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Lewis 25-Estill 0
:yikes: the score says it all
Estill has got some problems
Congrats Lewis co.
congrats to Lewis
Congrats to Lewis!!
Congrats to Lewis
i play for estill and dont worry about us we will do better
Congrats to Lewis
Good job Lewis Co. keep your heads up estill.
congrats Lewis
They still will beat Powell, I garuntee it.
MR.PERFECT Wrote:They still will beat Powell, I garuntee it.
Hey Man ...pick on somebody else for awhile... Man you have beat that Powell Co horse to DEATH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why the hard feelings toward them ????????????????????
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
How long has it been since Estill Co. has had a Winning season?
Mr. Perfect cant get no one better cause he is no better thats why he hates us cause he cant get a coaching job over here thats why he gives us a hard time and does not like us but come to think of it we are all better than him so we dont have to worry bout trash like him we throw it in the garbage
Estill has a bad a bad couple years but their program is starting to get better from what i hear I heard they have a whole new coaching staff and everything
Mike Jones is still their head coach, I don't know if they have made changes with their assistants. They are running a shotgun, spread style offense this year which is completely opposite of the foot-to-foot double wing they have ran in the past.
ok its just that I have heard rumors bout that but thats good to change offenses up to see how they can adapt to it and see how the effense is productive
What region is Lewis in??
Region 3.

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