many of our footnall players play basketball and we've not had any basketball practices because of football. Hope this helps.

With that said, I think MY Jackets are gonna come out on top today!! Ohhhhh J-A-C-K-E-T-S!!!!!

Thanks. One last question, are all schools eligible?
I have not seen Raceland play, but I heard that Frankfort was better. Raceland must be good to beat Frankfurter, but we have six weapons on offense and our defense is sound. I think Williamsburg will win, they are just too good.:Cheerlead:1:
Good Luck to both teams.
Jarons Wrote:Thanks. One last question, are all schools eligible?

If I'm not mistaken, yes. I think so.
Jarons Wrote:Forgive my ignorance with middle school. I have seen many middle school threads lately about a tournament. Is this a state tourney? Are Raceland and Williamsburg playing for the state championship? Why are they playing on back to back days? Any info will be appreciated.
That being said, I am a Raceland grad. I hope they return to Raceland as champions!! I love seeing Raceland do well in anything.

The Raceland fans are the best. good game
I agree Voljacket, all the fans were great, especially Jacket fans. We rocked the stands.

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