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Pikeville's O line
How bad will pikeville be hurt by losing most of their o line?
Id say they will be hurt alot but Id say next year will be better than what ppl thinks
Pikeville returns 3 of it's full time lineman, and another that saw time about half the season. How is that losing most of their O-line?
TRAIN85 Wrote:Pikeville returns 3 of it's full time lineman, and another that saw time about half the season. How is that losing most of their O-line?
Tibbs, Rowe, and Bryant are three...and two were a couple of the strongest.
O-Line will be an issue...hope the Panthers have a good off season in the weight room.
fox sports Wrote:Tibbs, Rowe, and Bryant are three...and two were a couple of the strongest.
O-Line will be an issue...hope the Panthers have a good off season in the weight room.
Casey Rowe played sparingly on offense.
Tibbs wasn't a full time starter after his injury.
You left off Shutleff who was hurt the last 1/4 of the season.
Returning Clay Elliott who started every game.
Justin Walker started every game.
Trey Branham started 3/4 of the games.
JD McCoy stared as a blocking back/extra lineman.
That is 3-4 that should start next year as well. They all got alot of experience this year and got alot better. The seniors we lost will be a big void to fill, but I think we will have it covered.
Well if all these guys on your line "played sparingly" and were always injured or not 100%, how will it make a difference if they graduate??
A Decent Lineman Wrote:Well if all these guys on your line "played sparingly" and were always injured or not 100%, how will it make a difference if they graduate??

Because, even though they might've played "sparingly," they were all MUCH better than the JV kid that backed them up or the varsity line kids that didn't know what to do well enough...this even when they played less than 100%!

And to clarify, I'm almost sure Tibbs DID start every game after coming back from injury (about 4th game of season, I believe).

Shurtleff WAS a full-time starter on offense (and losing him might've been the biggest blow to the Panther's chances of having real success in '06).

And, until the 2nd Hazard game, I heard a coach say they thought Bryant was playing better than anybody else on OL at the end of the season (Shurtleff being out at that point).

Pikeville returns 2 full-time OL players, 1 that started virtually every game at blocking back (a lot different than being able to do the job as an OL in the trenches), and 1 that could play SOME but not "ready-for-prime-time."

Pikeville's only chances to compete "with the big boys" next year -- despite how good their backs are -- the 2 returning starters have to be "studs," the 1 part-timer has to get to "varsity" good, and one of the following: some kids that didn't play last year coming out and surprisingly winning a spot, their young line kids getting WAY better than they were last year, OR their line kids that are older and stronger but were new to football learn exactly how to play the position.

Otherwise, the offensive attack will once again be forced to adapt to into something that doesn't require great blocking up front.

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