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Phelps could face criminal charge over pot flap
COLUMBIA, S.C. - South Carolina authorities in the county where Michael Phelps was spotted smoking from a marijuana pipe say they are considering a criminal charge against the Olympic superstar.

Lt. Chris Cowan said Tuesday that Richland County sheriff’s investigators are gathering more information about the photo, which showed the swimmer inhaling from a marijuana pipe.

Cowan did not specify what charge was being considered and declined to discuss details of the investigation.

Is this disappointing to anyone, or are fans desensitized to what athletes do now :igiveup:
I honestly don't think it is that big of a deal. It sucks because kids look up to him and all that, but what he does on his own time is his business.
alfus21 Wrote:I honestly don't think it is that big of a deal. It sucks because kids look up to him and all that, but what he does on his own time is his business.

I agree.
alfus21 Wrote:I honestly don't think it is that big of a deal. It sucks because kids look up to him and all that, but what he does on his own time is his business.

This is unfortunate for his fans but, I'll have to agree with you Alfus.
alfus21 Wrote:I honestly don't think it is that big of a deal. It sucks because kids look up to him and all that, but what he does on his own time is his business.

As Charles Barkley has always said, don't look to athletes to be your role models.
I didnt think this was that big of a deal, I mean give the guy a break he was at a party and was probably drunk. The guy won 8 gold medals get off his back lol
I do think it's a big deal. This is not the first offense he has had. Not only that from the time he won his medals he has been seen in various places partying. Yes that is his business, the problem is these athelete's are put on the proverbial pedestal. There is no doubt that he's an awesome athlete, very disappointing for these youngsters to see such an ugly act spread throughout the news!
Stardust Wrote:As Charles Barkley has always said, don't look to athletes to be your role models.

Ain't that the truth.
Should we read anything into those commenting that they don't think this is a big deal??????? JK

Actually the thing that I am surprised about is that he was arrested in 2004 for DUI. In all of the media blitz on Phelps, and especially the way that the media loves to tear someone down, how did this not become a big story during the olympics. I don't think anyone would have cared, but I am shocked that it was not a story.
Not only is it his was while he was in college!!! I seriously doubt it had an affect on his Olympic performance, and it's ridiculous the police are charging him for it NOW! Come on...if it was a regular Joe Schmo, it wouldn't be as big a deal, especially if it's something from the past.
I dont see how they can charge him with anything. Can they honestly prove it was marijuana in the pipe just from a photo? Looks like a PR stunt from the police dept. to me. Any backwoods lawyer would eat that up in court....

IMO it is his business, who cares if he is a pothead? Personally I think the police could save a lot of time and money by focusing their drug eradication efforts on things that are far worse for you than smoking marijuana. Every dollar they spend on putting a stop to this "devil weed" could be better spent putting meth heads and pain pill pushers behind bars where they belong. JMO
StrikeoutKing Wrote:Not only is it his was while he was in college!!! I seriously doubt it had an affect on his Olympic performance, and it's ridiculous the police are charging him for it NOW! Come on...if it was a regular Joe Schmo, it wouldn't be as big a deal, especially if it's something from the past.

Exactly, I agree.
I am going to state my point on these incidents once again. If I can freely go out and have a few beers with friends. I believe who ever wants should be able to go and smoke a blunt or bowl or two and it be legal. No diffrence besides Pot is healthier for you!!!!!!
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:I am going to state my point on these incidents once again. If I can freely go out and have a few beers with friends. I believe who ever wants should be able to go and smoke a blunt or bowl or two and it be legal. No diffrence besides Pot is healthier for you!!!!!!

You can drink a few beers and it is legal, blowen a blunt is not. Have an affair whenever I want, but hook up with a moll and go to jail. Play pickem on BGR is fine, drop a dime to the bookie and my winnings come with cuffs. Legal is Legal, what he did is not. I don't care what he did, but if the fuzz has an issue with it, then he shouldn't have did it and got his paicture taken in the process.
What is the big deal. If they do something to him, they need to go after everone in that county. Until they do that, what can they do to him.... They trying to go after him, because he is a big super star.
Yel but it not's against the law....Do you think he should be treated easier than everyone else because he is famous.... i think not.....i think he should go to court like the everyone else who has been caught smokin pot, and let our system determine wat to be done....
Stardust Wrote:You can drink a few beers and it is legal, blowen a blunt is not. Have an affair whenever I want, but hook up with a moll and go to jail. Play pickem on BGR is fine, drop a dime to the bookie and my winnings come with cuffs. Legal is Legal, what he did is not. I don't care what he did, but if the fuzz has an issue with it, then he shouldn't have did it and got his paicture taken in the process.

my point was stardust I believe smoking pot should be legalized.
No big deal, people smoke pot all the time. I would rather have them smoking pot, instead of going out to clubs shooting people.
baseballfan Wrote:Yel but it not's against the law....Do you think he should be treated easier than everyone else because he is famous.... i think not.....i think he should go to court like the everyone else who has been caught smokin pot, and let our system determine wat to be done....
"The System" as you put it is broken and unfair when it comes to marijuana laws IMO.
It would be wrong to make an example out of him,it sounds like a publicity stunt for the police dept. Would anyone else at the party get is type of coverage?
He was wrong ,but leave him alone.
baseballfan Wrote:Yel but it not's against the law....Do you think he should be treated easier than everyone else because he is famous.... i think not.....i think he should go to court like the everyone else who has been caught smokin pot, and let our system determine wat to be done....

That's the thing though. You think South Carolina goes after every person who is seen on the internet holding a bong/pipe? They are going after Phelps to get their little backwoods town some national attention. Nobody else goes to court for this sort of thing. It will be near 100% impossible to prosecute and prove he was smoking marijuana in that photo.
alfus21 Wrote:That's the thing though. You think South Carolina goes after every person who is seen on the internet holding a bong/pipe? They are going after Phelps to get their little backwoods town some national attention. Nobody else goes to court for this sort of thing. It will be near 100% impossible to prosecute and prove he was smoking marijuana in that photo.

I agree, I have to be this is just to get some publicity.
I think this is bullsh*t. Seriously, go to any college in America and you'll find kids smoking dope with the best of them. I think they are trying to make an example of him and act all "hard."
baseballfan Wrote:Yel but it not's against the law....Do you think he should be treated easier than everyone else because he is famous.... i think not.....i think he should go to court like the everyone else who has been caught smokin pot, and let our system determine wat to be done....

Until SC do something to the other people, what can they do to him. They just have a pic of him doing it. The cops didn't see him. There is alot of people smoke pot in SC. They have some good drugs down there.
baseballfan Wrote:Yel but it not's against the law....Do you think he should be treated easier than everyone else because he is famous.... i think not.....i think he should go to court like the everyone else who has been caught smokin pot, and let our system determine wat to be done....

What is so bad about pot other than it is not legal? If I twist (LOL) your view a little anyone that has a drink of any type should go to court for it. Alcohol does about the same as pot for most with the addition of blackouts if used in excess. I have never understood this law and never will. Why can weed not be treated the same as alcohol? Pot could be legal for adults with the same restrictions as the laws in place to govern alcohol consumption with a huge positve impact on the economy. Anything the body doesn't need can be somewhat considered a drug and impact the body in a negative way. I am getting off of topic here. Phelps is an adult and has he really hurt anyone other than himself by this? No, I don't think so. Life is about choices and even our children have to make choices everyday. We have to stop blaming sports figures for the problems of our children. We are the ones that need to provide our children with appropriate information. Sports figures are no different than you or me. We may not be looked at in the same way by so many. Children should never use drugs or alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man made drugs scare me more.
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
BelfryJustice Wrote:What is so bad about pot other than it is not legal? If I twist (LOL) your view a little anyone that has a drink of any type should go to court for it. Alcohol does about the same as pot for most with the addition of blackouts if used in excess. I have never understood this law and never will. Why can weed not be treated the same as alcohol? Pot could be legal for adults with the same restrictions as the laws in place to govern alcohol consumption with a huge positve impact on the economy. Anything the body doesn't need can be somewhat considered a drug and impact the body in a negative way. I am getting off of topic here. Phelps is an adult and has he really hurt anyone other than himself by this? No, I don't think so. Life is about choices and even our children have to make choices everyday. We have to stop blaming sports figures for the problems of our children. We are the ones that need to provide our children with appropriate information. Sports figures are no different than you or me. We may not be looked at in the same way by so many. Children should never use drugs or alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man made drugs scare me more.
I see what your saying but pot is not legal and Drinking is. But the only rean the gov. won't allow pot is because its home grown and they cant get any money from it, same as moonshine.

But back to the subject should the police let him go because he is a superstar. Dont say people all the time is somoking pot, i know that, and its hard to find out who the person ( are if thier just a regular person) is just by a picture. But they know it was Phelps in the pic. and photographer told where it he smoked it at.... But was it pot he was smokin we dont know, thats why we have a court system to find out...
baseballfan Wrote:I see what your saying but pot is not legal and Drinking is. But the only rean the gov. won't allow pot is because its home grown and they cant get any money from it, same as moonshine.

But back to the subject should the police let him go because he is a superstar. Dont say people all the time is somoking pot, i know that, and its hard to find out who the person ( are if thier just a regular person) is just by a picture. But they know it was Phelps in the pic. and photographer told where it he smoked it at.... But was it pot he was smokin we dont know, thats why we have a court system to find out...

The court is right some times. Just take OJ, they let him off with killing his wife. That can be anything in there. If he want to, he can get it out of his system in 3 days. When i use to get drug tested, they let use know a will ahead of time. So the poeple that do use drugs and get it out for they test.
cj2561 Wrote:The court is right some times. Just take OJ, they let him off with killing his wife. That can be anything in there. If he want to, he can get it out of his system in 3 days. When i use to get drug tested, they let use know a will ahead of time. So the poeple that do use drugs and get it out for they test.

That defeats the purpose of a drug test if you ask me. I only got tested when playing in college....I have NEVER and will NEVER use drugs, but the random drug tests were a joke...I was tested 5 times during the course of the year. It just seems like the people they knew were clean got tested to help hide those that were dirty.
President Clinton admitted on national TV that he smoked pot. I didn't see anyone trying to prosecute him. Same (non)story here. Move along. Who cares? Let the kid smoke it if he wants to. Maybe he has Glaucoma. Big Grin

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