Poll: Who Ya Got?
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Jack Conway
Rand Paul
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Who Ya Got Jack Conway vs Rand Paul?
DevilsWin Wrote:Rand Paul is for term limits, how damaging do you think that would be to Kentuckians?
Not nearly as bad as sending another Democrat to the Senate to rubber stamp Obama's left wing agenda. Every vote for Democratic House and Senate candidates next month will be an endorsement of Barack Obama's first 21 months in office.

Soon, those who realize the mistake that they made in casting a ballot for Obama will have a chance to redeem themselves.
I met Conway the other day. I think he's an idiot, fake, and intimidated of people that get more attention than him. I also think that he's looking to stay in DC for a while, and that he'll end up doing what's helps him get re-elected if he wins instead of doing whats best for the state. That's just what I got from my 20 or so minutes around him. You should have seen him squirming around and looking over at the reporter that was interviewing some other Soldiers, it was hilarious.

Where the **** have you been DW? Welcome back...
I hate to hear that about Conway but can you blame the guy? The Repubs have spotters following him everywhere hoping he'll slip up and say something stupid so they can catch it on video.

I walked the entire length of the Catlettsburg Labor Day parade alongside of John Waltz and the Davis people had some kid following us with a handheld camera the entire route getting right up in John's personal space while he was trying to meet voters.

I took a new job Vundy33 its been keeping me pretty busy.
I promise your buyers remorse will be worse with Paul than mine with Obama.
DevilsWin Wrote:I promise your buyers remorse will be worse with Paul than mine with Obama.
Are you saying that Ron Paul will vote to Obama's left if he elected. Is there any room to his left in the US Senate? Because that is the only reason that I would regret voting for Ron Paul - but since I am not a Kentucky resident, it is a moot point. I will not be voting for any liberal Democratic lawyers in this lifetime.
I have not really followed this campaign closely because I will not be voting in Kentucky next month. However, I have now seen enough to know that Jack Conway is one of the slimiest creeps running for office this fall.

When a liberal Democrat's tactics offend Chris Matthews' sense of fair play, then you know that Democrats have a loser on their hands.

This video segment is fairly long, but it is worth watching if you have not made your mind up already and are absolutely sure that nothing anybody says will change your mind. It's too bad that MSNBC does not even draw enough Democrat viewers to make a difference. Matthews made Conway look like a dishonest, condescending jerk.

[YOUTUBE="Well played, Chris Matthews"]<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/qaid2Pb4Yms&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/qaid2Pb4Yms&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
WOW!!! I didn't know Chris Matthews had it in him. Almost makes you feel sorry for Conway. Almost.
Nothing but desperation.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:Ok, everyone the reason for this thread was to talk about the two running not Obama vs the Nation.

Based on the two head to head on policy why are you voting for which ever? I do not want to hear Obama's name one time from here on out through this thread. This shouldn't be a race between Obama and Rand it should be a race based on what Conway has done for the state already and says he will do vs Rand and his agenda.
Obama. Obama. Obama. :biggrin:

You may not want to hear Obama's name but the Democratic Congress has enabled Obama to inflict long term damage to this nation's institutions and it is fair to expect if Democrats hold their majorities in Congress, they will continue to act as his enablers.

Conway is running a sleazy, dishonest campaign and he would deserve to lose under normal circumstances. The fact that Obama needs his vote so badly will just make his loss all the more sweet.
jetpilot Wrote:WOW!!! I didn't know Chris Matthews had it in him. Almost makes you feel sorry for Conway. Almost.
This may be hard for people to believe but when Hardball first began running on MSNBC, I used to watch Matthews almost every night. At one time, I thought he tried to be fair with his guests but at some point that changed and he lost me as a viewer. One of the funniest things that I remember was a show where Zell Miller became very angry at something that he thought Chris had said. Miller told him that he wished that duels were still legal.

Matthews took a hard turn left, along with nearly everybody else on MSNBC and left most of his original audience behind - but every now and then he turns in a solid performance like this one with Conway.
I am still a Paul supporter but my zeal for him and is message is wanning. He does the fund raiser with Jeb Bush which paints him as a Republican insider. He then does another fund raiser with Rogers, voted one of the five worst congressmen, due to his pork barrel politics. Paul the anti-earmark candidate hanging out with the current earmark king. That is another balckmark.

By moving towards a more moderate mainstream Republican stance and image, he is leaving the political base that got him nominated in the first place.

He's no longer running to try to correct things in Washington, he is now running to not lose an election that he had locked up two months ago.

In my opinion Conway isn't gaining ground, Paul is giving ground. Rand, get back to your base and forget the pandering to the current Repulican powers. You got the nomination with McConnell and Rogers backing your opponet. Leave them behind, their days are few. People are sick of career politicians.
DevilsWin Wrote:Rand Paul is for term limits, how damaging do you think that would be to Kentuckians?

well actually Rand is for term limits until asked if it would apply to him thus, he doesn't support term limits...LMAO :thatsfunn
Anything to get the dems out of there!
The typical democratic response to their failure, or anything for that matter, is to holler Bushs name and say many things that Bush did and all that
Bush is gone, so it doesnt matter, get over it.
I hope the dems get completely wiped out and the republicans take over and dont even let Obama pick up a pen without being authorized to, hes a joke like so many before him have been an not its really A TIME FOR A CHANGE.

2012 cant come quick enough, this Tuesday is just the beggining.
^ once 2012 hit then whats going to change? Once the republicans do an equally crappy job as the dems, people will holla for the dems to be put back in office.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:^ once 2012 hit then whats going to change? Once the republicans do an equally crappy job as the dems, people will holla for the dems to be put back in office.

first things first, we got to get out of this stupid pointless war.
I think we as a country got more problems to worry about here, and id say im with most other americans when i say i could care less about whats going on over there, if we have problems we should just end it with one blow, i dont know that the economy is ever going to be the same as it once was but i do think the dems are making it so much worse and borrowing money off of a country that hates us when were already broke helped nothing, all of the people that wanted to see Obama in their got their wish, now they are wishing they wouldnt have.
Personally im a republican, but ill always vote for the better canididate and we didnt do that last time, everybody was just caught up in Obama and took his words as the gospel when they were really words of nothing because thats all thats happened since hes been there.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:first things first, we got to get out of this stupid pointless war.
I think we as a country got more problems to worry about here, and id say im with most other americans when i say i could care less about whats going on over there, if we have problems we should just end it with one blow, i dont know that the economy is ever going to be the same as it once was but i do think the dems are making it so much worse and borrowing money off of a country that hates us when were already broke helped nothing, all of the people that wanted to see Obama in their got their wish, now they are wishing they wouldnt have.
Personally im a republican, but ill always vote for the better canididate and we didnt do that last time, everybody was just caught up in Obama and took his words as the gospel when they were really words of nothing because thats all thats happened since hes been there.

I love how people say things like that when they have no idea what they're talking about. You can't just end a "stupid" pointless war. It's not that easy. We have interests that keep us in it. It's not just going after the "terrorists". It's TONS of factors put together. Our image in the world would go way down if we just up and left the Afghans without helping them build the country back up. That, in turn, affects alot of things. I could care less what they think about us, but that area of the world is really important to the Unites States.

People might as well get used to us being in this war for a few more years. Until Pakistan picks it up and does there part to stop it, it's going to go on and on. No President we elect will bring us out of there until the Paki's fix their ****.

Now, in response to your last paragraph, I'm a republican as well, and I voted for McCain. If he had been elected, we'd be alot closer to ending the War in AFG by now. Obama screwed himself by not being decisive and sending what we needed to get this over with. I've seen it firsthand. Like I've said in other threads, I could go on and on about this subject, but it wouldn't matter.

Wildcat, you might as well move to Canada with that kind of outlook on things, lol. People act like this is the first roadblock that this country has come up against. Our country has had times like this many times before. We will get out of it. It's kind of like the whole "green" movement, people thinking that the temps are getting hotter and colder entirely because of us. The Earth goes through many cycles like this. Get over it and persevere.

We have to do it. We have to get rid of the ****'s that go on about what they'll do, it's just empty promises. We have to elect the people that are going to bring us out of this, the people that are 100% focused on the betterment of the country as a whole, not individual betterment. We have to do it, it's up to us.
vundy33 Wrote:I love how people say things like that when they have no idea what they're talking about. You can't just end a "stupid" pointless war. It's not that easy. We have interests that keep us in it. It's not just going after the "terrorists". It's TONS of factors put together. Our image in the world would go way down if we just up and left the Afghans without helping them build the country back up. That, in turn, affects alot of things. I could care less what they think about us, but that area of the world is really important to the Unites States.

People might as well get used to us being in this war for a few more years. Until Pakistan picks it up and does there part to stop it, it's going to go on and on. No President we elect will bring us out of there until the Paki's fix their ****.

Now, in response to your last paragraph, I'm a republican as well, and I voted for McCain. If he had been elected, we'd be alot closer to ending the War in AFG by now. Obama screwed himself by not being decisive and sending what we needed to get this over with. I've seen it firsthand. Like I've said in other threads, I could go on and on about this subject, but it wouldn't matter.

Wildcat, you might as well move to Canada with that kind of outlook on things, lol. People act like this is the first roadblock that this country has come up against. Our country has had times like this many times before. We will get out of it. It's kind of like the whole "green" movement, people thinking that the temps are getting hotter and colder entirely because of us. The Earth goes through many cycles like this. Get over it and persevere.

We have to do it. We have to get rid of the ****'s that go on about what they'll do, it's just empty promises. We have to elect the people that are going to bring us out of this, the people that are 100% focused on the betterment of the country as a whole, not individual betterment. We have to do it, it's up to us.

Well said:Thumbs:
I, just like everybody else am just tired of this. To be honest, i believe id rather just quit cold turkey and wait. A major war is probably going to happen in our lifetimes anyways whether we stay or not. Something little is going to start a major conflict and probably bring on another world war although i hope it doesnt.
Remember what started the last world war, duke ferdinand was assasinated, and i would bet money 95% of people dont even know that was, because it blew up into everything that it did.
The time is coming, and every american should be ready, there just waiting for the right time over there, anything at all to start something, i just pray that we never see it in our lifetime.
If you know and practice the proper use of the words: Their, They're and There people may actually value your wisdom Captain Hindsight!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Well said:Thumbs:
I, just like everybody else am just tired of this. To be honest, i believe id rather just quit cold turkey and wait. A major war is probably going to happen in our lifetimes anyways whether we stay or not. Something little is going to start a major conflict and probably bring on another world war although i hope it doesnt.
Remember what started the [COLOR="Black"]last world war, duke ferdinand was assasinated,[/COLOR] and i would bet money 95% of people dont even know that was, because it blew up into everything that it did.
The time is coming, and every american should be ready, there just waiting for the right time over there, anything at all to start something, i just pray that we never see it in our lifetime.

Did you forget about WWII? Duke Ferdinand was killed in 1914, which was just prior to WWI.
Bob Seger Wrote:Did you forget about WWII? Duke Ferdinand was killed in 1914, which was just prior to WWI.
And his death was what sparked it the cause is a little more complex than that including a romantic attitude toward war that it was some type of adventure not to mention the military industrial complex and the cheap mass produced weapons........... but we digress
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Well said:Thumbs:
I, just like everybody else am just tired of this. To be honest, i believe id rather just quit cold turkey and wait. A major war is probably going to happen in our lifetimes anyways whether we stay or not. Something little is going to start a major conflict and probably bring on another world war although i hope it doesnt.
Remember what started the last world war, duke ferdinand was assasinated, and i would bet money 95% of people dont even know that was, because it blew up into everything that it did.
The time is coming, and every american should be ready, there just waiting for the right time over there, anything at all to start something, i just pray that we never see it in our lifetime.

I'd rather see it in my lifetime. I'd rather my generation fight it than my kids'.

So, who's going to win this election?
Bob Seger Wrote:Did you forget about WWII? Duke Ferdinand was killed in 1914, which was just prior to WWI.

My mistake, I meant a world war not the last world war.
DevilsWin Wrote:If you know and practice the proper use of the words: Their, They're and There people may actually value your wisdom Captain Hindsight!

The fact that you knew what I mean means it wasn't necessary anyways.
In my opinion, those who yell for spell check every time they see or read a thread are those who do not have a better opinion and resort to the latter.
nky Wrote:And his death was what sparked it the cause is a little more complex than that including a romantic attitude toward war that it was some type of adventure not to mention the military industrial complex and the cheap mass produced weapons........... but we digress

vundy33 Wrote:I'd rather see it in my lifetime. I'd rather my generation fight it than my kids'.

So, who's going to win this election?

I think Rand Paul is actually going to run away with this thing now. I don't believe it will be close at all like a lot of people were thinking. There has just been so much back and forth that it was hard to tell, but I believe Paul is the favorite now.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The fact that you knew what I mean means it wasn't necessary anyways.
In my opinion, those who yell for spell check every time they see or read a thread are those who do not have a better opinion and resort to the latter.
:Thumbs: Many people have a great understanding of English grammar and still type the wrong "their" or "your" now and then in a form like this one. If a post is reasonably coherent and well written otherwise, it is petty to draw attention to a typo or two. (I make an exception when petty grammar freaks make mistakes of their own. What goes around comes around eventually.)
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I think Rand Paul is actually going to run away with this thing now. I don't believe it will be close at all like a lot of people were thinking. There has just been so much back and forth that it was hard to tell, but I believe Paul is the favorite now.
The latest Rasmussen poll has Rand Paul up by 12 points, 53-41. Conway's smear campaign has backfired big time.
Hoot Gibson Wrote::Thumbs: Many people have a great understanding of English grammar and still type the wrong "their" or "your" now and then in a form like this one. If a post is reasonably coherent and well written otherwise, it is petty to draw attention to a typo or two. (I make an exception when petty grammar freaks make mistakes of their own. What goes around comes around eventually.)

:Thumbs: I have been messin up my theirs and theres since I was in third grade, I even have to say my rhyme i before e except after c or whatever lol.
And this after a college diploma and almost another one ha!
Benchwarmer Wrote:Paul

:Thumbs::Thumbs::Thumbs:We agree on that. It's like we are joined at the hip :biggrin::Thumbs::Thumbs::Thumbs::Thumbs::Thumbs::Thumbs::Thumbs:

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