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I'm Sooo Pumped!!!
I got accepted into the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society @ EKU!

I'm soo excited! I wasn't on the Honor Roll or anything in high school or this is a BIG accomplishment for me! Needless to say my family is proud! Being a member automatically makes me eligible to compete for scholarships for undergrad and grad school. Plus I get honor cords at Graduation...hehe... I'm really excited.

Thank ya!
Very welcome. This is seriously a big deal and I am really happy that you got it. Maybe this semester I will have good grades, who knows? Haha.

I was surprised I did last semester. Psychology kicked my *** and then told me about it. I didn't expect to get the GPA I got last semester. I have to pay like $30 for membership dues but thats just a one time thing... I think there's only like roughly 40 people in it at EKU...I could be wrong...that's the number of people on facebook thats in it.
Congrats DT!!
Congrats DT!!
Thankx everyone! I'm taking a break from studying...I have two more HUGE test tomorrow that are both going to kick my ***!

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