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Bylaw 3. Maximum number of years
Is this bylaw still the same?

A student promoted from grade eight (8) to grade nine (9) shall
have four (4) consecutive calendar years of eligibility from the date
of first promotion by the school provided the student is eligible
according to this and all other Association bylaws. The eligibility
shall conclude with the completion of the spring sports season
following the fourth year. No additional eligibility may be granted
in a case where the grant would allow a student to compete in all
or part of the fifth competitive season in a single sport following
the initial promotion by the school from grade eight (8).

If so, some teams in the West take advantage of this by holding back after completing their 8th grade year and then transferring.
guess no one knows???
I'm south of Louisville on I-65.

Don't know of ANY kids who have repeated 8th grade and then gone on to play 5 years:
- Second 8th grade season (would have been a freshman)
- Freshman season (should have been a sophomore)
- Sophomore season (should have been a junior)
- Junior season (should have been a senior)
- Senior season (should be in college)

Kids can also age out. If kids started school late, holding them back could affect the 19 before senior year rule.

So if the "double eighth grade" scenario is really happening, not too many schools in my area do it. At least not with high-profile varsity athletes.
According to this, if they completed the 8th grade then transferred schools and repeated the 8th grade they would lose their Senior year of eligibility.
probably more prevalant in situations where you have "young" 7th and 8th 8th grader who has just turned 13.
The new 2014-15 bylaws have changed: from promoted to 8th grade to entering 9th grade
A student entering grade nine (9) for the first time in any school
shall have four (4) consecutive calendar years of eligibility from
the date of first entry into grade (9) in any school provided the
student is eligible according to this and all other Association
bylaws. The eligibility shall conclude with the completion of the
spring sports season following the fourth year. No additional
eligibility may be granted in a case where the grant would allow a
student to compete in all or part of the fifth competitive season in
a single sport following the initial entry into grade nine (9).

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