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Rumors, rumors and more rumors...Betsy Layne Coaching
Whats the latest word about the coaching status at Betsy Layne?


I heard some high schools are going to consolidate in the near future, how do you think the new schools will do???
Brent Rose will be the coach, and consolidation in floyd county will still take about 4 years before two schools go together then another 5 before all three go together leaving floyd central and pburg (9 years down the road)
I don't beieve that Betsy Layne will be included in those plans for consolidation. The funds are not there to build a new school even if the rt. 680 is completed which would link up the Betsy Layne area with the Allen Central and South Floyd area. You are probably correct with AC and SF consolidating in about 5 or 6 years if their enrollment continues to fall away. They have the money to update AC and the kids from Weeksbury would have a long and winding road to travel. This is also not a definite however but it does appear that the BOE is thinking this way. Another scenario is SF would be a k-8 school. That can be looked at in having young ones travel long distances to Hi Hat and getting there early in the mornings and arriving back home late in the evenings. I think another option is to have AC high school students travel to SF and locate the younger students in a different setting. SFHS can accomidate 750 students and is already set for a high school environment. I don't think Allen Central could house that many students and is looking at having to spend about 6 million dollars to update the facilties there. Brent will be coaching this summer and who knows what will happen after that. Joe Marson will be at South Floyd and again it is difficult to say what will happen after June when the contracts are up. This may get a bit heated.
Wyatt Earp Wrote:I don't beieve that Betsy Layne will be included in those plans for consolidation. The funds are not there to build a new school even if the rt. 680 is completed which would link up the Betsy Layne area with the Allen Central and South Floyd area. You are probably correct with AC and SF consolidating in about 5 or 6 years if their enrollment continues to fall away. They have the money to update AC and the kids from Weeksbury would have a long and winding road to travel. This is also not a definite however but it does appear that the BOE is thinking this way. Another scenario is SF would be a k-8 school. That can be looked at in having young ones travel long distances to Hi Hat and getting there early in the mornings and arriving back home late in the evenings. I think another option is to have AC high school students travel to SF and locate the younger students in a different setting. SFHS can accomidate 750 students and is already set for a high school environment. I don't think Allen Central could house that many students and is looking at having to spend about 6 million dollars to update the facilties there. Brent will be coaching this summer and who knows what will happen after that. Joe Marson will be at South Floyd and again it is difficult to say what will happen after June when the contracts are up. This may get a bit heated.

I wonder how many BOE members have driven from the head of Skull in Weeksbury to Eastern and really believe that could be good for students on an everyday basis? I remember when South Floyd came into exsistence and there were more than a few fender-benders from kids in the McDowell/Drift/Printer areas driving to Hi Hat because they weren't used to the road. But hey, for the sake of saving money, what's a wrecked car or accident worth? What's it worth to take away another community school to raise the consolidation banner and "save money?"

Here's a thought - why not consolidate some jobs in Prestonsburg at the board instead of cutting good teachers out of jobs and consolidating schools.

As for the coaching situation. I hope Brent stays on board at Betsy Layne. Joe Marson at South Floyd? Where's Rady?
Each time we consolidate these schools we lose valuable community support. It's my understanding that with the enrollment at SFHS and ACHS it is becoming more and more difficult to offer a variety of classes, beyond the basics. Wouldn't it be easier to hire a teacher 1/2 time at each school and pay them mileage to travel between the 2 schools daily. One car at $.38 per mile would have to be less expensive than all the bussing required to move either school.
I can't speak for the SHFS area- but at ACHS there are students who live about 6 minutes from school. Yet with a dismissal time of 3:15 these kids don't get home until 4:15 to 4:25. These same kids are picked up by the bus at around 7:15 each morning.
I hope Coach Rose gets to keep his head coaching job at Betsy Layne. In my opinion that whole coaching rule was very shameful. As far as South Floyd, I heard a rumor that Zenith Hall will be returning as an assistant. I hope this is true because Z is a class act and a great role model for those boys.
That sounds weird...Floyd Central
not all that weird there is a Floyd Central in Southern Indiana
Indiana can keep floyd central
Rumor has it that the Floyd Co Board met last night, and Brent Rose is out of coaching. Must be true since his team was at PC summer camp yesterday, but no BL team is competing today. They were originally on the schedule, but as of this morning, they aren't to be found.

Board said couldn't be Asst Prin or Prin and be Head Coach----

How sad.......Brent was a good guy.
It is a shame what some adults will do when it comes to our kids. They are trying to say they think admin needs to spend more time on education and not worry about sports so that the education dept will not slack. I think Floyd County needs to spend more time on studing the people that we vote for to be a BOE member. But HEY WOW, someone finally figured out what is wrong with our education dept. Now i bet Floyd County jumps to no. 1 in the state with most improved scores..............sheewwww. now we can all rest easy. Is it to late to nominate someone to run for US President? We need someone in the white house that can figure out our problems so easy....LMAO........
I heard Brian Hall will be the man on the BL sideline come game time. IMO, a great fit for the Bobcats. They could make some noise next season come March.
I agree with you nascar the "new JS rule" lets see my son is not getting to play and i am on the board so lets pass a rule to not let him coach. The only people this is hurting is the kids in the long run. My big problem with this rule is that it passed 3-2 and three of the yes votes where from BOE members that are coaches. They represent more then jusst the one school that a principal would be coaching so if anything they are the ones that should not be allowed to coach. Looking back in floyd county history the schools ran better under principals that where also the coaches. I like a lot of the players that play for BL but feel sorry for them, that adults have ruined their season that has not even started.
u kno this rule was all set up by one board member becuase his son was not getting to play as a freshman on varsity. this is rlly sad because it only hurts the seniors on this team that brent rose has coached for 4 years now coach rose was a great guy and he had a great relationship with those 4 returning seniors (case,keathley,lafferty,newman) and only feel sorry for them
whodey85 Wrote:u kno this rule was all set up by one board member becuase his son was not getting to play as a freshman on varsity. this is rlly sad because it only hurts the seniors on this team that brent rose has coached for 4 years now coach rose was a great guy and he had a great relationship with those 4 returning seniors (case,keathley,lafferty,newman) and only feel sorry for them

The proof will be in the pudding as the ole saying goes once the season starts and see who/who doesn't play.

Good post and welcome to the site WhoDey.
I know exactly where you are coming from whodey85!!!
whodey85 Wrote:u kno this rule was all set up by one board member becuase his son was not getting to play as a freshman on varsity. this is rlly sad because it only hurts the seniors on this team that brent rose has coached for 4 years now coach rose was a great guy and he had a great relationship with those 4 returning seniors (case,keathley,lafferty,newman) and only feel sorry for them
first off the boy can't help what his father did, secondly betsy layne was going no where with brent rose, and third if betsy layne can get a coach who can play talent they will do good this year
This is a shame for the young man but he could talk to his dad knowing this is where it is coming from. Coach rose not playing talent is a joke and of course everyone wants him out since they should win the district and that way the new coach will look good. I just watched the 2000 finals between SF and BL on tape and its funny at the start Pete Girsby interviews A BOE member who says how well the program is under coach Rose but guess that changes when your son plays. BL has been way down in talet for a while and Coach rose stuck it out with the boys now that he has kids that can play they want him out. since that 99-00 team this years is the only one that has had enough talent to compete in the district. just like AC went trough for 4 years and SF has been going true the last 2. Good Luck to the bobcats and Coach Rose
meganwillis10 Wrote:Coach rose not playing talent is a joke

don't see how it's a joke when 90% of the players, parents and even the fan section says it, proof is in the pudding especially with the newman kid last year he more than deserved a starting spot and never got it, he's one of the top big men in region and not starting that doesn't make no sense he out played most of the starters and never got rewarded for it
You must never have coached before in your life and a coach never listens to fans because usuallu they do not kow what they are talking about and that is over 90% of the time. Newman was also pron to foul problems starting him could have meant you had him for 1/2 of the 1st quarter and then sit the rest until after halftime. By not starting him you got more minutes but I guess you know that.
well it don't matter rose is gone, end of story

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