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Greenup County 60 Raceland 34
Greenup played the Tomcats pretty tight. That's reason enough for CG to be wary of them. I like Greenup over Coal Grove.
old warrior Wrote:Convincingly, Rams were wore out with 3 minutes to go in 3rd qt. and GC scored 33 pts. unanswered until Rams scored on reserves, Corey Lyle had a big game, Devils (might) have a chanch of beating Rams later on in season finale, Rams and Devils got 60 pts. put on each of them tonight, great night for football. :lmao::Thumbs:

Greenup played reserves? Rister was throwing the ball on 1st down up 3 scores in the 4th.........guess he has to get a completion somehow. I dont blame GC players for playing hard, but we all know Copley is a punk who intentially ran the score up......without reserves
I think some are forgetting an important point here....

Who was GC supposed to put in the game? They have fewer players on their roster than Raceland, there are only about 8 players who do not consistently play varsity. We do not have a full JV or Freshman team. We use 8th graders. The freshman were played including back up QB, Freshman, Josh Barney.

It was JFL night maybe we should have drafted a few of them...
I bet Raceland fans wouldn't be wining if the 60 points were on the other side of the scoreboard. Is it Copley's fault that every time GC got the ball they scored? I give him props...I heard he left Lyle in to get the rushing record...that's pretty impressive to me that he would even be thinking about that kind of stuff. He seems to me to be more about the kids and how they are doing than what everyone thinks about him. Maybe everyone else should take a page from that book!
Enough of the name calling and general childishness. Keep it on topic or it will be closed!
Grats GC
Rams Fan04 said the game was closer than the score showed and Ramsport said Greenup ran the score up. Now which is it because it can't be both ways????:argue:
KyBlue Wrote:Rams Fan04 said the game was closer than the score showed and Ramsport said Greenup ran the score up. Now which is it because it can't be both ways????:argue:

It was tied 20-20 coming out of the half. It was still a 2 posession game with 10 minutes left on clock in the 4th quarter. Greenup wore Raceland down and scored 2 more unanswered before Raceland scored again versus GC Freshman with 4 minutes left on the clock.
GC keeps on rolling. Still trying to silence the doubters.
My neighbor's kid plays for greenup and is a starting lineman and was telling a few of us that Rister was made team captain, I told my wife he was full of bull just mad because he wasn't made a captain; I was at the game and he was right! I couldn't believe it, How could any coach do that, he left and went to Raceland and comes back the next year and is captain. I think that is very unfair to some that gives all to his team year in and year out! Copley made a transfer MVP last year so I shouldn't be to shocked! Yes, we all know about Rister's deal and he didn't have to go to Raceland last year. Copley showed his class Friday night, it will come back to haunt him. Greenup boys good job and great win, you were the better team friday.
The team votes for captains. Was copley supposed change the votes?
A BIG YES! If that was the case. The program learns class and respect, and leadership from the top down! Copley seems to have learn class from Greenup's own Mr. Class Coldiron.
I fthey want him captian then let him be..most qbs are team captians anyways.
that's right Wrote:A BIG YES! If that was the case. The program learns class and respect, and leadership from the top down! Copley seems to have learn class from Greenup's own Mr. Class Coldiron.
LOL, seems rister looked like a pretty good captain Fri. night when he lead the offense to 60 points on your Classy Rams. Get over it and move to next game.
Noticed that the river was lower towards the South Shore side today as I crossed the dam and much higher with an orange tint on the Greenup side. All those Ram's tears have reached summer pool.
justaguy Wrote:Noticed that the river was lower towards the South Shore side today as I crossed the dam and much higher with an orange tint on the Greenup side. All those Ram's tears have reached summer pool.

Kosar, I gave the Greenup team concrats, no whinning here! They had a much better team. I think the kid that has always been there should be captain before a school jumper, the kid next door feels the same way HE says. You would feel the same way if your kid was did this way.
My kid voted for Rister, said he made a great case for himself to be a captain.
If you say so kosar.
Marsh is a tough kid, he got up pretty quick from the full body slam in the 3rd qtr, I was surprised a flag wasnt thrown for unnecessary roughness:eyeroll:

No doubt Greenup just wore us down in the trenches, hope they do well the rest of the way, looks like its all or bust this season at GC, then it will be a few years of growing pains.
This was a tough fought game, both played an outstanding first half of football. Congrats to both teams! Rams you'll be ok keep your heads up! Greenup Co Congrats on the win!
Just a few points I would like to make. The score was 33-26 at the top of the 4th quarter. Raceland scored via Michael Litteral and the touchdown was called back due to false start after Litteral was well across the line scoring the touchdown. Also Greenup's players were screaming obscenities at our fans during the game, and also at our players as were fans screaming at us as we tried to leave the stadium. That is neither here nor there, but the fact that they tore down Tyler's sign has not been dealt with because his parents and our players have yet to be given an apology and I believe they are due one. As far as roster goes, our players played both ways the entire game, and I am certain that Greenup had players to sub, anyway yes they beat us, but as someone stated before the score was closer than what it appeared.
Mr. JFL Dad, you failed to mention that the sign in memorial of Tyler Baldridge was hanging along WITH the signs that called Greenup's team Muska*****s? Now exactly who owes who an apology? This has been made out to be something that it was not. But since you insist on making this an issue, lets get all of the facts out in the open. That sign was not torn down out of any intention to disrespect the Baldridge kid or his family. Whoever **** the sign with the ones calling our team *****s is the one guilty of disrespecting him. And every single one of you over there that found humor in those signs are guilty too. Because you failed to see the disrespectful manor in which it was hanging.
Lots of....
That is one ugly baby....
This game was almost a week ago and people are still posting?????? I have read everything on here about this game and the post game fiasco. My only question is why was anyone from Greenup's team on the Raceland sidelines? I don't care what any of the signs said, that is no excuse. I have been to Russell vs Greenup basketball games and there are plenty of signs both ways but I don't see GC boys going to the other team and tearing down signs. I have seen the signs GC had for this game (via Facebook) and I am 100% sure that Raceland fans, players or coaches never once thought about crossing the field to tear down signs. I know GC has a great team this year. They just don't show any class or respect for anyone else by doing these stupid things. There is absolutely no reason to cross the field and do what they did, no matter what the signs said. Class and attitude, this was my entire argument in the predictions thread. It makes me sad and embarrassed to be a GC Alum.
Esse Quam Videri Wrote:This game was almost a week ago and people are still posting?????? I have read everything on here about this game and the post game fiasco. My only question is why was anyone from Greenup's team on the Raceland sidelines? I don't care what any of the signs said, that is no excuse. I have been to Russell vs Greenup basketball games and there are plenty of signs both ways but I don't see GC boys going to the other team and tearing down signs. I have seen the signs GC had for this game (via Facebook) and I am 100% sure that Raceland fans, players or coaches never once thought about crossing the field to tear down signs. I know GC has a great team this year. They just don't show any class or respect for anyone else by doing these stupid things. There is absolutely no reason to cross the field and do what they did, no matter what the signs said. Class and attitude, this was my entire argument in the predictions thread. It makes me sad and embarrassed to be a GC Alum.
So, you weren't there? Then you don't have anything to go by but hearsay. You're from GC with the state motto of North Carolina as your username? You move? Or not really from GC?
OU812 Wrote:So, you weren't there? Then you don't have anything to go by but hearsay. You're from GC with the state motto of North Carolina as your username? You move? Or not really from GC?

I have friends from both schools. Both told me their versions of this post game scene and both were very similar. The posts on here are close to what I heard. Bottom line is not where I live or IF I saw this in person......the bottom line is that no team should go to the other side and DO anything. Nothing good comes from it. It is a very unfortunate scene that tarnishes the image of a team that is playing so well.
I can't believe GC people are outraged over our behavior. We generally are as redneck as we can be. That's who we are. We were tired of being peed on by our snooty neighbor and reacted. So, let's find a tree and hang our 17year olds who may have acted like 17 year olds. As for the Raceland fans, they can plant one between the cheeks for all I care, get over it and move on.
OU812 Wrote:I can't believe GC people are outraged over our behavior. We generally are as redneck as we can be. That's who we are. We were tired of being peed on by our snooty neighbor and reacted. So, let's find a tree and hang our 17year olds who may have acted like 17 year olds. As for the Raceland fans, they can plant one between the cheeks for all I care, get over it and move on.

I am from Greenup County. I am proud of where I am from but I sure don't miss the "poor me attitude". I guess the apples don't fall from the tree. One more thing, you are exactly right about 17 year olds acting like 17 year olds. Parents and coaches have an obligation to teach them to act better. Their actions are a reflection of their enviroment.

I am sorry this is off the subject of the thread but it had to be said.

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