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Powell Co. 46 Jackson Co. 13
TongueirateSho Congratz Pirates.
Congrats PC
Congrats Powell!
Tough one to see last night. Really thought that JC was ready to get over the hump tonight. JC has some good football players out there but with only 24 to 27 dressed on the sidelines can really hurt going against at team with 50. Congrats to PC and good luck this season.
Congrats to Tony Burchett and the Pirates over in Powell Co....good job at getting the season started on the right foot.
Congrats Pirates. Good luck Jackson Co. on rest of season.
I thought jackson county would be a lot better than this.
Dang hate to see this happen, I was expecting a closer ball game. Congrats Powell and Good luck to both teams the rest of the season!
Yes talent has a lot to do with it and to be bad honest the high school dont have talent. I like coach Carters aproach to game but the style of play he brought in just is not working and he is fighting a losing battle here at Jackson Co. Help is on the way at middle school level but with out a JV team to get those players ready you are still looking at another 3 years before you start seeing results and I hate to say this maybe even a win
Jackson Cofan Wrote:Yes talent has a lot to do with it and to be bad honest the high school dont have talent. I like coach Carters aproach to game but the style of play he brought in just is not working and he is fighting a losing battle here at Jackson Co. Help is on the way at middle school level but with out a JV team to get those players ready you are still looking at another 3 years before you start seeing results and I hate to say this maybe even a win

As Lee Corso would put it, "not so fast my friend!" Look at the Bell County teams for the past oh 20 years, I think they have been pretty successful. With any offense you can score points, your kids just have to believe in the system. If you are referring to the fact that JC needs to pass the ball a little more I agree. But as you can see the pass game has improved from last year. It will only get better for our kids sake. I am looking forward to the day when those 8th graders come up, they will be exciting to see if they can make an impact, or if they will just quit like all the other past 8th grade football players that come to high school. :HitWall:
Congrats to my old friend Tony Burchett on the win!
I thought Jackson's coach would have turned the program around by now. I know its early, but he has a very high reputation. It might take a little longer but the program will be alright. Keep working hard Coach Carter.
Generals2010 Wrote:As Lee Corso would put it, "not so fast my friend!" Look at the Bell County teams for the past oh 20 years, I think they have been pretty successful. With any offense you can score points, your kids just have to believe in the system. If you are referring to the fact that JC needs to pass the ball a little more I agree. But as you can see the pass game has improved from last year. It will only get better for our kids sake. I am looking forward to the day when those 8th graders come up, they will be exciting to see if they can make an impact, or if they will just quit like all the other past 8th grade football players that come to high school. :HitWall:
My not so fast is that Bell Co. has, had, and will have better talent to work with and also Bell Co is a different program. What works in one place may not work in another. Im sure if they went to a spread that Bell would do good. I don't think that we need to pass more or anything like that. As far as the the current 8th graders well Im sure a couple will quit, it is just nature of the game and such. At the varsity level it is going to at least take those 8th graders until half way through their sophmore year before anyone sees results from them. I guess what my point is that the type of offense that we are trying to run, we don't have the personel in place YET to fully run it. We don't have big brusing backs. We don't have the slobber knocker linemen. By no means am I a Carter hater. I like his, or in this case your, approach to the game. From what I see, which others in Jackson Co don't see cause of football knowledge, is their is improvement from last years team. Also the kids for some odd reason don't like the army drill sargent approach that Carter(you) brought in. Thats the kids fault cause all their lives they been patted on the back and told how great they are in basketball. My son is an 8th grader and come Dec. 1 he belongs to Coach(you). I personally would like to see Carter around for the 4 years that my son plays. I would like to see a JV team in place by next year though
Generals2010 Wrote:As Lee Corso would put it, "not so fast my friend!" Look at the Bell County teams for the past oh 20 years, I think they have been pretty successful. With any offense you can score points, your kids just have to believe in the system. If you are referring to the fact that JC needs to pass the ball a little more I agree. But as you can see the pass game has improved from last year. It will only get better for our kids sake. I am looking forward to the day when those 8th graders come up, they will be exciting to see if they can make an impact, or if they will just quit like all the other past 8th grade football players that come to high school. :HitWall:

I noticed a few new coaches on the sidelines friday for Jackson Co. Is Allin not coaching this year?
Jackson Cofan Wrote:My not so fast is that Bell Co. has, had, and will have better talent to work with and also Bell Co is a different program. What works in one place may not work in another. Im sure if they went to a spread that Bell would do good. I don't think that we need to pass more or anything like that. As far as the the current 8th graders well Im sure a couple will quit, it is just nature of the game and such. At the varsity level it is going to at least take those 8th graders until half way through their sophmore year before anyone sees results from them. I guess what my point is that the type of offense that we are trying to run, we don't have the personel in place YET to fully run it. We don't have big brusing backs. We don't have the slobber knocker linemen. By no means am I a Carter hater. I like his, or in this case your, approach to the game. From what I see, which others in Jackson Co don't see cause of football knowledge, is their is improvement from last years team. Also the kids for some odd reason don't like the army drill sargent approach that Carter(you) brought in. Thats the kids fault cause all their lives they been patted on the back and told how great they are in basketball. My son is an 8th grader and come Dec. 1 he belongs to Coach(you). I personally would like to see Carter around for the 4 years that my son plays. I would like to see a JV team in place by next year though

Sorry to burst your bubble sir, but I am not a coach. I am nothing more than an involved parent that knows football. I see what you are talking about about not having the kids to run the offense or whatever. But thats the whole process of building a program. I will agree also that every kid is patted on the back and said what a great basketball player you will be one day, when in reality no one from JC will ever make it anywhere in basketball. Let me let you in on a little, you encourage your kids to stay in football and not quit like the rest you send over and their will be a JV team.
Since it has been brought up middle school is a whole different animal than high school. High school you watch film, have to plan the week out. Middle school if you have good skilled kids you can beat almost any average middle school team. I wonder who your 8th grade plays I know last year they didn't do anything. Every time I check a thread on Jackson there is always people from there saying negative things. That probably shows me why there is a struggle there. I know as a grade school and middle school player middlesboro use to stomp us every game. I got to high school they never beat us and even quit on us at halftime one game.
I hope it's not true that a middle school coach encourages the boys not to play when they get to high school. You have to work together to build a solid program. If not, the only choice is to remove the middle school coach from his coaching job. No room for stuff like that in any program. I certainly hope none of this is true.
easyM Wrote:I hope it's not true that a middle school coach encourages the boys not to play when they get to high school. You have to work together to build a solid program. If not, the only choice is to remove the middle school coach from his coaching job. No room for stuff like that in any program. I certainly hope none of this is true.
This is a false rumor that no doubt has been started by someone who just wants to cause trouble. Sure their might be some differences' on what style to play but that is as far as it goes. Heck if anyone has a beef it has to be the middle school players because they, other than one game, were not allowed to play on the "big" field and couldn't use any of the training equiptment, like that sled that is sitting down there at Mckee elementary. Also couldn't use the practice field.
Lots of points for Powell!
attacktheV Wrote:Since it has been brought up middle school is a whole different animal than high school. High school you watch film, have to plan the week out. Middle school if you have good skilled kids you can beat almost any average middle school team. I wonder who your 8th grade plays I know last year they didn't do anything. Every time I check a thread on Jackson there is always people from there saying negative things. That probably shows me why there is a struggle there. I know as a grade school and middle school player middlesboro use to stomp us every game. I got to high school they never beat us and even quit on us at halftime one game.
link me up with those threads that said those negative things. On last years 8th grade team over half of the starters were 7th graders who had to play two games a night. Everyone is welcome to come up and see us play this thursday. If you all want to cause a rip between the middle school and high school go right ahead, maybe that is what the real problem is. We are after all on the same team, we all are Jackson Co football!!!!!
Regardless of Jackson Counties issues, Powell won the game. Let's give them some credit instead of changing the topic of the thread.
I've learned of this sight last night and about the comments that are being made. Yes I am who I say I am. My son has been under the current middle school coaching staff for the last three years and I've been part of the staff last two. Not once in those three years has any of the coaches and myself mentioned to him about not playing high school. I don't get where that is coming from. This absolute nonsense. It seems like this talk about this has been going on over the last two years. I don't get why people are trying to cause a rift between the two. As far as these posts on here, why are some taking this so hard? All it is, is just ones opinion. If it bothers ya don't get back on here and keep going on about it. Take it on the field and prove everyone wrong! Now I'm going to give my own opinion and I say what I see. Two years ago up at Gray Hawk Park there was a sled, last year it disappears. On a tip I drove by Mckee Elementary and saw the sled there. Why can't my son and his team mates use it anymore? Yes I do know that that they have tore up parts of the practice field for the new high school and that is why the sled is at Mckee Elementary, but why cant we use it, even it is just one day a week? I hold a big trump card, its around 5' 10" 290lbs and growing that has been to FBU football camps. That was invited to their Top Gun Camp and the most important thing once on the football field has a motor that don't quit and has the most passion for football than any player in Jackson Co. Be interesting what Carter and his staff can do with my boy. Carter wont be disapointed. Carter has always been good to me everytime I've ran into him. My son and I both have been told by ref's, opposing coaches, and people from FBU he is the real deal and that he has major D1 potental if he continutes to develop. Yeah I am being cocky and I know I'm not the most liked person in Jackson Co but anyone want to disagree with that?
Generals2010 Wrote:As Lee Corso would put it, "not so fast my friend!" Look at the Bell County teams for the past oh 20 years, I think they have been pretty successful. With any offense you can score points, your kids just have to believe in the system. If you are referring to the fact that JC needs to pass the ball a little more I agree. But as you can see the pass game has improved from last year. It will only get better for our kids sake. I am looking forward to the day when those 8th graders come up, they will be exciting to see if they can make an impact, or if they will just quit like all the other past 8th grade football players that come to high school. :HitWall:
The coach does not encourage the kids to qiut. Thats nonsense. Speaking of quitting, I'll bet ya that 95% of the current 8th graders will be playing next year. Heck my son had knee surgery 3 months ago and has three screws in the knee and is back on the field playing. That sound like a quitter? Thats heart, thats desire, thats passion to play football.
That is great news Noble. I pay attention to these threads cause a couple of my teammates from Bell coach at Jackson now. I don't know the behind the scenes info but here the high school baught their own sled and the middle school uses the old one from like the 80's. If the high school baught the sled then they have the right to use it at all times. Congrats to Powell for the win. I hope you guys get a win or two this season.
Jackson Cofan Wrote:This is a false rumor that no doubt has been started by someone who just wants to cause trouble. Sure their might be some differences' on what style to play but that is as far as it goes. Heck if anyone has a beef it has to be the middle school players because they, other than one game, were not allowed to play on the "big" field and couldn't use any of the training equiptment, like that sled that is sitting down there at Mckee elementary. Also couldn't use the practice field.

I understand how differences can exist between coaching staffs but the one thing that shouldn't be different is the style of play. If the high school coach wants you to run his offense and defense you should, period. Whether you agree or not. That's what middle school football is for to develop their game for their high school team. No other way around that.
attacktheV Wrote:That is great news Noble. I pay attention to these threads cause a couple of my teammates from Bell coach at Jackson now. I don't know the behind the scenes info but here the high school baught their own sled and the middle school uses the old one from like the 80's. If the high school baught the sled then they have the right to use it at all times. Congrats to Powell for the win. I hope you guys get a win or two this season.
Actually we don't have a sled. My opinion on that is that we are all in this thing together. I know we are a young program and still have some learning to do and yeah it does take time. I think overall we are real close at turning the corner. I think it did put a couple of years behind by not having a youth league program when we first started 6 years ago, but we got one now and its going to pay off real soon.
As far as running the same system well.....I don't think it is a factor. If you are good enough to play football you, are good enough to play in any system. As long as we control the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball I don't care what system it is.
attacktheV Wrote:That is great news Noble. I pay attention to these threads cause a couple of my teammates from Bell coach at Jackson now. I don't know the behind the scenes info but here the high school baught their own sled and the middle school uses the old one from like the 80's. If the high school baught the sled then they have the right to use it at all times. Congrats to Powell for the win. I hope you guys get a win or two this season.

I don't think anyone "baught" anything.

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