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Highlands 47 Collins 0
charlie22 Wrote:U

Uh, I thought I was right in everything that I said. :thatsfunn

How did I forget that?:thatsfunn
Cannot believe this has flown under the radar for this long....too good not to share folks....see recipe for success in this thread.....good tidings to you and thanks to charlie22, you are a gentleman and a scholar:Clap:!

Knowledge is power...depends on what many do with it?

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Do-double-gg Wrote:Am I the only person on BGR who thinks it's sad to see those kids cry over a game that we all knew they had no chance to win that was over before the bus even got to the stadium. I don't care what any of you say and you can talk all day about go hit the weights and go get better. I know some of you will point to the very few times that it has happened and say see your wrong but I don't buy it because we all know the odds of winning the powerball, about as good as being struck by lightning. You can show me the few cases like Rockcastle county in the 90's but I can overwhelm you with cases that prove my point. We have a lot of talk on BGR about realignment and seperation of public, private and all this stuff and I know that there are good and bad things for any way you set it up but you can't look me in the eye and tell me that you think this system is completely fair and balanced. Yes Collins can come back better next year but the problem is that Highlands will probably be back better and more stacked next year also. I don't know what can be done and ya know what, It's not my job to figure things like this out but it does fall on someone in the KHSAA. The teams like Collins, PRP, Fairview, and a very long list of teams from the past who were good enough to be champions but they run into a juggernaut like Highlands or Trinity who run their program like a college. This is not a put down of either of those programs but do we really need teams good enough to be nationally ranked and what do we accomplish from it except to have the same champion just about every year. Not every team in this state can match what teams like this do for a whole host of different reasons. Sometimes I think we take things like high school football way to serious and I don't see a need to run a program like this is the NFL or NCAA or something. I say give all the kids and schools a fair and even shot. Why not win with just good coaching and the talent your school has to offer rather then overpower people with depth and talent. You can argue with me all day till the sun goes down and your blue in the face but it wont change my opinion on this subject. A team like mine in eastern kentucky with a low population has zero chance to ever match the numbers and talent level of those kind of teams and therefore have just as good a chance of ever being a champion, "period"!!!

I'm not gonna argue about anything you said... But I don't think it's wrong for them to cry about this loss. Even though they were the huge underdogs, a loss still hurts. And for many of them, this will be the last time they play football together. Congrats to both teams on an awesome season.
Recipe for success take three :Thumbs:!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
At the Ft Thomas board of Education meeting last night, the State Champion Cross Country and Football teams were honored. 9 Sr football players came to represent the team and 7 of the 9 had scored a 30 or better on the ACT exam (McCoy the QB was one of the players who scored a 30). I feel this has to help make a winning football team too! It has to help the coach to have so many smart kids on the team. The coached seemed more happy about the test scores than the football title,he made them all tell the crowd their future academic plans not football plans. It was great to see. People will still refuse to believe parents send their kids to HHS for the great academics. Congrads to these kids on their great success.
sstack Wrote:At the Ft Thomas board of Education meeting last night, the State Champion Cross Country and Football teams were honored. 9 Sr football players came to represent the team and 7 of the 9 had scored a 30 or better on the ACT exam (McCoy the QB was one of the players who scored a 30). I feel this has to help make a winning football team too! It has to help the coach to have so many smart kids on the team. The coached seemed more happy about the test scores than the football title,he made them all tell the crowd their future academic plans not football plans. It was great to see. People will still refuse to believe parents send their kids to HHS for the great academics. Congrads to these kids on their great success.

That is impressive.
Do-double-gg Wrote:Am I the only person on BGR who thinks it's sad to see those kids cry over a game that we all knew they had no chance to win that was over before the bus even got to the stadium. I don't care what any of you say and you can talk all day about go hit the weights and go get better. I know some of you will point to the very few times that it has happened and say see your wrong but I don't buy it because we all know the odds of winning the powerball, about as good as being struck by lightning. You can show me the few cases like Rockcastle county in the 90's but I can overwhelm you with cases that prove my point. We have a lot of talk on BGR about realignment and seperation of public, private and all this stuff and I know that there are good and bad things for any way you set it up but you can't look me in the eye and tell me that you think this system is completely fair and balanced. Yes Collins can come back better next year but the problem is that Highlands will probably be back better and more stacked next year also. I don't know what can be done and ya know what, It's not my job to figure things like this out but it does fall on someone in the KHSAA. The teams like Collins, PRP, Fairview, and a very long list of teams from the past who were good enough to be champions but they run into a juggernaut like Highlands or Trinity who run their program like a college. This is not a put down of either of those programs but do we really need teams good enough to be nationally ranked and what do we accomplish from it except to have the same champion just about every year. Not every team in this state can match what teams like this do for a whole host of different reasons. Sometimes I think we take things like high school football way to serious and I don't see a need to run a program like this is the NFL or NCAA or something. I say give all the kids and schools a fair and even shot. Why not win with just good coaching and the talent your school has to offer rather then overpower people with depth and talent. You can argue with me all day till the sun goes down and your blue in the face but it wont change my opinion on this subject. A team like mine in eastern kentucky with a low population has zero chance to ever match the numbers and talent level of those kind of teams and therefore have just as good a chance of ever being a champion, "period"!!!

I understand your frustration. However, if you don't have a goal to strive for you will never get better. Trinity and Highlands are the goal. You actually played Highlands and now know what it takes to win state.

You can not get better in the state in football without competition. If you made all the competition equal, everyone would suffer. The competition would be meaningless.

There are some great teams in the state and be thankful. Strive to beat those teams. Competition is what makes a team and eventually a state successful athletically.

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