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WWE Wrestlemania 26 Results
No Holds Barred:

Bret Heart - Defeated - Vince McMahon

Divas Match:

Michelle McCool, Maryse, Layla, Alicia Fox, Vickie Guerrero - Defeated - Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Eve, Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix

WWE Championship:

John Cena - defeated - Batista (To Win The WWE Championship)

World Heavyweight Championship:

Chris Jericho - defeated - Edge (Chris Jericho Retained Title)

Unified Tag Team Championship:

Big Show, Miz - defeated - R-Truth, John Morrison (Big Show, Miz Retained)

Money In The Bank Ladder Match:

Winner - Jack Swagger

Triple Threat Match:

Randy Orton - defeated - Legacy

Wrestlemania Battle Royal

Winner - Yoshi Tatsu

Streak vs. Career

Undertaker - defeated - Shawn Michaels (Undertaker's Wrestlemania Streak (18-0) is Still intact, While Shawn Michaels Career is Supposedly Over)

Original Match:

Triple H - defeated - Sheamus
Not surprised by the UT/HBK match. Word is, that HBK wants to get a reality TV show started about him and his family. Similar to Hogan Knows Best, but more positive.

I can't say I'm thrilled about Cena being champ again. What a bore. Better than Batista, but not by much. I can't wait for the day when WWE ends this PG-era crap.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Not surprised by the UT/HBK match. Word is, that HBK wants to get a reality TV show started about him and his family. Similar to Hogan Knows Best, but more positive.

I can't say I'm thrilled about Cena being champ again. What a bore. Better than Batista, but not by much. I can't wait for the day when WWE ends this PG-era crap.

CE that is something i didn't know about HBK.

i can't stand Cena that much. he gets everything handed to him on a silver platter. like when he got injured and was out for awhile then he comes back and boom he automatically gets a title shot, that's not right to all the guys in the back. i believe i would rather see Randy Orton be the champ.
Strikeout King Wrote:CE that is something i didn't know about HBK.

i can't stand Cena that much. he gets everything handed to him on a silver platter. like when he got injured and was out for awhile then he comes back and boom he automatically gets a title shot, that's not right to all the guys in the back. i believe i would rather see Randy Orton be the champ.

Cena makes money, thus, if you hate him then he is doing his job. The job of a Professional wrestler is to make you LOVE them or make you HATE them. If you hate him, then you will watch to see him get beat! See how it works? Right now, Cena is the closest thing they have to a media star. He is loved in the news cirlces and he is invited to all the the Hollywood events. Thus, the WWE will ride him until he draws no more money.

As for HBK, it was easy to know he was going to be the loser. When his DVD set came out, it was his farewell. I knew as soon as that was released, we just saw the end of the showstopper. Plus, it has been Vince's plan from the 10th WM that UT participated in that UT would retire after going 20-0 in WM. So, even though we will still only see the deadman on only a handful of PPV's, the plans are still too keep him going for another 2 years.
It sucked, wrestling isn't like it used to be. It's always the same wrestlers with the titles and Cena, Batista, and Orton are becoming a bore. If Christian got a push I would enjoy it much more, I believe he is somebody that should be placed on Raw and he would get over.
BlackcatFootball Wrote:It sucked, wrestling isn't like it used to be. It's always the same wrestlers with the titles and Cena, Batista, and Orton are becoming a bore. If Christian got a push I would enjoy it much more, I believe he is somebody that should be placed on Raw and he would get over.

Amen brother, I could not agree more. I really like Christian, unfortunately the typical WWE fan would not support a champion of his size. It never worked for HBK. As much as the WWF(E) pushed Michaels as a champion, the Fans just never supported it. Thus, they had to keep pulling the title from him to put it back on a cartoon figure. Think about it, Vince's history has always been to push the Cartoon Network guys at the fans, and now he has them all convinced that is what a champion is supposed to "Look" like. Those of us that came up during the era of the old NWA and early WCW loved the "Workers", but that has gove by the wayside never to be seen again.

Let's be real, TNA has pushed the "worker" ever since it's inception. Guys like Jarrett, Styles, Sting, Angle all are some of the best workers in this business, but I have even been brainwashed that they cannot get over with me. What we had with Flair, Rhodes, Race, the old Sting, Steamboat and then the Era of WWF cartoons with Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, and Yokozuna, all guys who could not work to save their lives, but they got over because of their size. TNA has put their belts on the freaks, but it just never worked. We no longer have a guy like Ric Flair who could tell a 60 minute story with a broom handle, and we loved it. Who can do that now? Or, do fans even care about a guys workrate? As much as most of us can't stand the talent now, look at the crowds and buyrates of PPV's. We, the old school or even the "Attitude" era fans, don't matter anymore, thus as long as money can be made with the current roster and the style that is out there, then that is what we will continue to see for the time being.

But, and here is the hope for all, Pro Wrestling run's in cycles and always has. Just like storylines that repeat themselves every ten years, so do styles of wrestling and the era
's that follow. What we are seeing right now is the exact same style that we saw in the late 80's in between the Hogan and Hart era's. Then it was repeated in the 90's until WCW forced the WWF to move from the PG era to the Attitude era. Then after the Rock and Stone Cold era finished, we repeated it again. We had a decent era in the mid '00's when HHH was fresh, but now I get sick everytime they put the title back on him. We are in that style of wrestling again.

Be patient and just pray that TNA can make any ground on the WWE ratings wise. If that happens, the WWE will have to react, and hopefully that brings back the era of attitude, quality storylines, decent workrate. If TNA does not gain any interest from fans, then the WWE will continue to go un-challenged, and we will see this style until the arena's no longer are full and PPV's are no longer bought.
Stardust Wrote:Cena makes money, thus, if you hate him then he is doing his job. The job of a Professional wrestler is to make you LOVE them or make you HATE them. If you hate him, then you will watch to see him get beat! See how it works? Right now, Cena is the closest thing they have to a media star. He is loved in the news cirlces and he is invited to all the the Hollywood events. Thus, the WWE will ride him until he draws no more money.

As for HBK, it was easy to know he was going to be the loser. When his DVD set came out, it was his farewell. I knew as soon as that was released, we just saw the end of the showstopper. Plus, it has been Vince's plan from the 10th WM that UT participated in that UT would retire after going 20-0 in WM. So, even though we will still only see the deadman on only a handful of PPV's, the plans are still too keep him going for another 2 years.

i just don't like the fact that he gets everything handed to him on a silver platter, they won't give the younger stars a shot at bringing in money.

as for the undertaker, i'm glad that he's gonna around for a couple more years, he is one of my all time favorite wrestlers. But NO ONE can take the Number 1 spot in my all time favorite wrestler's list.
Strikeout King Wrote:i just don't like the fact that he gets everything handed to him on a silver platter, they won't give the younger stars a shot at bringing in money.

as for the undertaker, i'm glad that he's gonna around for a couple more years, he is one of my all time favorite wrestlers. But NO ONE can take the Number 1 spot in my all time favorite wrestler's list.

This is where you are mis-judging the facts. Cena is not being forced down our throat. Vince is maybe the most shrewd and "To the Point" businessman in America. Trust me, Vince has zero loyalty to John Cena. Vince's Loyalty is to give the Fans what they want. Look, Vince has discarded Hogan, Warrior, Hart, and so many other guys all because they stopped drawing money. You are acting upon who your favorite guys may be. Vince acts upon what ALL fans are reacting to. If Cena is no longer drawing, then Cena is knocked to mid-card. So, Cena is not being forced upon you and I who may not be big fans, it's the fanbase in total that is force-feeding him on all of us. Look at the crowd reaction when his music hits. As I said, Cena is invited to all of the big hollywood events. He has more movie roles coming up. Bottom-line, the fans are keeping Cena at the top of the Money spots, not Vince!
Stardust Wrote:This is where you are mis-judging the facts. Cena is not being forced down our throat. Vince is maybe the most shrewd and "To the Point" businessman in America. Trust me, Vince has zero loyalty to John Cena. Vince's Loyalty is to give the Fans what they want. Look, Vince has discarded Hogan, Warrior, Hart, and so many other guys all because they stopped drawing money. You are acting upon who your favorite guys may be. Vince acts upon what ALL fans are reacting to. If Cena is no longer drawing, then Cena is knocked to mid-card. So, Cena is not being forced upon you and I who may not be big fans, it's the fanbase in total that is force-feeding him on all of us. Look at the crowd reaction when his music hits. As I said, Cena is invited to all of the big hollywood events. He has more movie roles coming up. Bottom-line, the fans are keeping Cena at the top of the Money spots, not Vince!

I can agree with this mostly, but Cena's fan-base is largely the younger, probably 13 and under. How many of these fans would pop for any face champ?

I mean, if Christian were champ, wouldn't he get a big pop too? How many of these fans are brainwashed into Cena being their favorite wrestler because he is the good guy that is forced down their throats?

I used to cheer for Hogan when he was the good guy and boo him when he was the bad guy. It's just what you did when you were young.

I think it'd be huge if Cena turned heel. Not for long, but maybe for a storyline.
^ Again, Vince sticks to his guns of what is drawing. And, if Cena still has mid-budget movies lined up, that will continue to keep Cena in the public eye, he will continue riding that horse. As to the argument of it only being Kids that cheer Cena, well the paying customer is not the kid, but the kids parent. And if the Kid loves the wrestler and the parent pays for the kid to cheer like a banshee, then the kid trumps you and I when it comes to box office dollar value.
I cannot stand Cena for what its worth, he continues to get booed by majority of crowd, like you said the pre-teens get him over. I watched Mania for HBK, Taker, and HHH and have been clinging onto my childhood by watching the Outsiders, Hogan with Bischoff and my all time favorite Sting when he shows. I think if they drop Abyss from title contention and having Hogans powerful ring then their is potential. I like the Flair angle if they wouldn't make it as corny as it has been. A guy like Orton over at TNA could be what the company would need. Even having Cody Rhodes and or Dibiase. I must say Orton was thrown into that boring always in contention group but I like him outside of always competing with Cena or Batista. I think TNA has a bright out look especially if they get out of Orlando everyweek.
Stardust Wrote:^ Again, Vince sticks to his guns of what is drawing. And, if Cena still has mid-budget movies lined up, that will continue to keep Cena in the public eye, he will continue riding that horse. As to the argument of it only being Kids that cheer Cena, well the paying customer is not the kid, but the kids parent. And if the Kid loves the wrestler and the parent pays for the kid to cheer like a banshee, then the kid trumps you and I when it comes to box office dollar value.

My point is, though, if WWE put the belt on another face and pushed him as much as they push Cena, wouldn't that superstar be just as popular? Does it really matter who the wrestler is or who the WWE feels like making the face of the franchise?

Other than being big, I don't see the appeal of Cena. He has a very limited and boring move-set. His storylines are killing me too. It seems like the same thing over and over again. With Cena, I just feel like I've seen it all before and nothing is getting better.
BlackcatFootball Wrote:I cannot stand Cena for what its worth, he continues to get booed by majority of crowd, like you said the pre-teens get him over. I watched Mania for HBK, Taker, and HHH and have been clinging onto my childhood by watching the Outsiders, Hogan with Bischoff and my all time favorite Sting when he shows. I think if they drop Abyss from title contention and having Hogans powerful ring then their is potential. I like the Flair angle if they wouldn't make it as corny as it has been. A guy like Orton over at TNA could be what the company would need. Even having Cody Rhodes and or Dibiase. I must say Orton was thrown into that boring always in contention group but I like him outside of always competing with Cena or Batista. I think TNA has a bright out look especially if they get out of Orlando everyweek.

I cannot stand the Abyss/Hogan storyline right now. It reminds me of a cross between Mankind and Undertaker. Mankind, in that Abyss, is basically just a ripoff of the Mankind character. It reminds me of UT because of the ring. Remember how Paul Bearer's urn used to will UT into winning the match? It's the same kind of thing with Hogan's ring, in that the ring will's Abyss into being this ultra-competitor. It's stupid, and I'm just not impressed with Abyss from what I've seen him wrestle.

I agree with you about someone like Orton. TNA needs a true superstar that's not an old geezer. But the only way I can see that happening is if someone fails a drug-test at WWE.
Scratch that,what a surprise Orton was surprise tag partner setting up the three plus Jack "The Lisp" Swagger.
First of all HBK's career ending was very sad. I'm going to miss him, definantly one of my favorites.

As for Cena I cannot stand him! He is horrible! I am absolutely sick of him as well. I wanted Batista to destroy him at WrestleMania but you knew he wouldnt because it is Cena. I could have told you he would win before the match even took place, because just like u guys said, he brings money and is popular. Crowds usually react to his music almost like they do when "If you smell.....what the Rock is cooking" comes on the titantron. (which to me is perhaps the largest amounts of screams and excitement of any wrestler).

I always see Cena getting booed when he wrestles my favorite of course, Triple H. HHH is not boring or old to me... I woyuld still very much love to see him with the belt. I honestly believe he will surpass Flairs 16-times. He is the closest to it as far as I know. Now with Shawn and DX gone he should be back in contention IMO.

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