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Taker Returns
Undertaker returned just as Triple H was going to fire John Laurinaitis.
Manias looking good..

Sheamus - Bryan/whoever
Yee Haw!
The Undertaker saved John Laurinaitis!

^ you actually want him ?

He's all for the bad guys and he was gonna screw your favorite wrestler out of his world title.

Come to think of titles, I really can't stand Daniel Bryan he weasels his way out of everything
He's a hilarious character tho.
Strikeout King Wrote:^ you actually want him ?

He's all for the bad guys and he was gonna screw your favorite wrestler out of his world title.

Come to think of titles, I really can't stand Daniel Bryan he weasels his way out of everything

It's a work SK:Shaking:
I hope Undertaker sticks around after WM. I figure after Mark Henry gets finished putting the Big Show into the Hall of Pain, Undertaker and Kane would make a nice double induction into the H of P.
Mark Henry is busy NOT winning Titles Big Grin
I like the twinkle John has in his eye.
I like that Triple H didnt act scared like Takers opponents usually do when he "returns" (this makes only about the 1000 time he has returned from the dead lol) but Triple H stared at him, watched his every move, then patted him on the shoulder like "lol good to see ya big fella"
J-Rod Wrote:He's a hilarious character tho.

^He gets a HUGE reaction too.
K_Mac Wrote:I like that Triple H didnt act scared like Takers opponents usually do when he "returns" (this makes only about the 1000 time he has returned from the dead lol) but Triple H stared at him, watched his every move, then patted him on the shoulder like "lol good to see ya big fella"

I didn't like his reaction because he is like a few other wrestlers in the past who refuse to "sell" anything for other wrestlers. His ego kills me. Besides, I don't like him because he looks like Dogg the Bounty Hunter.

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