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Belfry Middle School
"DortonWildcat5" Wrote:An no one is going anywhere they are happy where they are at, great kids, great parents, support is great from the administration, and the fan support is getting better and better.Confusederved:

I don't understand this part of the response. Who said anything about anyone going anywhere? Who got served?[/QUOTE]

Wasn't referring to you at all and sorry if it seemed that way. I was referring to the thread starter.
Yeah, I understand now. Sorry for the confusion. Good luck against JCMS.
NEXT, I knew you couldn't resist a comment but I got a few facts for you.

The BMS coach, his staff, his family, and Mr. Hurley could be the most disliked people at Belfry high that I have ever seen, even Coach Holcomb from Breathitt is liked more than those guys. The football staff cringes when they walk in and Mr. Varney runs the other way when he sees those guys.

Coach Casey didn't want the BMS staff as coaches so how did they get the job? He wanted Coach Israel Howard or Coach Lequire, not you and your cronies. They should know that now though with Coach Casey jumping on them for kicking one of the most talented players off your team so the BMS coach can undermine him, but guess what he will be playing JV ball and practicing with the HS team for the rest of the year.

You say BMS will punish people next Strothers, Harriston, and Hill will be playing freshman ball because the BMS coaches cannot develop talent....they have the 2nd most talent in the county now and cannot win.

Last the BMS staff and his family family sat in behind the bench to let people know they run basketball around here, well guess what they don't.

Have a nice day.
Go Big Red,

I don't know where you are getting your info from as far as Lequire or Howard being the choice for the Middle School job. Lequire is the freshman coach and Howard is the JV coach on the high school level. I think those guys are happy filling those roles and I think Coach Casey is happy with the job they are doing. The middle school team got better as the year went along and if not for some injuries would have had a much better record than they do. The main problem is the kids that came to the middle school this year from the Belfry feeder schools were so poorly coached in the past that the staff at the middle school has been playing catch up fundamentally...not ALL the kids...but the vast majority didn't know how to jumpstop, or pivot, or make a fundamentally sound pass. From talking to the high school staff, I think Coach Casey is happy with the progress that has been made this season. I am sure he probably wasn't happy with the middle school staff's behavior on the bench a few times, but that will get better too. These guys are young coaches and they are learning just like the players are.
As far as bringing a middle school player up for the remainder of the year after he has been kicked off the middle school team..knowing Coach Casey and the way he runs HIS program...that won't be happening. As far as the middle school coach underming the high school...I don't see that...I think they sit behind the bvench at the high school games for two show support for the high school team and the coaches...and to possibly learn something from listening to the coaches talk and interact with the players.
"GoBigRed" Wrote:NEXT, I knew you couldn't resist a comment but I got a few facts for you.

The BMS coach, his staff, his family, and Mr. Hurley could be the most disliked people at Belfry high that I have ever seen, even Coach Holcomb from Breathitt is liked more than those guys. The football staff cringes when they walk in and Mr. Varney runs the other way when he sees those guys.

Coach Casey didn't want the BMS staff as coaches so how did they get the job? He wanted Coach Israel Howard or Coach Lequire, not you and your cronies. They should know that now though with Coach Casey jumping on them for kicking one of the most talented players off your team so the BMS coach can undermine him, but guess what he will be playing JV ball and practicing with the HS team for the rest of the year.

You say BMS will punish people next Strothers, Harriston, and Hill will be playing freshman ball because the BMS coaches cannot develop talent....they have the 2nd most talent in the county now and cannot win.

Last the BMS staff and his family family sat in behind the bench to let people know they run basketball around here, well guess what they don't.

Have a nice day.

#1 You're retarded.
#2 You're biting off more than you can chew.
#3 Strothers, Hairston, and Hill will only play freshman ball if it doesn't interfere with middle school ball.
#4 Do not refer to me in one of your ignorant post again....ever.

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