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I thought I knew where I stood until....

I became a member of this site and began posting on this board, lol.

Y'all are great and this stuff is so fun and stress relieving. It also helps a person to know exactly what they believe.

I have always thought that I was a Blue Dog Democrat, but I can never find out exactly what they believe, so I am afraid to say it, lol.

I am that rare, weird breed of person that is Socially Conservative and fiscally moderate, but actually cares about the environment and social justice.

What does that make me other than confused, lol.
LWC Wrote:..................

I became a member of this site and began posting on this board, lol.

Y'all are great and this stuff is so fun and stress relieving. It also helps a person to know exactly what they believe.

I have always thought that I was a Blue Dog Democrat, but I can never find out exactly what they believe, so I am afraid to say it, lol.

I am that rare, weird breed of person that is Socially Conservative and fiscally moderate, but actually cares about the environment and social justice. What does that make me other than confused, lol.

By environment, are you saying global warming?
^No. More like a fan of recycling, I don't litter, etc...
LWC Wrote:^No. More like a fan of recycling, I don't litter, etc...

Everybody ought to be like that. But, if I may ask, what is social justice?
It can mean different things to different people. To me, it is the idea of creating an egalitarian society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being. (Borrowed from Google but edited).

I do not believe in equal rights for people that choose to live contrary to natural standards. (Homosexual, transsexual, self-deformed, etc...) That person has chosen to change the naturalness of their life, so they are exempt from my definition of social justice.

I believe in the equality of OPPORTUNITY, not forced outcome. I believe that women, blacks, international-born (but citizens of USA), etc... deserve an equal opportunity to be hired for any job they are qualified for. However, not a forced outcome. Why should a company be forced to hire 1 black, 1 Asian, 1 female, etc... Why not just allow a business to hire who they feel is the best?

Also, for the poor. One of the most cherished and sought-after aspects of America for people outside the country is that it doesn't matter what your life situation is, you can rise out of it.

Does that help?
LWC Wrote:It can mean different things to different people. To me, it is the idea of creating an egalitarian society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being. (Borrowed from Google but edited).

I do not believe in equal rights for people that choose to live contrary to natural standards. (Homosexual, transsexual, self-deformed, etc...) That person has chosen to change the naturalness of their life, so they are exempt from my definition of social justice.

I believe in the equality of OPPORTUNITY, not forced outcome. I believe that women, blacks, international-born (but citizens of USA), etc... deserve an equal opportunity to be hired for any job they are qualified for. However, not a forced outcome. Why should a company be forced to hire 1 black, 1 Asian, 1 female, etc... Why not just allow a business to hire who they feel is the best?

Also, for the poor. One of the most cherished and sought-after aspects of America for people outside the country is that it doesn't matter what your life situation is, you can rise out of it.

Does that help?

Wow! I guess that brings us right back to the confused part. If you're slamming affirmative action, "forced outcome", we're on the same page on that one.
LWC Wrote:..................

I became a member of this site and began posting on this board, lol.

Y'all are great and this stuff is so fun and stress relieving. It also helps a person to know exactly what they believe.

I have always thought that I was a Blue Dog Democrat, but I can never find out exactly what they believe, so I am afraid to say it, lol.

I am that rare, weird breed of person that is Socially Conservative and fiscally moderate, but actually cares about the environment and social justice.

What does that make me other than confused, lol.

About like 80% of the people in this country. As far as Blue Dog Democrat, the national democrat party decided years ago they don't want or need you anymore and the republicans are just to stupid to win you over.
LWC Wrote:It can mean different things to different people. To me, it is the idea of creating an egalitarian society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being. (Borrowed from Google but edited).

I do not believe in equal rights for people that choose to live contrary to natural standards. (Homosexual, transsexual, self-deformed, etc...) That person has chosen to change the naturalness of their life, so they are exempt from my definition of social justice.

I believe in the equality of OPPORTUNITY, not forced outcome. I believe that women, blacks, international-born (but citizens of USA), etc... deserve an equal opportunity to be hired for any job they are qualified for. However, not a forced outcome. Why should a company be forced to hire 1 black, 1 Asian, 1 female, etc... Why not just allow a business to hire who they feel is the best?

Also, for the poor. One of the most cherished and sought-after aspects of America for people outside the country is that it doesn't matter what your life situation is, you can rise out of it.

Does that help?

You sound like a compassionate conservative to me. Conservatives believe in an absolute duty to help those who cannot help themselves. However, that compassion does not extend to those who, although they are able-bodied, refuse to help themselves preferring to live off the rest of society. Conservatives have no duty to them.
As for me i believe this entire country along with all political parties have gone to shit.
It's going to take this country completely falling apart or another civile war, although not in the same fashion, or a citizen uprising to fix it.
Anything less and we'll be stuck with the same career politicians and bad presidents.

All of these things sound bad.
So, long story short, i dont think it can be fixed.
I honestly believe we'll see another world war in our lifetime, but the difference is this war wont be about control, power, or land as have all other wars, this one will be about money...

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