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North Oldham 24 Henry County 9
final from New Castle. Mustang defense forced 5 Wildcats turnovers.
Wow, I did not expect this
Very unexpected, especially playing at Henry County.
Congrats Henry Co.
North kicked butt in the 1st quarter. Henry looked like that did not want to be on the field in the beginning of the game. A goalline stand before Half and the 5 Turnovers was too much for Henry to overcome.
North defense really played well. Limited #3 to only 1 catch, and kept the Henry running game in check. Sophomore Josh Smith did a number on #3, who was yelling rude comments to North players before the game.
Buddy Ryan Wrote:North defense really played well. Limited #3 to only 1 catch, and kept the Henry running game in check. Sophomore Josh Smith did a number on #3, who was yelling rude comments to North players before the game.

Don't go down this road. I was there and saw both sides mouthe off. Both teams were intense before the game, end of story. Quit hiding behind a username to call a young man out.
#3 told our former starting LB he was a pu$$ for not dressing out, that player has an abornormal brain stem and can not play football ever again.He was crushed to learn this, instead of quiting he stays out and helps the younger players in practice. So #3 is going to say this to him before the game even starts? WOW that is class by HC team captain.Maybe #3 should not hide behind his captain patch,resign, and not represent your team.
Buddy Ryan Wrote:#3 told our former starting LB he was a pu$$ for not dressing out, that player has an abornormal brain stem and can not play football ever again.He was crushed to learn this, instead of quiting he stays out and helps the younger players in practice. So #3 is going to say this to him before the game even starts? WOW that is class by HC team captain.Maybe #3 should not hide behind his captain patch,resign, and not represent your team.
I am not saying what he did was ok, but for you to come on here and call him out with no accountability on your part makes what you are doing much worse. But I am not surprised. I know who you are.
BellyJump Wrote:I am not saying what he did was ok, but for you to come on here and call him out with no accountability on your part makes what you are doing much worse. But I am not surprised. I know who you are.

Boo hoo-I know you 2-accountability is all we need when several players heard him say it,and then he tried to start a fight during the handshake. Wake up and learn some discipline and class.
Buddy Ryan Wrote:Boo hoo-I know you 2-accountability is all we need when several players heard him say it,and then he tried to start a fight during the handshake. Wake up and learn some discipline and class.

Once again, never said what he did was right. Read my posts and stop repeating yourself. I am sure the coaches will address it. And I wasnt there for the handshake, last time I checked, only coaches and players shake hands after the game.
#5 for NO walked right behind Henry's bench before the game mouthing off and that was the start of it so before you start talking bad about #3 for Henry get your facts straight
idc whats wrong with the kid he shouldnt of came behind henrys bench before the game and all this would of been prevented. #3 for henry did not start this before the game #5 for NO came right behind the henry bench running his mouth.. The abnormal brain stem didnt effect him to come over and run his mouth.. So when someone calls his bluff he wants to be a coward and hide behind his brain "disfunction"... Why doesnt he just nut up and take it like a man.. He shouldve been called what he was called. I support #3 for henry co. 100%. Now you need to quit bein a coward as well and taking up for him because its high school football and he was just called a name. Its not like #3 ran a background check on the kid before the game and said oh yea this kid has an abnormal brain im gonna call him a pu$$y....
Kids are going to be kids, North Oldham won the game and I'm sure that both teams have very important games coming up this week. Don't let a few kids interaction with one another lead adults down the road of acting like kids. It's over and time to move on....
Kentucky Wildcat 12 Wrote:idc whats wrong with the kid he shouldnt of came behind henrys bench before the game and all this would of been prevented. #3 for henry did not start this before the game #5 for NO came right behind the henry bench running his mouth.. The abnormal brain stem didnt effect him to come over and run his mouth.. So when someone calls his bluff he wants to be a coward and hide behind his brain "disfunction"... Why doesnt he just nut up and take it like a man.. He shouldve been called what he was called. I support #3 for henry co. 100%. Now you need to quit bein a coward as well and taking up for him because its high school football and he was just called a name. Its not like #3 ran a background check on the kid before the game and said oh yea this kid has an abnormal brain im gonna call him a pu$$y....

yeah a friend said the same thing about 5 for no it just like a couple of year ago north was playing owen and both team had an argeement that they would not hit the qbs (it was a pre season game ) after the thrid time they did a fight broke and north didnt want none . sorry for the story but i agree with you
rebel 4 life Wrote:yeah a friend said the same thing about 5 for no it just like a couple of year ago north was playing owen and both team had an argeement that they would not hit the qbs (it was a pre season game ) after the thrid time they did a fight broke and north didnt want none . sorry for the story but i agree with you

If so.. North doesn't want any. What was the score of the scrimmage before the fight broke out? Didn't HC beat u guys by 50?
21 -14 herny beat us by 42
Buddy Ryan my friend you are a coward for talking about a kid in this manner he is more of a man than you, your probably some washed up adult trying to act tough. The young man with an abnormal brain stem was yelling obscenities at the Henry County Players before the game even started.
I doubt #3 read the North Injury report before the game. Congrats on the win North Oldham your kids played hard and with class, as for you buddy.....not so much.

My advice to you BE QUIET.
these are 14-17 yr old kids. most of us have played high school football and/or went to high school an i believe we have all heard/said worse. football is a very emotional an violent sport an is played wit fire,so your gonna hear some things that you dnt wanna hear but you should kno that going in so if you dnt like it,STAY OFF THE FEILD.if #5 was worried bout wat ppl would say then he wouldnt had went to the bench an try an bluff the oppenent,he put his own self in the situation but like what was stated earlier i dont belive #3 kne anything about #5 problem an just retaliate toward him as he would any player.but its over,North won.Both have district games to prepare for this week an good luck to both teams.
whats-it-2u Wrote:Buddy Ryan my friend you are a coward for talking about a kid in this manner he is more of a man than you, your probably some washed up adult trying to act tough. The young man with an abnormal brain stem was yelling obscenities at the Henry County Players before the game even started.
I doubt #3 read the North Injury report before the game. Congrats on the win North Oldham your kids played hard and with class, as for you buddy.....not so much.

My advice to you BE QUIET.

NO he did not say a word to anyone-and washed up or not I will say what I want. You can lie all you want, and take up for #3. North does not have a #5 on their roster get your facts straight. North kids did play with class, before and after the game did all of your team.SSH, SSh-during the game what happens stays on the field but before and after no way big boy.
rebel 4 life Wrote:21 -14 herny beat us by 42

21-0 and yes HC beat u bye 42. Do you have any games open for next year with the new alignment?
We understand you will say what you want, you hide behind your screen name, if you feel tough come on up to HC and take it up with #3 yourself, and he will probably whoop you!
whats-it-2u Wrote:We understand you will say what you want, you hide behind your screen name, if you feel tough come on up to HC and take it up with #3 yourself, and he will probably whoop you!

Now that is funny-
#3 would not have known what reason #5 did not dress. Yes he is wrong if he used bad language and should be diciplined. Buddy Ryan or Billy Martin which ever you want to go by, you should know better than to get involved with an argument on a web site. Coaching 101, don't read news clips or websites.
Buddy Ryan Wrote:NO he did not say a word to anyone-and washed up or not I will say what I want. You can lie all you want, and take up for #3. North does not have a #5 on their roster get your facts straight. North kids did play with class, before and after the game did all of your team.SSH, SSh-during the game what happens stays on the field but before and after no way big boy.

What a Joke!!
HC Daddy Wrote:#3 would not have known what reason #5 did not dress. Yes he is wrong if he used bad language and should be diciplined. Buddy Ryan or Billy Martin which ever you want to go by, you should know better than to get involved with an argument on a web site. Coaching 101, don't read news clips or websites.

You must have lost your mind-coach martin tells us to talk with our pads. Coach Martin teaches the boys how to act, and do the right thing do you Daddy?
Coach also prints out posts and puts them in the lockeroom when teams smack talk. I never tslked smack, just stated what happened before/after the game, and reminded an Owen fan of their place in the pecking order. You can't deal with that, then change your behavior. Never bragged, or put your team down, never boasted about beating you. Are all of you kind on this site to the teams you play after you win? You boasted for weeks after you beat Owen and Trimble? Now that is ridiculus, win with class, lose with class, do your best, always make your community proud of you. Your team played hard you should be proud of that , but not for the other behavior.
Buddy Ryan Wrote:NO he did not say a word to anyone-and washed up or not I will say what I want. You can lie all you want, and take up for #3. North does not have a #5 on their roster get your facts straight. North kids did play with class, before and after the game did all of your team.SSH, SSh-during the game what happens stays on the field but before and after no way big boy.

Rally? HE did not say anything? Because i am very close with #3 and the rest of the HC football team. And have been told by multiple people that he did come behind the bench and start talking trash. I have no problem with what #3 did. He stood up for his team when someone tried to bad mouth them. He is what you look for in a captain. And for you to say he shouldn't be one is ridiculous. You need to get your facts straight. Because i was told by the people who were there of who started it, and who retaliated. So grow up and quit bad mouthing kids that you dont even know a thing about.
Buddy Ryan Wrote:Coach also prints out posts and puts them in the lockeroom when teams smack talk. I never tslked smack, just stated what happened before/after the game, and reminded an Owen fan of their place in the pecking order. You can't deal with that, then change your behavior. Never bragged, or put your team down, never boasted about beating you. Are all of you kind on this site to the teams you play after you win? You boasted for weeks after you beat Owen and Trimble? Now that is ridiculus, win with class, lose with class, do your best, always make your community proud of you. Your team played hard you should be proud of that , but not for the other behavior.

You are just talking in circles now. :HitWall:
#3-:redboxer: vs buddy ryan :popcorn:

Fight ensues...................:ChairHit:

#3 at the end::biggrin:


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