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Divorce Humor
[b]Dear Billy Bob,[/b]

[b]As you know, my divorce was final yesterday, and in the divorce settlement she was awarded the double-wide mobile home and my pickup truck.[/b]

[b]Can you believe it? I expected her to get the double-wide, but having to give her my truck was just more than I could bear.[/b]

[b]I had no choice, so per the court order, I delivered the truck to her before 2:00 PM today. I'm sure gonna miss that truck. Had to get a picture of it before it was gone forever.[/b]

[b]If you need to get hold of me, I'll be staying with my folks until I can find me a place. [/b]

[b]Take care, Bubba [/b]

:lol: :Clap: man thats awesum. I dont blame him.
HA he was surley pee'd off lol
good one CD
I know were i would like to put my veh. oh wait she already has the **** thing.
that sucks batpuff
That's great!
lmao... that's awesome
I would have done the same thing.

Hey.. That's My truck....
...i hope it didn't have a full tank of gas
I would only hoped she was under it
Doc Holliday Wrote:I would only hoped she was under it


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