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For those following the Casey Anthony trial
I know I'm not the only one who's been following this story nearly every day. Normally, I can't stand Nancy Grace, but I tend to feel the same way she does about Casey Anthony.

For those of you who don't know, Casey Anthony is the mother of Caylee Anthony, a small child who disappeared last summer. Well it turns out that mother Casey waited a whole month to tell anyone that her daughter was missing.

Caylee's body was found in late 2008, mouth covered with duct tape and wrapped in a garbage bag just a couple blocks from Casey Anthony's home.

So what do the fellow BGR'ers think? Did Casey do it? If not, what are your thoughts?

Personally, I think the evidence is very strong that Casey Anthony killed her own daughter.

The fact that she was Google'ing "chloroform" and how to break a neck is bad enough, but then all of the lies used that threw the investigators off.
I believe she done it, but I don't want to think about a Mother killing their own kid.
Makes me soooo mad!
It's sad, really, that someone that innocent had to leave that way.
And it's even more sad that it happens too much, or at ALL, in today's world!


Morehead State Eagle!
She did it, it's obvious why I think that. The grandparents are nearly as responsible for not reporting it as well. They smelled a dead body in their car for God's sake. Too many lies on Casey Anthony's part for me to believe anything the woman says and all signs point to go, simple as that.
What do you all think Lee Anthony had to do with it?

I think he either knows something that he's not telling, or he was in on it.
If Casey didn't want Caylee why didn't she just put her up for adoption? I know her mother "made" her keep the baby from what they have said about it on CNN and Nancy Grace but basically, Casey was an adult who could have made her own decision. Murder is never an answer to a problem and evidently Casey thought this little angel was a problem or "burden" to her. She is a spoiled young woman who didn't know what a gift she was given in little Caylee. I do believe she did it and I hope and pray that the evidence mounts and they have enough to put her away for the rest of her life!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:

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