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Will Corbin have to move up a class?
I heard somewhere that Corbin would have to move to 3A next year. Is this true? Said they already had a big 3A enrollment and are projected to have almost a 1000 students next year. Any truth to this?
I have heard this also.
1000 students is alot bigger than 3A schools.

I think Russell is around 650-700
With a thousand students they would be playin big time football wouldn't they?
The answer is no. They will be in distrit 8 in class 2A.
I saw the alignment, too. I thought it was due to a huge recent enrollment influx. Oh well, we'll see.
If they have 1000 students they should more than likely be 4A
I didn't say they had 1000, yet. It's just projected. It goes by boys enrollment, and they have more than Belfry, Breathitt, Russell, and Central just to name a few. Those are the top teams in 3A.
If they do, I dont see them doing that good!
This is like the Harlan County and Mercer from a couple years back. Letting schools play in a class which they have no businees being in. If the numbers they project are true, how is that fair to the other schools who have less students?
The alignments for 2009 and 2010 are set. I don't think it would matter if they get up to 2,000 students.
I dont think its fair, but theres not much u can do about it. Look at our basketball system in kentucky!
While I agree Corbin will be playing schools with fewer male students in school (how the classes are set), one must remember why schedules are set so far in advance.

It could be very difficult/impossible to schedule games within a (new) district when student numbers change greatly in 1-2 yrs.. All programs schedule district games on a home/away basis and they serve as a framework for where/when other games may be played.

Bottom line...yes, it becomes a temporary advantage for Corbin, but there's no practical way around it.

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