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Sanjaya sucks!!!
Have you seen this guy on american Idol.Simon told him his hair might be all that is keeping him alive.Worst american idol yet!!!
I thought he was Joakim Noah, my bad.

thetribe Wrote:I thought he was Joakim Noah, my bad.
Good one tribe!!
Damn right he sucks!!!!! The Beep Bop guy is awesome!
He is bad, but not as bad as Antonella Barba. She is downright TERRIBLE, the only thing keeping her on the show is her nudey picture.
He should be voted off tomorrow.
PredatorsFan Wrote:He is bad, but not as bad as Antonella Barba. She is downright TERRIBLE, the only thing keeping her on the show is her nudey picture.

Didn't they vote off Frenchy who had an INCREDIBLE voice for this sort of this a couple of seasons ago?

thetribe Wrote:Didn't they vote off Frenchy who had an INCREDIBLE voice for this sort of this a couple of seasons ago?
They did take her off the show for pretty much the same thing, but here are the differences:

>Antonella, even though her voice is terrible, is pretty hot. Frenchie was.....not very attractive.
>Frenchie's pictures were published by an established porn site; she was paid for her appearance.
>Antonella's pictures were intended only for private use
>Antonella has not admitted to the validity of the pictures... as far as I know
Gotcha Predator. I liked Frenchy personally, one HELL of a voice.
I've only caught some of the audtions and like one episode so far so I will have to see these girl in action asap.

The girls were performing tonight...Wednesday that is. Tonight is the vote-off.

I know a lot of people are upset at the double standard, like you mentioned. We'll have to see if Antonella gets voted off or not.
I personally feel Sanjaya and Antonella will be going home tomorrow.
ComfortEagle Wrote:I personally feel Sanjaya and Antonella will be going home tomorrow.
^^^I Hope you are right. If Sanjaya & Antonella are around any longer I will no longer watch American Idol! They must have alot of family or idots voting for them.:confused:
Advance Eagles Wrote:^^^I Hope you are right. If Sanjaya & Antonella are around any longer I will no longer watch American Idol! They must have alot of family or idots voting for them.:confused:

Well Antonella's pictures may obviously be keeping her on the show. Sanjaya, I'm at a loss for words for. I have no idea how he is still there.
Advance Eagles Wrote:^^^I Hope you are right. If Sanjaya & Antonella are around any longer I will no longer watch American Idol! They must have alot of family or idots voting for them.:confused:
I am with YOU eagle!!!I will quit too
Sanjaya made it....this is
Well there you have it. Antonella got voted off but Sanjaya made it. Absolutely pathetic. The problem is you can't blame the show, you can only blame the viewers.
That's it no more Idol for me and I have no desire to tune in agian. Why is he still in it?
Obviously, more people voted for him, than they did for the other guy. But honestly, I have no idea how he draws that large of a vote.

I think what may happen is that people watch and hear how bad he gets hounded by the judges and then people vote like crazy(the ones who like him) in order to keep him on the show. While people may not vote as much for the ones they like because they feel comfortable that others will vote for them.

I just hope this isn't a trend this year.
Im done with that show,,pitiful. Little girls votes is what keeps these so called idols still afloat.I think american idol might start fading away,,,but then again I am probably wrong about that too.
Old school Dawg Wrote:Im done with that show,,pitiful. Little girls votes is what keeps these so called idols still afloat.I think american idol might start fading away,,,but then again I am probably wrong about that too.
Sadly it's the biggest show on television.
Because there are alot of little girls who have the crush thing with him! And they all will vote and vote to keep him on for prolly 2 more weeks at least!
The past Idol shows has had some good singers, this years is the worst selection IMO.
I second that BT. I don't watch it to see one certain person this year and I've not really been impressed with anyone.

Did you all hear how they all blasted him tonight.Boy they want him off that show.They are pulling him in votes for being against him so much but he is really really bad and they know it.Last week I said I was through with the show but my wife made me watch it,,only excuse i could come up with
and yet he advances AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! thus i wil not watch another episode of this friggin kareoke competition
But you like me WILL watch until he gets the boot!!
I want to see him get the boot also, some people are saying he will make it into the top ten, if so that would put him on tour with the Idol concert tour.

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