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Scrimmage Game
South Floyd V.S. Betsy Layne
South Floyd V.S. JBS

what's ur thoughts
Does any of those teams have a shot in the post season this year? I'm not being a smar alec I just don't know much about them. What i've heard in the past wasn't very good, and I was just wondering if they have improved this season?
South Floyd could possibly make it...that is if they get a good draw in the district tourney...but i'd say that niether will make it but SF will be improved from the last couple seasons
SF has no chance getting out of the district either way they draw. They either play Prestonsburg or AC both are on another level than SF. They also would have a hard time with BL who is on the the same level and SF.
Raider_Nation09 Wrote:South Floyd could possibly make it...that is if they get a good draw in the district tourney...but i'd say that niether will make it but SF will be improved from the last couple seasons

Ok thanks for the information and good luck this season. See i love this post. Your obviously from there, but you are in no way biast at all towards them. It's good there are some realists left in the world.

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