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Ashland 36 Belfry 22
FBALL Wrote:I believe it was the sideline guy. I heard coach Hart say he got a 15 yard penalty for giving it to the refs but at that point he didnt care.

Common BADCAT. What Happened?

It was dirk he was ****ed! After our third attempt at our conversion! He just took a knee out of frustration? Not a smart thing to do, but kinda understandable. They were calling everything.... Sooo dirk for the first time in 35 years got thrown out for giving his opinion on the calling of the game! Haha, I know right.... Definetly not known for a lack of opinion? :argue: it was actually pretty funny seeing how it had no real bearing on the game at that point. Neither did the 15 yarder on coach hart.
phs1986 Wrote:First off, I want to say that I am VERY proud of this Pirate team. They came tonight with determination in their hearts and had it ripped out of them by grown men! (Have pictures to prove what I am going to post).....

This is the WORST officiated game I have ever witnessed.... The radio announcers even on a couple of "1st downs" commented on how the ball was "spotted".... 5 fumbles and 4 recovered by the pirates only to be given 1... (I have the picture to prove that #16 was NOT out of bounds on his recovery, yet it was given back to Ashland). How many flags did Belfry have? IMHO, until the last minute of the game... I would dare to say the ratio was about 15:3.... There was more pushing, cheap shots (yeah, we saw the one where #23 was punched in the ribs right in front of the "ref" after the play was whistled dead and he turned his head) and pure out smack on the field tonight than I've ever seen. Belfry fought HARD against not 11 players... add ya 4 or 5 more into the mix.... This Belfry team is making huge strides in being where they need to be. A work in progress, you better believe it but I can honestly say that I left Ashland tonight sick at what I witnessed out of the grown men who were PAID to do a job.... Well, I guess they did their job by the smirk I got to see out of one of them when I heard a lady ask him were his pockets lined real well tonight...
Regardless of what some may think, 1 call here, another there that adds up to MANY
missed calls CAN make a difference in a game..... Given a chance with different referee's who were impartial, the score could have possibly been much closer IF not totally
different! Loss swallowed, these kids are flowing much better together and beginning to click..... Too bad some thought that Ashland would name the score, I guess Belfry is a tad bit better than some would like to believe! Sorry about the rant but there is more I could have listed BUT will try to maintain my composure!!! Smile

Yeah your right about the calling of the game but... It was bad on both sides of the ball!! Some of the worst officiating I've seen not sure where those guys where from. ( we kinda thought you guys brought em'). :popcorn:

We had 11-71 belfry 7-66. Penalties.
No surprise here. Congrats to the Tomcats.
A little surprised at the theme of this thread to be honest. From a Belfry point of view, Ashland always beats the Pirates. This game was an 8 point game up until a minute or so left. Ashland never lead by more than 14 points. Belfry **** in there and had some success on offense.

On the flip side, for Ashland supporters. You have to be a tad concerned IMO. Everyone is waiving the white flag about how down Belfry is and you never seperate more than 2 td's. Remember Fort Thomas Highlands ultimately awaits.
As for particulars:

Ashland first - Some really tuff skill guys. I was impressed with the QB, #25 and the tall WR #1. Offensive line was really pushing around Belfry late in the game. I though Ashland's coach/o-coordinator called a real good ballgame.

Belfry - After watching the Prestonsburg game and now this game, I saw a lot of improvement! I was very impressed with Tyler Williams and Trey Willis. The Belfry offensive line played very strong! If the Pirates can continue to improve in execution and mix the pass in with the run, good things can happen.
will this game be aired on television?
padd4pirate Wrote:will this game be aired on television?

No, I don't think it as one of tge games I saw on the line up for airing. Next weeks Russell vs Ashland will be also ironton vs Ashland. That's all I can remember right now.
Belfry played so much better tonight. We're making huge strides each week. The Tomcat halfback (Rogers?) was legit. I'm glad we saw him so early cause he's one of the best we'll see all year. Can't say enough how impressed I am with Belfry. Big up's to my bro Josh Robinson on a huge touchdown where he took an absolute shot but still got that 6, nice job.

However, I can't give #1 any credit after watching him, and I'm assuming he's around 6'2, push the 5'5 Josh Francis to score. There should have been a flag there for sure.
Come on guys, all this fuss about the refs. They were inept last night, that's for sure but, they couldn't get it right on either side of the ball. I'm sure some would not agree but Ashland fans have just as much to complain about. Believe me, complaints have been made and will be made about the officiating crew.

Both programs are classy and have reputations built on hard work. I've never talked to anyone at Ashland who had anything but respect for Belfry.

Both teams will be fine this year as they progress and I'm proud of both of them. Talking to the players, I learned that it was a highly emotionally charged game between two good schools and because of that, there was some talk, pushing, shoving and etc on 'Both' sides of the ball. But nothing out of character for two rival teams trying to best the other.

This was a meeting between two well coached and physical football teams and you're going to see some of that kind of behavior on the field. Nobody wants to get a victory by any way but honorable means at Putnam Stadium, regardless of some of the disparaging suggestions to the contrary that have been made by some.

Saying that, I was impressed by the Pirates and I fully expected no less than they delivered on the field last night! Good luck on the rest of the season.:Clap:
Pay to Play I agree with everything you posted except the part about waving the white flag. I didn't see any part of that last night. # 11 had a good night receiving. The passing game was a surprize, and made the difference between a good offensive showing and going 3 and out a few times. Good game plan and execution!
We are getting better each week and we are not the same team as week 0 not
even close we still have some work to do but getting there. As for some of the
people on here sometimes i wonder if they watch high school football or just get
on here and talk.
Congrats Ashland
i have seen all 3 games this year and mr. matewan has not had a td yet.
i dont understand how that heywood can play a kid that is a sr. that come
from matewan to belfry for 1 year. when you have kids thats been in your porgram
10 to 12 years. im not cutting on the kid just heywood.
the facts is he is here for 1 year played 3 games not yet a 100 yds. rushing
this year and no tds.
tyler williams you better watch out ,you are the best of. player belfry has got
heywood is really wanting to pull you from qb.
that is what belfry football has become.
WildDawg Wrote:No offense because I have a lot of respect for Belfry but I was hearing the same thing last year.

Belfry played a good game, not great. They gave up a lot defensively, and Ashland made some big 4th down conversions. For the people who say Belfry is way down, you are totally wrong and off base. You play good teams, you are going to get beat sometimes. You play weak teams and you are going to look a lot better than you really are. Belfry was 1-2 last year at this time as well. Haywood has changed the offense to where you have to defend the Pirates all over the field. The young Belfry talent is the best there has been in a long time. Say what you want, make fun if you want, but Belfry is the program who knows how to build championship teams and another one is in the process. Ashland has a lot of talent, and to have a great shot of tying the game and maybe an upset win is a great achievement for the young Pirates. Ashland and JC should be a dandy game for the district. Belfry is still not 100 percent healthy as 4 significant players were in street clothes. Funny how the LC fans get excited about piling 75 points on a way down SV team. Beat, or at least play, some legitimate teams before you cast stones. BTW, the Pirates and Tomcats need to clean up their behavior, IMO, especially Belfry. Playing intense and with emotion is fine, but you win and lose with class. BTW, first TD for Ashland...Offensive pass interference shove in the back. However, calls went bad both ways and the refs did not really favor one side, but their mechanics were terrible and they should have a better crew for a big game.
much respect for the pirates... they responded to the cats offense very well and kept firing on the tomcat teams are very well coached and it all shows on the field... take away the penalties and it couldve been allot closer
I didn't see the game but i was listening to it on the radio and the announcers were saying how they couldn't tell what was going on because the ref's weren't signaling to the press box. They didn't say anything about the 15 yarder on coach Hart or the guy getting thrown out. Probably because the ref's didn't signal... Listening to it on the radio it sounded like a pretty clean game... other than the refs fubaring everything.
yeah the refs was throwing flags like crazy!!
Yep, yellow "snowflakes" were flying around like crazy!!!

Unqualified ref's should not be allowed to call a game of this caliber let alone ANY game period!....... It was evident that this group was NOT qualified. They were clueless and IMHO, a video of this game and their lack of skills needs to be sent to KSHAA for THEIR review of what type of officiating we are dealing with in high school football!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
The problems could be fixed if the referees had mics and could ultimately clear up any calls that may be confusing. I understand that financially this is not going to happen. In the booth, we did not know that the Ashland raido guy on the sideline got thrown out until after the game and their other commentators were talking about it. I could care less about that as long as its not me getting tossed.
Now to address a situation that has been chronicled in the Ashland Daily Independent. I love the atmosphere and the feel of game night in Ashland. However, Putnam is really outdated to the point that I am sure it has dangerous aspects such as the bleachers and the foundation, etc. One of the guys in the pressbox made the snide remark about how at Ashland they did not get the coal severance money that Belfry got to build its new field. We set him straight real fast that no coal severance money was used for the football field and that all of the approximately 750,000 was from private sources. He said the plans they had for a new complex would run near 5 milliion dollars. We asked him what were they gonna do, dome the thing!!!! Anyway, i love history and tradition, but the pressbox is crappy, and you have no room. We appreciated the fact we had a phone line, believe me some places do not. However, it is hanging down with two little wires leading into the jack and the jack would not hold any end of any phone line cords we used so finally we had to tape it down. That created some technical difficulties. I am only being constructively critical because any program that has had as much success as Ashland, with their great tradition, deserves better facilities to showcase it all. And I know they had food but we were never offered a drink or food at any time. I luckily pack my own drinks. BTW, to be fair, the gentleman who made the remark about the coal money going to Belfry, tried his hardest to get the jack to hold our phone line so we appreciate the help.
i know they are going to replace the bleachers and foundations add a new concession area and i believe astroturf, what else im not sure but its gonna cost alot more to renovate the stadium than to just build a new one and just throw down some metal bleachers. it would be a shame to tear down putnam and take away the one of a kind experience of the stadium
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:i know they are going to replace the bleachers and foundations add a new concession area and i believe astroturf, what else im not sure but its gonna cost alot more to renovate the stadium than to just build a new one and just throw down some metal bleachers. it would be a shame to tear down putnam and take away the one of a kind experience of the stadium

I agree Tomcat!!! If you could preserve the feel and tradition of Purnam with some modern conveniences then it would still be awesome IMO!!!
I cant believe that an Ashland radio sideline reporter got tossed during the game. You have to keep your emotions in check.
joethegreek Wrote:I cant believe that an Ashland radio sideline reporter got tossed during the game. You have to keep your emotions in check.

I can believe it.
I loved the feel of the stadium! But a couple of negatives stood out. First, the super short goalposts feel very elementary. Second, concession stands were not sufficient.

What a nice crowd!

As for the game, as a Belfry fan I left rather optimistic. I thought the Pirates played very hard throughout the game. Williams really elevated his play and looked like a guy who could lead the team moving forward. I did think it was a bit odd to insert the frosh QB in the game for the second series but I understand the move. He kid is talented and getting him a series here and there in big games will be invaluable.

The offensive play calling was very good. I was pleasantly surprised with the execution in the passing game especially. The fullback give continues to be Belfry's best play but Pruitt had daylight a couple times on that counter play they are now running. The option and quick pitch were generally not effective Friday, but are plays that Belfry needs to continue to work at. The QB belly play has netted TD's this season.

When will Carroll return? I was and continue to be hopeful that he can provide Belfry some steady and tuff inside running this season from the RB spot.
joethegreek Wrote:I cant believe that an Ashland radio sideline reporter got tossed during the game. You have to keep your emotions in check.

you can get a little emotional
It is amazing that some people can tell you who awaits another team on down the road. How can every time your team gets beat it was because of the refs. Why make excuses your team was just beat by a better team that night ! Oh if you don't care could you tell us who awaits your team on down the road.
Ashland was clearly the better team.
We went there and with a little more then 2:00 mins left could have
tied this game up and we couldn't have done it 3 weeks ago we are
getting better as we do every year at this time.
bfp Wrote:i have seen all 3 games this year and mr. matewan has not had a td yet.
i dont understand how that heywood can play a kid that is a sr. that come
from matewan to belfry for 1 year. when you have kids thats been in your porgram
10 to 12 years. im not cutting on the kid just heywood.
the facts is he is here for 1 year played 3 games not yet a 100 yds. rushing
this year and no tds.
tyler williams you better watch out ,you are the best of. player belfry has got
heywood is really wanting to pull you from qb.
that is what belfry football has become.

Jesus Christ....

3 games, Jeffree Pruitt has gotten progressively better each game. You're right, he hasn't had a touchdown yet, but in the last 2 weeks he has had some big runs (clinched the Holy Cross game, big run right before Tyler Williams' long touchdown on Friday) and can only get better. If there were better options you can bet your bottom dollar Coach Haywood would have him out there and if he doesn't perform to the standards the coaches expect then someone else will be out there. Stop hating on the kid. He's still learning. Sure, there are negatives, but there are positives. He's fast as lightning, once he gets it all down who knows how good he can be.

As far as Tyler Williams, why would he do that? Tyler has 4 touchdowns rushing this year and some very nice passes? Just because we let Sani play doesn't mean Coach Haywood is out to get Tyler. Tyler plays safety, so it's a luxury for Sani to be able to come out there and give Tyler a rest and it not be a liability. Relax. In a few weeks, you'll realize there's talent everywhere and if people aren't playing up to par, they can and will be replaced.

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