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Media and "The People" Divided
"While many mainstream media outlets and establishment politicians have been quick to criticize Donald Trump’s policy paper on immigration reform, polls show that the American electorate overwhelmingly support Trump’s proposal of immigration moderation.

Decreasing immigration is overwhelmingly popular with the American electorate—especially women, minorities, liberal and independent voters with whom the Republican Party desperately needs to make inroads. Polls from Fox News and Gallup show that Americans — by a 2-to-1 ratio — want to see visa issuances reduced."

Never seen anything like the events of last night and today. Every RINO and liberal media type who's been making his living masquerading as a conservative, has come out of the closet in the last 12 hours. Meanwhile the polls show that the majority electorate is with Trump, not against him.
You should hear the calls on talk radio.
Liberals even calling in saying they agree with him.

The tide is turning on the media.
Here's another poll.

Almost two-thirds of likely 2016 Republican primary voters favor Donald Trump's call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the U.S., while more than a third say it makes them more likely to vote for him.

I hope you're right about the media, nobody deserves their comeuppance more. Unless that would be Rahm Emanuel, and even then I don't have an ounce of sympathy for Chi-towners. He was basically Mr Obama's bequeathal to that fair city, and they welcomed him with open arms and their votes. I just wish all liberals had to bear the brunt of the choices they have made at the voting booth.
Not to nitpick too much, but that is from August 20th. He has said a lot of dumbass things in the last 3+ months that may have changed that by now. The 2nd one is likely GOP voters which shouldn't surprise anyone in regards to how radical the Republican Party has become.
I feel sure that a majority of actual taxpayers agree with Trump. Unfortunately, many of them are silenced by political correctness from stating their real views. In regard to political correctness, the First Amendment has been destroyed.

Law-abiding, hard working Mexicans and Muslims are welcome. However, the wetbacks and towelheads looking for handouts and causing trouble need to be deported and kept out by whatever means may be necessary.
Motley Wrote:Not to nitpick too much, but that is from August 20th. He has said a lot of dumbass things in the last 3+ months that may have changed that by now. The 2nd one is likely GOP voters which shouldn't surprise anyone in regards to how radical the Republican Party has become.

Here's something even older than that.

Motley Wrote:Not to nitpick too much, but that is from August 20th. He has said a lot of dumbass things in the last 3+ months that may have changed that by now. The 2nd one is likely GOP voters which shouldn't surprise anyone in regards to how radical the Republican Party has become.

Let's at least be honest. You're sweating bullets for worry that your beloved Democrats are tanking in epic fashion. And, all you have ever put out there has been playgroundish nitpicking.

With no achievements to cite, you will gladly sidestep the ominous clouds gathering as the result of your hero's laughable foreign policy where global jehad is concerned. I mean, what else have you got, right? Obama's record is a total no-go, so all that's left is to nitpick the messenger. No, the world is ablaze with murder and chaos, while your heir apparent to the Oval Office (who drags around enough baggage in the form of scandal to sink any political ship) is being investigated by the FBI and is by any definition, in great jeopardy.

My point is that the people have awakened, and that is bad news for the rabid chipmunks running under the donkey banner.
Granny Bear Wrote:Here's something even older than that.


Granny, you have succeeded in making my day. What a great post, I'd give more than one like if I could. :Thumbs:

And in consideration of the profound nature of Roosevelt's thoughts about immigration, here is my quote. The answer to America's future can be found only in the successes of her past.

Now let's see Obama explain to Teddy "that's not who we are." LOL
People are getting sick and tired of the media.

I'll admit, I laughed when I saw that Donald Trump was running. I thought he would be in the bottom two or three consistently and that it would be more comical than anything.

Was I ever wrong.

Ted Cruz is still my top nominee because he remains more committed to the unborn and to religious liberty moreso than Trump, but I really like how Trump has knocked back the candidates such as Bush or Kasich that try to come across as Democrat-lite. He has exposed the bias of the media more than anything and that has been great to watch.

The funny thing is, when you step outside of immigration Trump has been one of the more moderate Republican candidates. You wouldn't think so with the way the media has portrayed him.

I still can't believe Trump has been dominating the race so much since he declared his intentions of running. I expected this to be more of a "flavor of the month" type election, but nobody has really given Trump a close run at this point. It just blows my mind how he has dominated, and his lead has increased even more this week.
I didn't think Trump would last this long either, especially since both parties have turned on him...BUT that is actually one of the better attractions for me; the political incorrectness. I love it when he makes a statement that knocks the media back on its' heels because more times than not, he is speaking 100% the truth. It just isn't politically me! Smile

TRT, I would LOVE to take credit for that little clipping but I cannot!! I swiped it from facebook.
Granny Bear Wrote:I didn't think Trump would last this long either, especially since both parties have turned on him...BUT that is actually one of the better attractions for me; the political incorrectness. I love it when he makes a statement that knocks the media back on its' heels because more times than not, he is speaking 100% the truth. It just isn't politically me! Smile

TRT, I would LOVE to take credit for that little clipping but I cannot!! I swiped it from facebook.

None the less, it is an epic quote from a grand patriot and public servant deriving from America's traditional ideals as they existed in the early days of her statehood. If I could somehow sweep away the knotheads taking up valuable space in today's Congress and replace them with those of Roosevelt's day it would be a done deal. And BTW, I dare somebody to suggest that Lady Liberty meant any less to Teddy Roosevelt than she does to the morons who suppose slack kneed or mindless immigration is the only reason the United States exists.

This country was to be a bastion of sanity and order. Not the scene of mob violence, lootings, town burnings and municipal coup de tats. You can just about see it coming can you not? If they will try to overthrow government in Chicago, Illinois, what's next?
After Trump gets completely done with him, Kasich may be politically done forever.
Hes been Trumps B the entire time.
Granny Bear Wrote:Here's something even older than that.


You got me there Granny, but the one thing ol' TR didn't mention in that infamous quote was one thing about Religion. Americanization is one thing, but to not even give an opportunity for Americanization is another. I personally don't know any immigrants personally that refuse to speak English or assimilate to American culture.
I saw this on my way to work this morning!! LOL It isn't staged; it is a real sign posted with Christmas decorations on a home in beautiful down town Harlan.

Granny Bear Wrote:I saw this on my way to work this morning!! LOL It isn't staged; it is a real sign posted with Christmas decorations on a home in beautiful down town Harlan.


Harlan has really shifted in recent years. Who would have thought Ronald Reagan would have lost there in 1984?
Motley Wrote:You got me there Granny, but the one thing ol' TR didn't mention in that infamous quote was one thing about Religion. Americanization is one thing, but to not even give an opportunity for Americanization is another. I personally don't know any immigrants personally that refuse to speak English or assimilate to American culture.

People spoke plainly back in good ol' TR's day. The reason for that was he was motivated by purity of purpose, "the common good" and because with nothing to hide, he thought more clearly than does today's liberal, who must constantly attempt to seem plausible while negotiating the eddies and convolutions which are the inescapable machinations of all liberal's circular logic.

Teddy's love for his country and his resultant commitment to serve was the source of his quote, which yet today remains clear and unmitigated with the guile of today's politician. (But I'm sure the liberal history spinners will get busy on this one right away!) Changing the demographic of America is the intent of today's liberal and thus, he dare not speak plainly about his intention. He must therefore, couch his true intentions in language which sounds patriotic, even if it is not. Hence the pictures of little dirty faced yet innocent kids at the southern border, or the constant parroting of the Obama line, "that's not who we are." Au-contraire Mr President, but according to my instincts and the clear language of Teddy Roosevelt, that IS who we are.

Back to the circular logic. First to give credit where credit is due, I'll admit one needs a score card to keep up with you guys in your attempts to run over the will of the majority. On the one hand liberals seem ready to practically lay down their lives in order to defend their twisted stand on separation of Church and state. No religion allowed within the halls of the legislature or the mind of the judicator, end of story. Right? And yet on the other you're trying to champion the cause of a people who never have and never will get past their bent for theocratic thought and moral convictions.

Muslims insist on mixing the dictates of the Quran with government, and such is both the motivation and the justification for their murderous exploits of destruction and mayhem. So in your mind, the bastardization view for the concept of separation of Church and State seems to be job one. While at the same time, you are willing to throw this country into existential political crisis to defend foreigners, who in many cases we the tax payer must pay passage to come here in the first place, to come here on the grounds of political asylum? Is it just me or are those two concepts not mutually exclusive and therefore impossible to justify? And don't say it's two different concepts because the Democrats are considering affording them the right to live HERE under Sharia Law, which is the embodiment of theocratic rule. Suddenly the argument for separation of Church and State is not so important huh?

These guys have been acting this way since the days of King David and beyond. I mean, there is good reason why the Jew and the Arab have been at each other's throat since the dawn of mankind. Both have by nature been theocratic since their inception though, Israel has espoused the representative form of government since 1948. At any rate, they, the Arab World, absolutely will not ever change, and bringing in a few million of them, no doubt laced with jehadis to this land will only bring more 911, Charlie Hebdo and San Bernardino style attacks to your own neighborhood. George W. for all his flaws at least managed to get the lid back on the hornet hole. In saying that I mean we cannot just turn our back on the wolf because we say we are tired of war. Leon Trotsky — 'You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.'

There are some things that cannot be left undone if one is to remain a free people. There's a reason the peoples of Europe have suffered so much throughout their war torn history, they lack the discipline necessary to police their own house. That's why sage statesmen of our recent past highlighted the importance of NATO, it always did depend on US leadership. And despite the liberal fascination with Europeanizing the West, I and other conservative thinkers would spare our people the same sort of grief. In other words, it is preferable to deal with the skirmishes and mini wars than to worry whether your loved ones will return safely home at night for fear of terror at the local mall or their elementary school.

Now to the assertion that we are bound by law not to discriminate on religious grounds. Though that did not deter Lois Lerner, and the Eric Holder led DOJ could not find reason to prosecute. :biggrin: If Muslims do not separate government from church, on what grounds are we Americans doing it for them? We're going to hit the pause button on immigration one way or the other, and the freedom of religion smoke screen will not suffice to stop it. But, if you want to take your argument to it's logical conclusion by recent religious test logic, the US had no right to defeat Adolf Hitler because according to his writings in Mein Kampf, "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." Hitler's religious beliefs should have protected him from US attack under the dictates of the Constitution.

At some point the adults are going to have to stop the food fight. If not, and in light of the events in Chicago and the surging unrest of this land, America's best day lies behind her. Just my humble opinion.
Motley Wrote:Not to nitpick too much, but that is from August 20th. He has said a lot of dumbass things in the last 3+ months that may have changed that by now. The 2nd one is likely GOP voters which shouldn't surprise anyone in regards to how radical the Republican Party has become.

The majority of the Republican party is no different than your liar hillary. Bush, kasich, Christie and Graham might as democrats.

If you think the GOP is really radical I'd hate to see what you'd think if it was as I wish it would be.
Granny Bear Wrote:Here's something even older than that.


Cue Australian Prime Minister as well....if there has ever been a bunch of rapscallions who appreciate Liberty it's the old school working class of the USA and Australia...

But you didn't hear that from me!


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Trump is an idiot feeding off the frustrations of the typical American citizen. The only one dumber than he is, is our current President.

I'm hoping Rubio gets the kick he needs to win this election.
Rubio is a younger, more articulate version of Jeb Bush. None of the Gang of Eight deserves the White House. That includes McCain, Graham, and Rubio. Rubio has all but abandoned his obligations as a a U.S. Senator to run for the presidency. Poor performance in one's current job does not warrant a big promotion.
RCM Wrote:Trump is an idiot feeding off the frustrations of the typical American citizen. The only one dumber than he is, is our current President.

I'm hoping Rubio gets the kick he needs to win this election.
I'm not sure he's an idiot by saying what the typical American is thinking. Not saying you but most people that think he's an idiot because he doesn't live in this PC world the libs want us living in. If someone wants to protect this country and it's citizens, help the vets, and better the economy and so on, then that sounds pretty darn good. I do think the race will tighten up with Cruz though.
He's an idiot by stating things he can't possibly achieve
RCM Wrote:Trump is an idiot feeding off the frustrations of the typical American citizen. The only one dumber than he is, is our current President.

I'm hoping Rubio gets the kick he needs to win this election.

RCM Wrote:He's an idiot by stating things he can't possibly achieve

Well let's think about that for just a second. You say Trump is an idiot, and Obama is even dumber than he is. I've seen the JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, HW Bush, Clinton, and George W Bush administrations perform their duties to the people. Including Obama, who I would never include in a list of normal presidents, we're talking about 55 years of Presidential record. Obama has managed to divide the people of this nation more than all of his predecessors combined. Usurping the power of the US Congress, (who are at each other's throats as well) he does whatever he pleases, governing almost exclusively by executive fiat. He has gone where no other President would have dared go with reckless abandon, even to the point of basically drafting Syrian men of fighting age to live here among us against the will of the people. He has indeed transformed the face of America, remaking her in his image.

Now, you can call that dumb if you want. But, I would call it genius, and I am terrified of what is yet to come. All Trump is talking about is to add a strong dose of reality to our immigration policy recipes, and reversing as much of the afore mentioned executive actions as he can possibly manage, as are the rest of the field I might add. In fact, if one were to bother to compare what everybody from Carly Fiorina to Jeb Bush are advocating, to what Trump has said, there isn't enough difference among them to make a noteworthy contrast.

The left and the establishment right would seem to be much closer politically than they would have had us think, as they and the liberal media have banded together to form what Lou Dobbs refers to as an "Unholy alliance," whose purpose is to derail both Trump's and Cruz's Presidential bids. The reason? There are two people that the establishment political powers fear. They don't worry that much about Hillary Clinton or even the avowed socialist Bernie Sanders. No, the two that gives them chills are Trump and Cruz. Trump because they quite simply believe he will do much of what he claims, which will leave them out in the cold. And Cruz because he is an evangelical Christian. At any rate, if the establishment believes he will do what he says, why would you say those are things he "can't possibly achieve?"

As I mentioned, I have watched that political sausage grinder grating along for 55 years. Who would have ever believed the time would come in which the Christian would be one who would be rejected by the president makers, while the socialist and the sociopath are not recognized as any big threat? I say that because if recent news is in any way accurate, the RNC leadership is so worried about a Trump or Cruz Presidency they would rather cede this election cycle to the Dems.
Rubio should be on the democratic ticket.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Rubio should be on the democratic ticket.
Rubio is still a young man, so a Democratic Rubio presidency is still a very real possibility. A 2020 Jeb/Marco ticket would not surprise me at all because the Democrats' cupboard of viable potential candidates is pretty bare.
Ive noticed that as well.
Who does the establishment really have left after the next couple of cycles?
They've been all but decimated at the house level and slowly fading away in the senate.

Im curious as to who they put forth next. Seeing as Cruz and Trump could very well make this a two man race, the establishment has all but been left out. If the butt hurt establishment voters can get over themselves, this may very well be an easy ticket to the whitehouse.

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