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What would happen if...
Below is a video showing barack obama announcing the 2012 launch of "African Americans for obama" for his campaign. I am going to post a link to the video below.

Obviously, this hasn't made any major national news. But what would happen if Mitt Romney were to make a video like this announcing the launch of "White Americans for Romney" as part of his campaign?
I wish he would. Romney needs to fight fire with fire. Its sick to see the president throwing attention toward one race for votes. How about Americans for Obama.
WideRight05 Wrote:But what would happen if Mitt Romney were to make a video like this announcing the launch of "White Americans for Romney" as part of his campaign?

Fox would think it was great, MSNBC would think it was awful, and the rest of the news broadcasts would have all kinds of people saying all kinds of crazy stuff about it to pump up ratings.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I wish he would. Romney needs to fight fire with fire. Its sick to see the president throwing attention toward one race for votes. How about Americans for Obama.

I have always said that the dems are the party of special interests and minorities. It's largely just a strategy to stay or get into power. The idea is if one can get most of the votes attributable to special interest groups such as gays, animal rights advocates, LABOR, global warming/green agenda kooks, social justice/socially liberal minded etc., plus all the ethnic minorities, hispanic, black, indian, anything OTHER than white. Put all those folks together and you will be able to outnumber the white voting base. In the end, it's dollars for votes. The republicans thusly find themselves in a bind because to call out the hypocrisy will cause all those involved in the entitlement feeding frenzy to become upset with them. Not a good situation for the caucasian crowd, who the republicans are identified with. Reverse discrimination in hyperdrive.
TheRealThing Wrote:I have always said that the dems are the party of special interests and minorities. It's largely just a strategy to stay or get into power. The idea is if one can get most of the votes attributable to special interest groups such as gays, animal rights advocates, LABOR, global warming/green agenda kooks, social justice/socially liberal minded etc., plus all the ethnic minorities, hispanic, black, indian, anything OTHER than white. Put all those folks together and you will be able to outnumber the white voting base. In the end, it's dollars for votes. The republicans thusly find themselves in a bind because to call out the hypocrisy will cause all those involved in the entitlement feeding frenzy to become upset with them. Not a good situation for the caucasian crowd, who the republicans are identified with. Reverse discrimination in hyperdrive.
Glad to know the republicans are the party of the whites. :eyeroll: That makes my stance easier.
This country would explode..
TheRealThing Wrote:I have always said that the dems are the party of special interests and minorities. It's largely just a strategy to stay or get into power. The idea is if one can get most of the votes attributable to special interest groups such as gays, animal rights advocates, LABOR, global warming/green agenda kooks, social justice/socially liberal minded etc., plus all the ethnic minorities, hispanic, black, indian, anything OTHER than white. Put all those folks together and you will be able to outnumber the white voting base. In the end, it's dollars for votes. The republicans thusly find themselves in a bind because to call out the hypocrisy will cause all those involved in the entitlement feeding frenzy to become upset with them. Not a good situation for the caucasian crowd, who the republicans are identified with. Reverse discrimination in hyperdrive.
You are a democrat, correct?
TheRealVille Wrote:Glad to know the republicans are the party of the whites. :eyeroll: That makes my stance easier.

let be guess (you have a stance aganist whites-)---RACIST,BIGOT or something else?
the other guy Wrote:let be guess (you have a stance aganist whites-)---RACIST,BIGOT or something else?
No, I have a stance against racists though.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, I have a stance against racists though.

So if I believe that this strategy of dividing the country by the democrats is doing exactly that --dividing the country-- I'm a racists? I guess we would also disagree on things like hate crime laws. I would say that murder of a black person in the same as murder of a white person. They are both murder. I guess we would also disagree on affirmitive action. I would think that the most quantified person gets the job. I know we disagree on unions, nothing in this country in more misused than unions. Yes I have worked on a union job and watched a bunch of sorry asses shut down a good mine putting about 200 of their socalled brothers out of work.

And why don't you reply to the post. Would this country and all its political correctness allow a group of whites for anything?

So therealthing's post is correct The democrats are buying america one special interest at a time. But I think it won't be long untill all these groups turn on each other. That does not include unions of course hey have proved in the past that they will support democrats no matter how stupid it is(exc.Paul Patton for governor) one of th largest non-union coal operators in east Ky at the time. And if you think that made any sense ask any disabled miner about HOUSE BILL ONE.
the other guy Wrote:So if I believe that this strategy of dividing the country by the democrats is doing exactly that --dividing the country-- I'm a racists? I guess we would also disagree on things like hate crime laws. I would say that murder of a black person in the same as murder of a white person. They are both murder. I guess we would also disagree on affirmitive action. I would think that the most quantified person gets the job. I know we disagree on unions, nothing in this country in more misused than unions. Yes I have worked on a union job and watched a bunch of sorry asses shut down a good mine putting about 200 of their socalled brothers out of work.

And why don't you reply to the post. Would this country and all its political correctness allow a group of whites for anything?

So therealthing's post is correct The democrats are buying america one special interest at a time. But I think it won't be long untill all these groups turn on each other. That does not include unions of course hey have proved in the past that they will support democrats no matter how stupid it is(exc.Paul Patton for governor) one of th largest non-union coal operators in east Ky at the time. And if you think that made any sense ask any disabled miner about HOUSE BILL ONE.
The republicans, party of "no" aren't dividing the country? My post was in reference to TRT's "republicans are the party of white". Paul Patton has been a great governor. Republicans should love him, he is a very conservative fiscally democrat. Of course, you are exactly like a lot of other republicans, no matter how conservative they are, if they are democrats, you are against them.
TheRealVille Wrote:The republicans, party of "no" aren't dividing the country? My post was in reference to TRT's "republicans are the party of white". Paul Patton has been a great governor. Republicans should love him, he is a very conservative fiscally democrat. Of course, you are exactly like a lot of other republicans, no matter how conservative they are, if they are democrats, you are against them.

I stated my position on hate crimes, affirmative action, and unions. Your reply is I'm just like all republicans. You sir are like some liberals I know not all when you can not discuss the merits of your points you try to belittle your opponent.

How about stating your views on the above subjects?
the other guy Wrote:I stated my position on hate crimes, affirmative action, and unions. Your reply is I'm just like all republicans. You sir are like some liberals I know not all when you can not discuss the merits of your points you try to belittle your opponent.

How about stating your views on the above subjects?
Well, I work union, I don't like hate crimes, and as soon as affirmative action isn't needed, we should do away with it.
TheRealVille Wrote:Well, I work union, I don't like hate crimes, and as soon as affirmative action isn't needed, we should do away with it.

I knew you could do it. Now keep it up.
TheRealVille Wrote:Glad to know the republicans are the party of the whites. :eyeroll: That makes my stance easier.

There you go again, creating a diversion. If whites were not the predominant race in America please explain how the other racial groups can be called minority groups? Similarly, using the tactic of creating a smoke screen to hide behind, the dems never could adress the concerns of the tea partiers without looking like a bunch of socialists, so they resorted to referring to them as right wing extremists. This, according to Chuck Schumer's open mic scandal, during which he freely admitted the latest DNC attack strategy (at the time) against the tea party was to "ALWAYS refer to them as right wing extremists." This strategy of figuring out some tag to put on a person or a group, to damage their credibility only works with the pond skippers. Anybody who thinks for themselves laugh at these shallow and childish efforts to divert attention away from the actual issue/issues. The real issues were that the tea party candidates swept the 2010 election cycle, and, the decmocrats have no answer for the issues the tea party activists have raised, and that fact has remained true even to this day. And FWIW, the dems think they have successfully quelled the tea party movement, of course, when one lives in 'Wonderland' it's easy to just believe whatever one wants to.

In short, all you have managed to insert into a legitimate conversation is another pathetic and threadbare ploy, right out of the liberal play book, the race card. Nothing more complex than that. Like I said, in the end, it's votes for dollars. The US treasury will not sustain the hopes and dreams of the liberal any longer. The truth is we spend too much, and that largely is because we give away too much. It's over, and it doesn't matter who wins the election this year. One way or another, it's all coming to a grinding halt. The money is gone and the dems are desperate, the vote buying pendulum has swung as far left as it can and now it inevitably begins it's swing back to the right.

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