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What are your favorite kind of cookies?
Mine would have to be chocolate chip.. i love them
chocolate chip
the toll house ones are awesome.. i always get cats fan to make them lol
Lol...Balla makes some pretty good usually just eat the cookie dough...forget baking them!
I love Cats Fan cookies, any kind of cookies he bakes are GREAT
Oatmeal Raisin
Never had the ones that Cats Fan makes...Balla you need to make me some more made Cali some...Sad
I will, they're not as good as the ones Cats Fan makes, but they're ok.

i love oatmeal raisin cookies from subway
I don't like oatmeal raisin...and I didn't really like the chocolate chips ones from subway...I dunno I'm weird...I like the cookie dough better than the baked cookies...
I love chocolate chips cookies from Subway.. they're really good if you get them in the morning
This weekend was the first time I had ever tried them...
I like, choce mints from the girl scouts.. and i like the chewy, m&m cookies
I like oatmeal raaisin...... homemade are the best!
Girl Scouts have some good cookies lol
I'd rather have your avatar cats fan. Smile
Freshly baked chocolate chip are my favorite and sugar cookies are my second.
Subway has AWESOME chocolate chip and sugar.
For my 17th birthday everyone bought me cookie dough. It was great.
deluxe grahams
tribe that must've been awesome! I can sit down and eat a whole roll of cookie dough....I love the stuff!
i love oreos and oatmeal cookies
oreos, snickerdoodles, and chocolate chip and, i almost forgot , nutter butters
Oh my. i can't believe i forgot oreos, and nutter butters, those two are the sex.. lol.
Oreos and whipped cream is good.
Or the old fashioned Oreos and milk.
I like Nutter Butters too.

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