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District Tiebreaker Rule Reform?
What is your opinion on the subject?
I dunno, But I dont like that Teams that schedule tougher non district opponents often get penalized
I think it's fine how it is. You can't reward teams for losing games (even if they are to good teams). I know it doesn't always produce the best outcomes, but I think year in and year out it does do a great job. What would be an alternative tie-breaker to suggest? It's not fair to go by points because some teams win games with defense and don't score many points. You can't go by points allowed because some teams win by getting in shootouts and winning high scoring games. You can't go by just record or everyone would try to schedule cream puffs for their non-district schedule.

I'm the first to agree that a 1 point loss to St. X is much more impressive than 100 point win over Montgomery County (no offense just using this team because they had 1 win this season). Is it fair to get awarded 1 point by beating Montgomery while getting 0 points for playing St. X to the wire? No.

Please suggest a better idea for the tie-breaker system if you have one in mind. I'd love to see what kind of scenarios our intelligent posters can come up with.
lmao we could go to a BCS rateing system
Goodness gracious don't speak such foul words in such a great place. The only thing worse you could have said is Harbin system. :Hammer3:
we have to use what we got i personally cant think of anything that could be done to improve the current system
tomcat68 Wrote:Goodness gracious don't speak such foul words in such a great place. The only thing worse you could have said is Harbin system. :Hammer3:
just to clear the record i was just jokeing i wouldn't wish that on any sport...
Camper Wrote:just to clear the record i was just jokeing i wouldn't wish that on any sport...

Yeah i know you were. I've been racking my brain trying to come up with a good fair way that would be alternative but I haven't been able to. The closest I have come up with is scoring margin, but in no way would you want to do that because of the "running up the score." I never want to see a 150-0 game and if you did scoring margin teams would have an excuse to do so.
what about some kind of power ranking? takein into accound the loses to good teams like ur example of st.x and magoffin if you lose to st.x by 1 who's district winners or ap top 5 you get 2 instead of the 1 you would get for beating magoffin by 60 since the only time this comes up is the last night of the season go by final rankings i guess... i know its flawed
There were be way too many holes and loops in that but if someone really took the time to look through it and fine tune it it could possibly work. But I still don't think it would have a chance in the long run or being any better than the current system. It would be possible to use the possible system but add a staggered scale of 2.0 points awarded for beating an AP #1 team down to 1.1 points for beating an AP #10 team. The only problem with this is the difference between A, AA, AAA, and AAAA.
yeah because face it there is some AAAA teams that can't play on the same feild as some AA or even A teams
Well not only that, but what about very good AAAA or AAA teams scheduling highly ranked A teams for the extra points. It would be hard to say that a team such as Bardstown would have an honest chance against say Henry Clay.
yeah its througly flawed lol it was a shot at it though...

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