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Hazard vs. Cumberland Rd.2 All A
Who wins tonite??
Coin toss... 2 good teams depends which teams shows up ready to play and wants it more. Good Luck to Hazard represent the 14th!!!
Ima have to go with hazard tonite...because if i know my dawgs theyre plenty ready to play.
i like hazard, but Hicks will need some help. Cumberland is a good all around team. They shoot well and have some size. Should be a close game.
Hicks did very good against somerset and as i've said before he cant carry the team all the time. He needs some help from the rest of the team to beat a very talented cumberland team. If we play better than what we did last night, and use the same defense which was used against JBS in the ALL A 14th final, then we will be ready to go. IDK why we dont use that defense every game because it gives us sucess every time.
Hazard by 10
Deff should be a close game but teams are quick and shoot very well....imma go with hazard by 5
Cumberland has a few good players. Their big man had a dunk in yesterdays win over O.C. If Hazard plays the defense they displayed against Shelby Valley I see them winning by 5.
#10 8
cumberland by 7
Hazard by 7.
Any stats on this one?
6:30 left in 3rd.

Hazard trails 22-20.
28-22 Hazard after 3.
35-29 Hazard. Hicks is struggling tonight. 0/5 from 3pt. land and 5/18 from the field for a total of 13 points. 4 minutes left.
2:20 left Hazard up 3. 35-32

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