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How long will the voters give the President to fix things
It took 8 years to get us this far down.How long will the voters give the currnet president to clean up the mess he was left?:Cheerlead
2 years. i think that in 2 years they will expect to see good times returning to america.
I don't think that a good number ever gave him a shot.

Well, People will give him two-three years but if he is to truly help this nation, then his programs better be long-term based because their will still be problems from the Bush era to deal with, even after he has left office (most definately after his first term and highly likely in the second term should he win re-election).
guyfawkes Wrote:Well, People will give him two-three years but if he is to truly help this nation, then his programs better be long-term based because their will still be problems from the Bush era to deal with, even after he has left office (most definately after his first term and highly likely in the second term should he win re-election).

So, what you're saying is that if Obama succeeds it's because he did a good job, but if he doesn't it's because of problems from the Bush era. If that's the case then Bush Jr. had problems because of the Clinton era and Clinton was successful because of the Reagan and Bush Sr. era.
ImagineThat! Wrote:So, what you're saying is that if Obama succeeds it's because he did a good job, but if he doesn't it's because of problems from the Bush era. If that's the case then Bush Jr. had problems because of the Clinton era and Clinton was successful because of the Reagan and Bush Sr. era.

:notworthy Good post
ImagineThat! Wrote:So, what you're saying is that if Obama succeeds it's because he did a good job, but if he doesn't it's because of problems from the Bush era. If that's the case then Bush Jr. had problems because of the Clinton era and Clinton was successful because of the Reagan and Bush Sr. era.

Nope, thats only the policy of republicans, blame everything on someone else.

IMO all the post was implying is that bush left a mess, and if Obama can help clean it up he's a success, if he doesn't, then his policies failed to help this country.

He wasnt left with much to work with though.
ImagineThat! Wrote:So, what you're saying is that if Obama succeeds it's because he did a good job, but if he doesn't it's because of problems from the Bush era. If that's the case then Bush Jr. had problems because of the Clinton era and Clinton was successful because of the Reagan and Bush Sr. era.
Was the country in beter shape when Clinton left or when Bush left?
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Was the country in beter shape when Clinton left or when Bush left?
Better! Way better! :letsparty
If he follows through on buying off over half the electorate, and the media continues to support him, he will be around for at least 8 years.
lawrencefan Wrote:If he follows through on buying off over half the electorate, and the media continues to support him, he will be around for at least 8 years.
To quote Booker T:

"Don't hate the player, hate the game!"
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Was the country in beter shape when Clinton left or when Bush left?

What hardships did Clinton's administration have to endure, G.H. Bush left him in pretty good shape. Bill biggest concerns during his tenure were Paula Jones, Moncia Lewinsky, Jennifer Flowers and Whitewater scandals.

When G.W. Bush took over in 2001 the contury was in an recession? Then 911 the first and only time that U.S. soil has ever been attacked by terrorist, and 4 years later New Orleans was basically wiped out by Katrina. Still the U.S. was still in pretty good shape until the housing market collasped, which can be blamed on everyone back to the Carter administration.

To answer your question, I guess it would depend on what aspect you are looking at. If it's economic it would be Clinton. If it's the Country's security it woud be Bush. If it's immigration, transportation it could be either one.

thetribe Wrote:I don't think that a good number ever gave him a shot.

There are people out RIGHT now saying he's a horrible president and he's only been president 1 week
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Was the country in beter shape when Clinton left or when Bush left?

easily Clinton

Obama has no where to go but up!!!!!!! I didn't vote for Obama, but lets face it Bush left everything in such a mess, if it gets any worse the country may not recover.
Obamas entire campaign platform was built on change. If Americans do not see that Obama is truly wanting to help the country instead of just "towing the party line" then all that good will the voters showed him can disappear over night ask both Presidents Bush. I didnt vote for Obama but he is the President and I will support him in his efforts to fix the many economic problems that face our nation.

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