Poll: When will the recession end?
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When will the recession end?
What do you think? Share your thoughts!
The "stimulus" package is a joke and won't help. The recession will last longer because the Obama administration keeps harping about how bad things are, which scares the public worse. I think the recession will last a year longer due to the fear mongering, but with all the extra spending, then we will have inflation to deal with...
Obama says, "We are hemorraging jobs." Fact: we are hemorraging jobs. However, by the Pilot's logic, this is fear mongering. Obama says, "a strong possibility exists this recovery might take years, not weeks." Fact: a large majority of economists suggest this recovery might take much more than a few months or weeks. However, by the Pilot's logic, this is fear mongering.
Well, I'm no political guru, but I do believe that it will get better. I would say 1-2 years and hopefully my husband and I will be able to keep our jobs during this time.

I wouldn't bash President Obama for the stimulus plan. The truth is there were many people working on this stimulus package not just Obama. I would like to think that this is the best deal that they could come up with for our country. Whether you agree or not lets just pray that it works.

I don't like to criticize or put blame on others. I believe too many bad decisions have been made for our country for too many years. Can we change it, no. Can we change the stimulus package, no. We take what hand we are dealt and make the best of it.

Remember when you point fingers at someone there are three more pointing back at you.

Maybe if more people prayed and actually believed in God our country wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
By Q3 2010, the banks will have made significant improvements.
thecavemaster Wrote:Obama says, "We are hemorraging jobs." Fact: we are hemorraging jobs. However, by the Pilot's logic, this is fear mongering. Obama says, "a strong possibility exists this recovery might take years, not weeks." Fact: a large majority of economists suggest this recovery might take much more than a few months or weeks. However, by the Pilot's logic, this is fear mongering.

Even Bill Clinton is telling him to put on a more positive face.


Everyone except you seems to understand it.
jetpilot Wrote:Even Bill Clinton is telling him to put on a more positive face.


Everyone except you seems to understand it.

"We are not hemorraging jobs, guys, hey, shoot, it'll turn around. Buy that new car, build that new house, somebody'll loan you the money."

A day after 9/11, Bush II told us to return to the malls and not let the terrorists win. "Scratch my ears, preacher man, tell me what I want to hear. The truth? Oh, that's not pretty to think about. Tell me lies...sweet little lies so I can sleep at night." Is that it?
I think we are in this until maybe the summer of 2010.
Well hopefully some of this stimulus will help, but it looks like we are in for a long haul on this one. I hope it rebounds by the end of this year, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it go well into 2010.
thecavemaster Wrote:"We are not hemorraging jobs, guys, hey, shoot, it'll turn around. Buy that new car, build that new house, somebody'll loan you the money."

A day after 9/11, Bush II told us to return to the malls and not let the terrorists win. "Scratch my ears, preacher man, tell me what I want to hear. The truth? Oh, that's not pretty to think about. Tell me lies...sweet little lies so I can sleep at night." Is that it?

Everyone still had their homes, retirement accounts and jobs a day after 911, today homes are being foreclosed, retirement accounts have been cut in half and many have lost their jobs. Then Barry makes this speech on February 18, 2009, which really makes me to want to go to the mall and spend the other half of my retirement.

Old School Wrote:Everyone still had their homes, retirement accounts and jobs a day after 911, today homes are being foreclosed, retirement accounts have been cut in half and many have lost their jobs. Then Barry makes this speech on February 18, 2009, which really makes me to want to go to the mall and spend the other half of my retirement.

:Thumbs: Definitely worse than post 9/11!! If you don't get to the mall quick the other half of your retirement may be gone too. j/k (at least I hope it turns out that way).

This all started because of poor regulation and now the wise ones in Washington are running through our tax dollars and our future tax dollars TRYING to fix this mess. I seriously wonder if they have a clue as to what they are doing sometimes! Politics and political talking heads .........:HitWall:
EKY Sportster Wrote::Thumbs: Definitely worse than post 9/11!! If you don't get to the mall quick the other half of your retirement may be gone too. j/k (at least I hope it turns out that way).

This all started because of poor regulation and now the wise ones in Washington are running through our tax dollars and our future tax dollars TRYING to fix this mess. I seriously wonder if they have a clue as to what they are doing sometimes! Politics and political talking heads .........:HitWall:

Are there any wise one in Washington? Before anyone jump to conclusion's I'm referring to both Democrats and Republicans.

That's my biggest fear...I honestly don't think they have a clue, I'm just hoping they stumble across something. I've allways been told that "even a blind squirrel will occasionally find a nut".
The recession will end just prior to the next election. At least that is what we will be told.
I just think that its comical that Our President said He would go line by line and take out all the wasteful spending, In His budget their is 8500+ earmarks alone, Sure dont sound like change to me. Sounds like business as usual.

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