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Anyone here had there appendix taken out?
whats your story?
Negative, but they serve no positive purpose for the body, so maybe we should all just have em taken out :Clap:
Yes, i had mine taken out this July. It was the weirdest pain i have ever felt in my life, words can not describe it. My side started hurting one morning after i woke up and i thought it was just a bruise from jumping off a rock a bunch of times, when swimming at the red river gorge. The pain increased over the next two day, so i looked up medical problems with the symptoms i had, which seemed to be appendicitis. I got my mom to take me to the hospital around 4 am about three days after i started having the pain. They took blood and urine samples there. The blood sampled showed i had a elevated white blood cell count, so they made me take a cat scan, which showed i had acute appendicitis. I went to ST.Josephs in Lexington that same day and had it removed. Since then i have been fine.
I havent ever had my appendix taken out... I've heard it's a bit painful if/when it ruptures.
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:Yes, i had mine taken out this July. It was the weirdest pain i have ever felt in my life, words can not describe it. My side started hurting one morning after i woke up and i thought it was just a bruise from jumping off a rock a bunch of times, when swimming at the red river gorge. The pain increased over the next two day, so i looked up medical problems with the symptoms i had, which seemed to be appendicitis. I got my mom to take me to the hospital around 4 am about three days after i started having the pain. They took blood and urine samples there. The blood sampled showed i had a elevated white blood cell count, so they made me take a cat scan, which showed i had acute appendicitis. I went to ST.Josephs in Lexington that same day and had it removed. Since then i have been fine.

I had mine taken out about 4 years ago.

I know exactly the pain you speak of.

If I had waited 2 hours longer to have it removed, the doctor said it would have ruptured.
Nope, Im a pretty healthy boy. Thanks for asking though. Very nice of ya.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:I had mine taken out about 4 years ago.

I know exactly the pain you speak of.

If I had waited 2 hours longer to have it removed, the doctor said it would have ruptured.

That would have sucked, mine didn't rupture either thank god. Did they make 3 small incisions or one big one on you?
Had mine taken out when I was 13, almost died and have a 6 inch scar on my right side for reminders.
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:That would have sucked, mine didn't rupture either thank god. Did they make 3 small incisions or one big one on you?

It was one big incision.

The pain after the surgery was almost unbearable and lasted for hours.
Mine ruptured about a year and half ago.

I was actually watching the Bengals and Titans play thinking it was just a bad stomache ache then i felt my whole stomache go numb. I had a 6 inch IV stuck in my arm which hurt like crazy, they gave me anestisia gas followed by a bright light to put me to sleep. I wake up, then wah lah, Ice Cream and Sprite were waiting on me back in the room
outdoorsman43 Wrote:It was one big incision.

The pain after the surgery was almost unbearable and lasted for hours.

They made three small incisions on me. The pain wasn't too bad, i was able to drive home the day after my surgery. The scars have almost disapeard now.
My sister's appendix ruptured a few years ago... she said it was very painful.
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:They made three small incisions on me. The pain wasn't too bad, i was able to drive home the day after my surgery. The scars have almost disapeard now.

My scar has just about blended in completely as well.

Glad to hear your post-surgery pain wasn't like mine!
I had mine taken when I was in high school. I am 32 now, and wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy.

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