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Northern Kentucky vs Rest of Kentucky
If a N Ky team reaches the finals. In most cases other than 6A. N Ky most of the time brings home the bacon.
Indeed. Between beechwood and highlands...there's a ton of state championships. Add in new cath and cov cath...yeah nky has faired pretty well.
Yeah, it sucks.
Same with Louisville. Population centers tend to dominate high school athletics across the country, it's not an anomaly exclusive to NKY. The only real mystery is why Lexington doesn't.
Seems like schools that are very close to the state line tend to do well.Examples are Belfry(west Virginia) and Beechwood(Cincinnati)
ethanball Wrote:Seems like schools that are very close to the state line tend to do well.Examples are Belfry(west Virginia) and Beechwood(Cincinnati)

With that logic that leaves a lot of questions for a whole lot of schools as to why they aren’t competitive. Quite a few schools border other states and aren’t even competitive.
bo67 Wrote:If a N Ky team reaches the finals. In most cases other than 6A. N Ky most of the time brings home the bacon.

Can’t disagree.

Boyle has played HHS twice in the finals and went 1-1.

Danville has played NCC 3 times and went 2-1.
Also played Beechwood twice and went 1-1.
I just read that Covington Catholic is 6-0 in state championship games. 5 wins were under the direction of coach Lynn Ray and the 2006 win was coached by john Roedenberg

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