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Texan Hunting Laws
Texan Hunting Laws

A Coloradan and a Texan were hunting in the Hill Country when an illegal
alien runs across the field.

The Texan takes careful aim, shoots, and kills him.

"You can't do that!" cried the Coloradan.

"No, no, it's legal here in Texas" replies the Texan.

Later that night the Coloradan goes and buys some beer and puts it on the
roof of his truck to open the door.
Just then an illegal alien runs by, grabs the beer, and runs away.
The Coloradan thinks "No problem" draws his pistol, shoots, and kills him.

As he is getting his beer the police come and arrest him.

"But I thought it was legal to shoot illegal aliens here in Texas!" protests

the Coloradan.

"Well yeah," says the cop, "but you can't use bait."
^ lol
Lol Greatness.

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