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Bracken County Vs Augusta Independent 12/6

You better get to Augusta early, if you are trying to get a seat for this thrashing of the Panthers! After years of stalemate because Augusta the: "Participation Trophy" Panthers won't seed like a bunch of cowards, Bracken County decided we werent afraid, and now we're COMING TO YOUR CITY!

It's going to be the rowdiest atmosphere you've ever seen. H*ns*n (His name is a cuss word at my house! He ruined the last 4 years of BC basketball and I'll never forgive him.) will be wearing the refs out, because we all know Reed's boys will have his kids on the floor begging for mercy!

Coach Reed, #MyPresident said it best when he said "We hate Augusta!" Those no good river lovin tourist boys won't know what's coming when the Reed Bunch rolls through town. We'll take their town, then we'll take their girls. Probably not, because the women in that town are ugly, but we could if we wanted to!

I think the best matchup of the night though, might be Tara Reed (our First Lady) vs Karla Hinson. These two coaches wives have been snipping at each other on social media, and it could turn into a great side show!

What a time to be a Polar Bear baby!!

First things first though. A warmup against the Blue Jackets, then, after the 2nd best coach in the 10th, PDirty Kelsch works the Panthers over with his incredible Deming team... Then it's time!

The next day? We'll make light work of Benedict Elsbernd and his Wildcats from FoulMouth.
How many expo markers will be used in this game?
Bandit29 Wrote:How many expo markers will be used in this game?

I don’t know Coach Reed’s speed. I feel like he’ll go through expo markers faster than H*ns*n goes through hair gel.
well i will give you this. as usual your highly optimistic about your club. Here's to hoping for a great year in the 10th. I would like to see Bracken actually do something. As much as I dislike Jason Henson's coaching tantrums he will have a very good team in Augusta
My mother/Landlord is upset I interrupted thanksgiving dinner with a 5 minute rant, but I had to let my cousin know that orange and black we’re not colors we permitted in our house! That snake Coach H*ns*n may allow that, but we don’t in our home. I pay rent, I get to help make the rules!

But she was even more disappointed when I offered the thanksgiving grace to Adam Reed and His staff instead of the man upstairs.

That was not my best move.



Only 8 days until we go down to the den!
Status report:

Cold. Very cold. My tent is not breaking the wind well, but, several other Polar Bear fans have come out with soup and other snacks to help me keep warm. Plus, thanks to Augusta's EDC laws, I can leave the pub with some booze and head back to my site. The police don't like me being there during the school day, but, I've got the first spot for tickets on Friday locked down.

Hopefully tonight when I'm in Carlisle I won't lose my spot-- lots of people want to be in the Panther's Den Friday night.

I'm hoping for a visit from Coach Reed. To meet him, get his autograph, get a picture from him? That would be fantastic.
oh lord. His autograph!!! i think i just peed myself a little bit
I'd say Augusta has the advantage here. Bracken can't stop Kason Hinson. He's a pretty good player.
Heard they are using a shuttle bus to help with anticipated parking issues.
ill take Augusta simply because they are at home. To early in the season to know anything about either. Bracken needs a little time. Hoping they get back to a solid foundation. No disrespect to them. I know that Augusta was left in far better shape than what Bracken was left in
Surprised there are two schools still going in a county as small as Bracken. When was the last time either made a run in the region?
HCS Wrote:Surprised there are two schools still going in a county as small as Bracken. When was the last time either made a run in the region?

After Augusta duped us into bringing on Coach H*ns*n they made a run to the region finals. I'm thinking this year, now that H*ns*n is back on the river Coach Reed can lead us to the kind of fate coach Kirk did the Panthers.

From the Ridge to the Region baby!!
The head honcho has never been more upset.

Here I am, in line for this massive game with 100 or so people in line behind me, after I’ve been camped out all week— and Bracken fans are upset.

You know what, I don’t blame them! What happened on our school social media today was completely unacceptable! To censor every A from the post was downright wrong.

I for one, think the boy that posted that should have his social media privileges revoked. Our school is an institution of pride. We handle ourselves with class. We don’t trash talk, we don’t intimidate or talk. I for one, am ashamed.

Bracken county should never stoop to this level again. For too long people in this county have been hiding behind social media accounts and fake screen names. Back in the Honcho’s day, we didn’t do things like this. Back when our county had class!
If anyone has a problem with me, don’t make a new account, come meet me, I’ll be center court in all Blue!!!
Big Mike I agree brother. to many keyboard warriors that talk all that nonsence. Have a great time at the game man. That is one place I wish i were at.

I know i give you a lot of shit but at the end of the day I would love to see Bracken back to highly competitive giving the big dogs a run.

I will be following. Gotta see if you boys on the radio tonight. If so i will be listening.

peace, love and much happiness.

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