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Has Romney trapped Obama into keeping Biden on his ticket?
What say you? Has Romney and his supporters painted Obama into a corner where he had no choice but to saddle his campaign with Joe Biden? Will Romney, Ryan, and their surrogates finally take off the gloves and make Biden a serious campaign issue during and after the Democrats' convention in Charlotte? I suspect that they will.

Will Obama and Biden squeal like stuck pigs when Biden receives a touch of what they dished out to Palin in 2008? Of course they will. Confusednicker:
Has Hoot gave up on his prediction that Obama will keep Biden, and looking for an out?
TheRealVille Wrote:Has Hoot gave up on his prediction that Obama will keep Biden, and looking for an out?
I don't think that I predicted that Obama would ditch Biden, but I do remember saying that I thought there was a good chance that he would do so.

I also remember saying that Republicans should start publicly predicting that Obama would replace him with Hillary to take that option away. In case you missed it, that is exactly what happened. To add insult to injury, Sarah Palin even urged Obama to replace Biden on the ticket. The time to spring the trap is approaching quickly. Confusednicker:

Do you think that Biden is or ever was ready to be the most powerful man in the world?
Mr. Romney and the Republicans will not be as nice as they were when Sen. McCain was running in 2008
nky Wrote:Mr. Romney and the Republicans will not be as nice as they were when Sen. McCain was running in 2008

I certainly hope they take a harder line.
Romney is a tactful guy. I look forward to Obama and Biden having to deal with him and Ryan over the next couple of months. I would like to see it come to the point where Obama has to ditch Biden. If he does, it will show how bad the campaign is struggling. If not...well, it's Biden. He will find some way or another to screw up.
WideRight05 Wrote:Romney is a tactful guy. I look forward to Obama and Biden having to deal with him and Ryan over the next couple of months. I would like to see it come to the point where Obama has to ditch Biden. If he does, it will show how bad the campaign is struggling. If not...well, it's Biden. He will find some way or another to screw up.
If Obama ditches Biden now, he might as well concede the race. That is why Romney's campaign needs to move Biden to #2 on the list of issues - right behind the economy and jobs.

The selection of Biden is the perfect illustration of Obama's poor decision making and he will be joined to Biden at the hip as Romney makes him a campaign issue. The prospect of a Biden presidency is even a scarier prospect that another Obama term and Romney and Ryan need to play that card early and often.
hoot is possessed with biden
vector Wrote:hoot is possessed with biden
Wow, vector! I am genuinely impressed. You managed to spell possessed correctly. The word that you were looking for was obsessed, but at least you did not misspell the wrong word. Great job for a clone!

(If I was possessed with Biden's spirit, I would sound as stupid as you write and I would be voting for Obama.)
i can't wait biden will make ryan look dumb in a debate
TRV/WC23/Vector, why do you feel the need to make multiple accounts and make yourself, or better yet, make liberals look stupid because of your lack of typing skills?

Obama looks stupid enough to the country as it is right now. He doesn't need anybody else making him look worse.
WideRight05 Wrote:TRV/WC23/Vector, why do you feel the need to make multiple accounts and make yourself, or better yet, make liberals look stupid because of your lack of typing skills?

Obama looks stupid enough to the country as it is right now. He doesn't need anybody else making him look worse.

DA look at the JOIN DATE OCT 2006 :dontthink
And that's why it took you five years to make a post? You're not fooling anybody, TRV/WC23.
vector Wrote:i can't wait biden will make ryan look dumb in a debate

That will be a first. Biden usually makes himself look dumb.
benchwarmer Wrote:that will be a first. Biden usually makes himself look dumb.

ryan been in congress since 1998 he's got a long record look it up see what's he voted for
vector Wrote:hoot is possessed with biden

Your post just keep getting better.

You have got to be Joe Biden.
vector Wrote:ryan been in congress since 1998 he's got a long record look it up see what's he voted for
Let's see what kind of comedy tapes that the Romney super-pacs can put together of Biden's greatest gaffes. You are about to see how effective ridicule can be in a campaign when a candidate is completely deserving of ridicule. Confusednicker:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Wow.
Your post just keep getting better.

You have got to be Joe Biden.
He and the other clones are here to make Biden look smart.
[YOUTUBE="Lest we forget these pearls"]7VAzOIT4Ef8[/YOUTUBE]
[YOUTUBE="But wait.."]HWlSX9TT2eo[/YOUTUBE]
WideRight05 Wrote:TRV/WC23/Vector, why do you feel the need to make multiple accounts and make yourself, or better yet, make liberals look stupid because of your lack of typing skills?

Obama looks stupid enough to the country as it is right now. He doesn't need anybody else making him look worse.

Your an idiot.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:You're an idiot.

At least I'm one idiot and not multiple idiots. Confusednicker:
WideRight05 Wrote:At least I'm one idiot and not multiple idiots. Confusednicker:

Well you got half of that right.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Well you got half of that right.

You change the post from "you're an idiot" to "clone accounts," and back to "you're an idiot" when I quote you on it.
WideRight05 Wrote:You change the post from "you're an idiot" to "clone accounts," and back to "you're an idiot" when I quote you on it.

I felt it was unsuitable. But since you quoted it i changed it back,.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I felt it was unsuitable. But since you quoted it i changed it back,.

Not at all. Say what you think.
WideRight05 Wrote:Not at all. Say what you think.

I think i have to get up at 4AM and go to Charleston. So we shall continue this tomorrow.
vector Wrote:i can't wait biden will make ryan look dumb in a debate

vector---, Biden couldn't even make you look dumb in a debate. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:vector---, Biden couldn't even make you look dumb in a debate. :biggrin: about setting a low bar. :hilarious:

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