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Shelby Valley 6 - Twin Valley 4
Gratz Valley! :kneel:
Nice win SV
Congrats SV.
I got to watch this game up to about the 6th inning, and this is no offense to either team, but Twin Valley was one of the worst teams I've ever seen at the high school level, and this was a painful game to watch. I was shocked that Shelby Valley couldn't put them away sooner.

I do believe that Ratliff is a better coach than Slone from last year for Shelby Valley, but I was extremely disappointed in the lack of basic fundamentals shown by the SV team in the field, on the mound, on the basepaths, and especially at the plate. They'll get better as the season goes on, but beating Twin Valley by 2 was a bit disappointing to me.
Good win for valley and nice job by Ratliff tonight. This program will take some work and it is shaping up. Rome wasn't built in a day and good luck at the wooden bat classic this weekend.
Hey, Alfus why don't you give credit were credit is do! You have to admit that Coach Ratliff has the program headed the right way wtih what talent that he has. If you had stuck around you would of seen a little bit of there offense. I have seen inprovment evergame this year! And also Twin Valley's defense wasn't that bad. They had very few errors. "Good Luck Coach Ratliff Have a Great Season!"
Slurvman Wrote:Hey, Alfus why don't you give credit were credit is do! You have to admit that Coach Ratliff has the program headed the right way wtih what talent that he has. If you had stuck around you would of seen a little bit of there offense. I have seen inprovment evergame this year! And also Twin Valley's defense wasn't that bad. They had very few errors. "Good Luck Coach Ratliff Have a Great Season!"

:biggrin: It's no secret who I am, so I have no problem with that, but try to watch the rules next time, and for goodness sakes at least attempt to use proper grammar.

I admit the talent level is low, as it always has been, but don't be so offensive at my judgement of what I saw. Routine fly balls being dropped, kids walking off the field, kids lunging at awful pitches, a kid coming into the game to pitch with a runner on first and going out of the wind up, some of the worst batting stances I've ever seen, bad pitching mechanics, and so on. Things that can be helped with a basic knowledge of the game. I don't want to argue about it, just letting you know what I saw. Sounds like they got it turned around late in the game though, and that is all that matters for this one.

If you can look at me with a straight face and say Twin Valley wasn't that bad I'll give you 50 bucks. They were down right awful. I like to think that Ratliff is a better coach than Slone was, but it's hard to say at this point. Good luck this weekend and the rest of the season.
Sorry for cutting you down. I should not have done that. Because you must have been watching another ball game. You say that they had routine fly balls. Yes, they had one to shallow right field that 2nd base should had caught. The fly ball to left, the left fielder had to come a mile! If you had been at the other three games you would have to say that the bats have came around. Plus I do not know how you can say that everybody's batting stance should look a certain way. "EVERBODY BATS DIFFERENT"

"GO CATS":Thumbs:
I think Valley did a great job...considering that most of these players didn't have much of a coach last year......if your not taught the mechanics how can you use them? Good Job Coach Ratliff!!!!!!! I think it will take time for your team to prove what a good coach you have been thus far.....All the players are improving...and if you don't win another game this season at least you are teaching these kids unlike last years coach! Way to go #21, #10, #22, #30, #2, #3! keep up the good work!
Well you obviously don't like Shelby Valley baseball. If you can do better then try to get the coaching job. They practice every day and work very hard. I'm sure Valley will be very good. I'm excited about them actually getting a good coach. He WILL turn Shelby Valley baseball around and show you Alfus21, that they can play ball. Twin Valley could field a baseball. So, there is no way they're the worst team at the high school level. I recall somebody hitting a line shot to second base and Twin Valley catching it. Jacob Robinson, line shot to short stop and them catching it. The only thing I seen wrong with them is in the 6th I think, the pitcher threw the ball over the first basemans head. That's the only thing I seen wrong with Twin Valley's defense. I agree Twin Valley's offense was weak but they had defense to help that. Twin Valley was a decent team. I'm sure they will improve just like Valley will. Look out for Shelby Valley to improve greatly. Good Luck this weekend boys!

alfus21 Wrote::biggrin: It's no secret who I am, so I have no problem with that, but try to watch the rules next time, and for goodness sakes at least attempt to use proper grammar.

I admit the talent level is low, as it always has been, but don't be so offensive at my judgement of what I saw. Routine fly balls being dropped, kids walking off the field, kids lunging at awful pitches, a kid coming into the game to pitch with a runner on first and going out of the wind up, some of the worst batting stances I've ever seen, bad pitching mechanics, and so on. Things that can be helped with a basic knowledge of the game. I don't want to argue about it, just letting you know what I saw. Sounds like they got it turned around late in the game though, and that is all that matters for this one.

If you can look at me with a straight face and say Twin Valley wasn't that bad I'll give you 50 bucks. They were down right awful. I like to think that Ratliff is a better coach than Slone was, but it's hard to say at this point. Good luck this weekend and the rest of the season.
Great job SV
Slurvman Wrote:Sorry for cutting you down. I should not have done that. Because you must have been watching another ball game. You say that they had routine fly balls. Yes, they had one to shallow right field that 2nd base should had caught. The fly ball to left, the left fielder had to come a mile! If you had been at the other three games you would have to say that the bats have came around. Plus I do not know how you can say that everybody's batting stance should look a certain way. "EVERBODY BATS DIFFERENT"

"GO CATS":Thumbs:

You didn't cut me down. I once again was just stating what I saw. I didn't mean to ruffle so many feathers, but I seem to be pretty good at it.

You're correct on the fly balls, but I won't back down on how bad the batting stances were despite the fact that everybody bats different. There were players up there wobbling bats like they're Ken Griffey. What's the problem with this? The fact that it reduces stability and cuts down on the reaction time that a player has from the time the ball leaves the pitchers hand to the time they have to hit it. Go watch an SEC baseball game, and tell me how many players you see wobbling the bat. Zero. It creates way too much instability.

Not to mention the fact that I saw back elbows as high as the sky which causes players to to adjust to come down to the ball, which in turn causes an upper cut swing. Which is exactly what happened when the bases were loaded with nobody out, and two infield fly balls occurred. Anybody with a decent knowledge of hitting knows that.

Also with the batting stances there were some players who had their feet so close together that it created a huge step when the ball left the pitchers hand. Not a problem if the pitcher throws the some pitch every time, but when you have that huge lunge when the ball leaves the pitchers' hand it creates a problem of balance, especially on off speed pitches.

I know baseball despite the fact that I wasn't the best at it, and the batting stances and techniques were questionable at best.

I apologize for coming off rude or whatever, but I was simply stating what I saw, and will do so at any game I watch. Once again, good luck this season.
Mr.Rainman Wrote:Well you obviously don't like Shelby Valley baseball. If you can do better then try to get the coaching job. They practice every day and work very hard. I'm sure Valley will be very good. I'm excited about them actually getting a good coach. He WILL turn Shelby Valley baseball around and show you Alfus21, that they can play ball. Twin Valley could field a baseball. So, there is no way they're the worst team at the high school level. I recall somebody hitting a line shot to second base and Twin Valley catching it. Jacob Robinson, line shot to short stop and them catching it. The only thing I seen wrong with them is in the 6th I think, the pitcher threw the ball over the first basemans head. That's the only thing I seen wrong with Twin Valley's defense. I agree Twin Valley's offense was weak but they had defense to help that. Twin Valley was a decent team. I'm sure they will improve just like Valley will. Look out for Shelby Valley to improve greatly. Good Luck this weekend boys!

I greatly enjoy Shelby Valley baseball, otherwise I wouldn't bother showing up at the game when I have the chance or taking the time to post about it. I want to see this team succeed and that is why I posted what I saw yesterday. Simple as that. No need in getting personal, if you want to do that feel free to send me a message. :biggrin:

The reason Twin Valley's defense looked so solid is because they didn't have to handle any screamers or hard hits. The line drives were right to them, anybody could have caught those. I apologize to you as well for getting you so worked up, Good luck the rest of the season.
Mr.Rainman Wrote:Well you obviously don't like Shelby Valley baseball. If you can do better then try to get the coaching job. They practice every day and work very hard. I'm sure Valley will be very good. I'm excited about them actually getting a good coach. He WILL turn Shelby Valley baseball around and show you Alfus21, that they can play ball. Twin Valley could field a baseball. So, there is no way they're the worst team at the high school level. I recall somebody hitting a line shot to second base and Twin Valley catching it. Jacob Robinson, line shot to short stop and them catching it. The only thing I seen wrong with them is in the 6th I think, the pitcher threw the ball over the first basemans head. That's the only thing I seen wrong with Twin Valley's defense. I agree Twin Valley's offense was weak but they had defense to help that. Twin Valley was a decent team. I'm sure they will improve just like Valley will. Look out for Shelby Valley to improve greatly. Good Luck this weekend boys!
I would hope that a Varsity baseball team could catch a couple of line drives and not be praised for it.
Alfus. At least these boys try. You graduated from Valley, right? Why don't you give them some credit. We know they aren't as good as you want them to be but, you can atleast give them credit for trying.
Mr.Rainman Wrote:Alfus. At least these boys try. You graduated from Valley, right? Why don't you give them some credit. We know they aren't as good as you want them to be but, you can atleast give them credit for trying.

Let it go.

Keep up the strong effort SV, and good luck the rest of the way out.
Any win is a good win at this point with this program. He is working miracles out there with kids that has never played the game. I have watched a lot of baseball at SV and it has been down hill ever since Tom searcy left. I hope that Ratliff continues to work hard at this, but nothing will ever change until he can get athletes out and have a stuctured little league program. Good luck!
Thank You!

hootie Wrote:Any win is a good win at this point with this program. He is working miracles out there with kids that has never played the game. I have watched a lot of baseball at SV and it has been down hill ever since Tom searcy left. I hope that Ratliff continues to work hard at this, but nothing will ever change until he can get athletes out and have a stuctured little league program. Good luck!
IMO, It would be hard to get athletes out for baseball when you don't give them at least a day of rest in between sports. Just my opinion.

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