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Highlands 12 - Cincy St. Xavier 7
sstack Wrote:Brother, I do not know what Highlands team you have been watching, but Bardo has been running the ball great all year and X's coaching staff is smart enough to know he was a threat. They choose to stop the deep pass, and Collingsworth, and hope Bardo would not be able to beat them. HHS did not depend on just Bardo in any other game this year because they did not need too. But, he clearly showed in the other games that he is a big running threat. There have been other threads on here talking about his running abilities. Also, this game can not be called a blow out. HHS did dominate most of the game, but failed to take advantage of scoring opportunities. This game was not decided until about the last 1:30. If X recovers the onside kick, they could have won with a TD pass.

Give me an example of your rudimentary smack. What game did Bardo play where the offense relied solely on him? Aside from a couple brilliant pass plays, the offense did nothing without Bardo's runs. It was all Bardo. When you can give an example, I'll start to listen....I can guarantee you St. X. was not thinking about Will Bardo's running game. Sucka please
Congrats Highlands. Great win for KY High School football
[quote=sstack]Brother, I do not know what Highlands team you have been watching, but Bardo has been running the ball great all year and X's coaching staff is smart enough to know he was a threat. They choose to stop the deep pass, and Collingsworth, and hope Bardo would not be able to beat them. HHS did not depend on just Bardo in any other game this year because they did not need too. But, he clearly showed in the other games that he is a big running threat. There have been other threads on here talking about his running abilities. Also, this game can not be called a blow out. HHS did dominate most of the game, but failed to take advantage of sc

Straight from the trench:
"We haven't shown a lot of quarterback runs this year," Bardo told the Cincinnati Enquireroring opportunities. . How bout dem' apples, double stack?
^ Going into last night

AC had 47 rushing attempts, Streeter 35, Bardo 28. Sounds about right for a QB who runs the ball.....
check out Yappi sports and read some of the X faithful's posts. They are hilarious. The excuses were so predictable; "X was thinking about next week" "They're banged up from a tough schedule" Etc..... I know one thing; the only one besides all of us doubters with pie on their faces is Cincinnati and it feels pretty darn good right now.....
Congrats Highlands. Great win.
Congrats Bluebirds!
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:Give me an example of your rudimentary smack. What game did Bardo play where the offense relied solely on him? Aside from a couple brilliant pass plays, the offense did nothing without Bardo's runs. It was all Bardo. When you can give an example, I'll start to listen....I can guarantee you St. X. was not thinking about Will Bardo's running game. Sucka please

Obviously you did not read what I wrote! I stated that there has "not" been a game this year where they relied solely on him. But I did say if you have been watching their games this year that he has run the ball every game with effect and that X had to know he was a threat. X chose to take their chances on defending Collingsworth and taking away the deep pass. X gambled and lost. I can guarantee that X's coaching staff is smart enough to realize that Bardo was a threat to run. I am not talking smack, I just do not know where you come off saying that Bardo has not shown he is a running threat before last night.
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:[quote=sstack]Brother, I do not know what Highlands team you have been watching, but Bardo has been running the ball great all year and X's coaching staff is smart enough to know he was a threat. They choose to stop the deep pass, and Collingsworth, and hope Bardo would not be able to beat them. HHS did not depend on just Bardo in any other game this year because they did not need too. But, he clearly showed in the other games that he is a big running threat. There have been other threads on here talking about his running abilities. Also, this game can not be called a blow out. HHS did dominate most of the game, but failed to take advantage of sc

Straight from the trench:
"We haven't shown a lot of quarterback runs this year," Bardo told the Cincinnati Enquireroring opportunities. . How bout dem' apples, double stack?

He said alot, not zero. They have show enough to know the kid can run. Do you need a kid to have 200 yds in 4 games before you can tell if he can run the ball or not?
Stardust Wrote:^ Going into last night

AC had 47 rushing attempts, Streeter 35, Bardo 28. Sounds about right for a QB who runs the ball.....

Thanks for posting this! I think this shows he has run the ball before last night.
sstack Wrote:Thanks for posting this! I think this shows he has run the ball before last night.

Thata way 2 go birds!
im so proud to say im from kentucky....thanx for representing kentucky with national ranking site has st.x 16 and highlands 18
gotta say i had a good feeling about the birds this year
sstack Wrote:[quote=whackem'n'stackem']

He said alot, not zero. They have show enough to know the kid can run. Do you need a kid to have 200 yds in 4 games before you can tell if he can run the ball or not?

I think the bottom line is the Birds were holding him back as far as designed running plays and didnt show their hand until Friday night is what Wackem is trying to say. He is intelligent enough to acknowledge that the X coaches knew he could run, they just didnt choose to focus on him and didnt prepare for it as well as they should. They keyed on AC and taking away the deep ball and lets be honest, that was their 3rd option and it worked out great. I think the Birds wanted to test the X secondary but they have too good of DB's and they were covering the receivers like a blanket. I think only one time Drennan got open for a great catch where he got rocked and the Gold reception was on a scramble where he came back for the ball and the X secondary was in a deep zone. Other than that they took the pass away and Bardo is athletic enough to scramble and pick up some nice yardage.

The designed runs though were the key and the QB draws. They ran those in spring practice as Bardo took em to the house a lot back then they didnt run those in the previous games. True or not true?
Like I said before, impressed with this program never seeing them play live. Even as an underdog, they win. STongueirateShohoot, I wish I had a young freshman boy; I would be moving to northern ky>!! Great win, we are watching in eastern ky..
Way to go Bluebirds, a signature win, not bad for some Ky. boy's. Good lwin, hate to hear about the loss of your qb. Bardo, our prayers go out to this young man and family and team.:Thumbs:
old warrior Wrote:Way to go Bluebirds, a signature win, not bad for some Ky. boy's. Good lwin, hate to hear about the loss of your qb. Bardo, our prayers go out to this young man and family and team.:Thumbs:

Thanks for the congrats but even more importantly, thanks for the prayers and concerns about our qb. You always hate to see a kid get hurt, but you really hate it when it happens to a senior trying hard to earn a D-1 scholly.

It was a signature win. No doubt. The win indicated several things to me:

1. While Ky football is still behind Oh football in quality of play over all, Ky football has improved dramatically and is really closing the gap. Folks from Ohio may not want to admit it, but it's true. I think spring football has a lot to do with that and the expansion from 3 to 4 classes back in the mid 70's has played a role also. Whether the expansion from 4 to 6 in 07 will further that improvement remains to be seen. But the more teams winning state titles, semi final, and regional championships, means more player, administration, coaching and fan enthusiasm for the sport. And it's that enthusiasm that continues to cause the quality of football to improve in Ky. UK going to three straight bowls doesn't hurt either! :biggrin:

2. Small schools when they have quality depth can play with and beat the good bigger schools. Mueller decided this summer, based on what he saw in spring football (there's that spring football factor again), that he'd have the quality depth needed to be able to truly two platoon this year. In years past when Highlands has played the big schools, he's had several players going both ways. They were gassed by the 4th quarter. And if any one knows Highlands, it wasn't because the Highlands players were out of shape. Dales ability to field two platoons of quality players played a decisive role in the outcome of this game.

3. Highlands coaching staff put together game plans on each side of the ball that were spectacular. I can't say they outcoached X's coaches, but they certainly held their own. Considering that X's coaching staff is highly regarded on a national level, that says some good things about Highlands coaches (several of which are volunteers).

4. My belief that big linemen with D-1 scholarship offers are, more often than not, way over rated as high school football players is accurate. They have the size needed to play college, but often have yet to "grow into" their huge bodies, are very uncoordinated and awkward, have poor technique because they are used to just overpowering their opposing assignments, and are usually very slow. Highlands small and quick defenders literally made X's huge and very highly acclaimed offensive line look rather bad. James, X's very highly ranked D-1 recruit, missed more blocks than he made. While X's defensive players weren't huge, they were pretty fast. Had we had an O line like X did, they'd have eaten us up. But we generally go with smaller, quick players on our O line (although this year we have some decent size but didn't have to sacrifice quickness at almost any spot) that did a great job picking up the X stunts and blitzes. Based on the game tapes of three prior X opponents, we were the first O line that was able to do that with any regularity. I think I've got the sportswriter in my neck of the woods to finally quit basing his all state votes on D-1 schollies but instead take the time to watch the O linemen perform, but I'm doubtful that other sports writers watch the O linemen enough to make wise all state votes.

Just my observations taken from a great win not only for Highlands but for Ky high school football. And I truly mean the last part of that sentence. As the quality of Ky high school football improves each year, Highlands has to work even harder and harder and get better and better to accomplish it's goals. Every team in Ky placing an emphasis on getting better at football played a part in this win.
A good friend of mine talked to the special teams coach for St. X after the game and said that Steve Specht was livid because Highlands told them to be on the field early b/c of the televised game and they subsequently had to wait an extra 15 minutes b/c the Bluebirds used a stall tactic. Steve said he knew they would pull that kind of stuff but came out early anyway. Highlands eventually made their way out of the locker room and the coach blamed that on why ST. XAVIER came out flat for the start of the game. The coach also mentioned the fact that they came out with an entirely different offensive scheme as well. They also claimed the field goal was good. Gotta love the excuses. Go Bombers!
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:A good friend of mine talked to the special teams coach for St. X after the game and said that Steve Specht was livid because Highlands told them to be on the field early b/c of the televised game and they subsequently had to wait an extra 15 minutes b/c the Bluebirds used a stall tactic. Steve said he knew they would pull that kind of stuff but came out early anyway. Highlands eventually made their way out of the locker room and the coach blamed that on why ST. XAVIER came out flat for the start of the game. The coach also mentioned the fact that they came out with an entirely different offensive scheme as well. They also claimed the field goal was good. Gotta love the excuses. Go Bombers!

Don't forget that the sun was in their eyes for the whole game.:lmao:
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:A good friend of mine talked to the special teams coach for St. X after the game and said that Steve Specht was livid because Highlands told them to be on the field early b/c of the televised game and they subsequently had to wait an extra 15 minutes b/c the Bluebirds used a stall tactic. Steve said he knew they would pull that kind of stuff but came out early anyway. Highlands eventually made their way out of the locker room and the coach blamed that on why ST. XAVIER came out flat for the start of the game. The coach also mentioned the fact that they came out with an entirely different offensive scheme as well. They also claimed the field goal was good. Gotta love the excuses. Go Bombers!

I thought it was weird that they were out there so early warming up. The field goal certainly looked close.
qryche11 Wrote:I thought it was weird that they were out there so early warming up. The field goal certainly looked close.

The field goal looked extremely close from where I was (4th row of the Highlands' student section). I thought that it was good until the ref's said otherwise.

All in all, it was a great game that I'll never forget. Rushing the field will probably be my fondest memory of high school, beating out being at both of our back to back state wins.
They are the best team in the state of Ky...
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:A good friend of mine talked to the special teams coach for St. X after the game and said that Steve Specht was livid because Highlands told them to be on the field early b/c of the televised game and they subsequently had to wait an extra 15 minutes b/c the Bluebirds used a stall tactic. Steve said he knew they would pull that kind of stuff but came out early anyway. Highlands eventually made their way out of the locker room and the coach blamed that on why ST. XAVIER came out flat for the start of the game. The coach also mentioned the fact that they came out with an entirely different offensive scheme as well. They also claimed the field goal was good. Gotta love the excuses. Go Bombers!

I have total respect for Coach Specht and think he is a class act. It certainly wasn't a 15 minute wait before X took the field. Let's be real. I can completely understand that there may be a timing discrepancy with all the TV stuff but I believe both teams delt with the TV stuff just fine.

Don't discredit a great coach like Coach Specht by laying out there stuff that a friend of a friend of a friend that is the assistant coach to the water boy said.:biggrin:
Yes, Steve Specht is a great coach. He was, however, outsmarted last friday night. As for the friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a waterboy's brother: It is what it is......
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:Yes, Steve Specht is a great coach. He was, however, outsmarted last friday night. As for the friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a waterboy's brother: It is what it is......


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