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Ashland 36 Belfry 22
Evil Eye Wrote:It is amazing that some people can tell you who awaits another team on down the road. How can every time your team gets beat it was because of the refs. Why make excuses your team was just beat by a better team that night ! Oh if you don't care could you tell us who awaits your team on down the road.

I haven't seen anyone say that the refs cost anyone the game. I have seen people from both teams agree that the refs were terrible on both sides of the ball. And no I don't care... If we are talking 3A Breathitt makes me nervous at this point, if we are talking just Belfry's schedule in general... I would say LCC, Whitley and JC make me nervous.... Does that satisfy you? I'm not really nervous about anyone in Belfry's district, I think the Pirates will beat everyone... However I was fooled last year by Sheldon Clark so you never know.
PaytoPlay Wrote:Ashland was clearly the better team.

Clearly? Really? Hmm I don't know about clearly.
phs1986 Wrote:Yep, yellow "snowflakes" were flying around like crazy!!!

Unqualified ref's should not be allowed to call a game of this caliber let alone ANY game period!....... It was evident that this group was NOT qualified. They were clueless and IMHO, a video of this game and their lack of skills needs to be sent to KSHAA for THEIR review of what type of officiating we are dealing with in high school football!

Totally agree! :Thumbs:
You CAN`T be serious !!! First off.....if you knew ANYTHING would NEVER .....say EVEN the radio guy said..................THAT is just ABSURD !!!`s ashame you are such a wonderful and knowledgable official and your talents are being wasted in the stands rather than on the field in stripes helping to improve the high school game.
Thirdly.......PICTURES ??? The GOOD photographers tell me that pictures hardly ever tell you anything about a game because of angles and timing.
I am NOT a football official .....HOWEVER......I have asked a couple and they say there is NOT a signal to give the press box in regards to ejecting a fan or media personell.
I am just curious......WHAT do we need to start looking at if we want to know if REFS are bad on both sides of the ball??? It appears that several of you are good evaluators of officials. I bet you are the same ones that are better coaches than the coaches........have better ways to handle the parking of cars and probably even better ideas of how to make hot dog sauce.
KSCTU Wrote:You CAN`T be serious !!! First off.....if you knew ANYTHING would NEVER .....say EVEN the radio guy said..................THAT is just ABSURD !!!`s ashame you are such a wonderful and knowledgable official and your talents are being wasted in the stands rather than on the field in stripes helping to improve the high school game.
Thirdly.......PICTURES ??? The GOOD photographers tell me that pictures hardly ever tell you anything about a game because of angles and timing.

LMAO... Well, if you aren't an official.. you sure missed your callin... Confusedhh:

It's evident you ARE either an official OR a family member of one. Granted, not one human being on this earth is perfect and we are prone to mistakes... that's what god allows forgiveness for..... That group of men need to hit their knees HARD and ask for forgiveness as they sure did make plenty of "mistakes" on Friday night!!!

Now, if you don't like my opinion, well that's fine with me.... I stated it, I feel better, and shew, it sure ticked you off didn't it??? LOL..

BTW, watch what you post.... you ARE a moderated member and you MUST follow the rules of this site if you wish to become a member in good standing!!! :Thumbs:

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Didn't expect to pull up BGR and see the discussion of this game go the way it did, my thoughts:

1. First and foremost I was very pleased with the Belfry performance.Anyone who knows me knows my bias goes towards Belfry, but at the same time I have no problem calling a spade a spade. After the Pburg game I was convinced that Belfry's goals be set for a regional championship and building towards the great talent that will ultimately put them at an elite level in 2-3 years. I am slowly, but surely, gaining confidence in this team and starting to see potential for a "special" kind of run.

After Pburg they were a "bad, young team". After CHC they were a "below average young team". Friday they simply played like a "young team".

2. The one thought that I simply cannot get out of my mind is the fact that with the exception of Louisville Central, Belfry will not see a better offensive team in 3A football. Ashland was balanced, diverse, and explosive on offense. The bad news is Ashland moved the ball all over the field on Belfry.

3. Surprised there isn't much more mention of Belfry's passing game. I told my dad that everyone has penciled in Sani Warren as the QB and it is only a matter of time... but I am starting to see more and more that Tyler Williams is not going to give up his spot without a fight. That kid is getting better and better every game, and Belfry's young talent is proving they can catch a football. Pretty solid foundation to build off knowing the majority of the paties involved will be around for two more seasons after this one.

4. When Coach Hart was hired at Ashland I was a bit luke warm to where he would lead their program along with his assistants on staff. This is the most balanced and dangerous Tomcat team on offense I have seen in 10 years. The coaches called a beautiful game. What will make or break Ashland is their defense. I truly think JCHS is very suspect against a balanced offense, but as of right now Ashland does not have the defense, in particular at LB, to stop JC's ground game.

5. Letcher Central/Belfry will really tell us alot about where this Pirate team is.

6. I don't want to further this entire officiating debate so I will keep it short and sweet. The missed offensive pass intereference on the Ashland TD pass was HORRIBLE... but Belfry had 2 or 3 runs where they blatantly got by with holding calls. Officiating cost noone the game, but my goodness it is hard to fathom how some of those calls were missed going both ways.
phs1986 Wrote:LMAO... Well, if you aren't an official.. you sure missed your callin... Confusedhh:

It's evident you ARE either an official OR a family member of one. Granted, not one human being on this earth is perfect and we are prone to mistakes... that's what god allows forgiveness for..... That group of men need to hit their knees HARD and ask for forgiveness as they sure did make plenty of "mistakes" on Friday night!!!

Now, if you don't like my opinion, well that's fine with me.... I stated it, I feel better, and shew, it sure ticked you off didn't it??? LOL..

BTW, watch what you post.... you ARE a moderated member and you MUST follow the rules of this site if you wish to become a member in good standing!!! :Thumbs:

Okay....I AM an official.....BUT not a football official. I have no problem with you having your BIASED opinions.....I guess I just have an issue with you actually believing that since you post is FACT. And you are correct about mistakes. God is ALWAYS spelled with a capital G
KSCTU Wrote:Okay....I AM an official.....BUT not a football official. I have no problem with you having your BIASED opinions.....I guess I just have an issue with you actually believing that since you post is FACT. And you are correct about mistakes. God is ALWAYS spelled with a capital G

Just because I post it doesn't mean it's a fact... It's an opinion... MY OPINION.... Like it or not, the officials were horrible... I'm not the only one to post it so evidently there is some FACT to it!

As for the "G"... you got that much right... A typo on my part and yet a fine example of me being human with imperfections!!! Just like you, the officials, and every other human in the world!! Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
KSCTU Wrote:You CAN`T be serious !!! First off.....if you knew ANYTHING would NEVER .....say EVEN the radio guy said..................THAT is just ABSURD !!!`s ashame you are such a wonderful and knowledgable official and your talents are being wasted in the stands rather than on the field in stripes helping to improve the high school game.
Thirdly.......PICTURES ??? The GOOD photographers tell me that pictures hardly ever tell you anything about a game because of angles and timing.

Wow, you are angry.! Did u even attend the game? If you did there is no possible way you could've missed some of those bad calls an or missed calls. It was blatantly obvious to everyone on both sides. If there was a positive to any of it, it was that they were calling just as bad for belfry as for Ashland! No home cooking in this game, I thought for a minute we were at ironton!!! Lol.
I liked the game, im sorry bhs lost. But they improved and we played a good team. It was physical and full of emotion, as far as the refs not making all the calls, like 23 getting punched, i say if he didnt go for the throat or below the waste [nothing to take a player out] let them mix it up a little. 23 needs that and a few more got some education friday night. Ashland front 4 on d are a tough bunch of boys. The bhs sebior lineman have been getting it done all year. 65 being out was a loss, but 75 is getting better every week and 62, this was a good expeience for both them. The backs played better and i see a lot talking about #6 playing qb, but i say #4 is the leader of this team and needs to be in, he also leads in scoring and hasnt played every series

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